Various statistics gathered from the data of this website in real time.

General statistics

Note: These statistics apply only to files that are currently available on this site. Obsolete movies are not counted (and thus, the actual amount of transferred data is much larger than indicated below), and neither are rejected or canceled submissions.
  • Published movies: 3561
  • Total movies (including obsoleted): 6035
  • Submitted movies: 9128
  • Published movie average rerecord count: 236973

Movie data

Longest movies

Shortest movies

Most rerecords

Fewest rerecords

Largest rerecords-per-movie-length ratio

Smallest rerecords-per-movie-length ratio

Longest-non-obsoleted movies

Text data

Movies with longest descriptions

Movies with shortest descriptions

Movies with longest descriptions in submission entry

Rating data

Note: Only movies with at least 5 votes are listed.

Highest average rating

Lowest average rating

Most rated movies

Lowest number of ratings


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MovieStatistics last edited by Memory on 4/10/2022 6:59 PM
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