Tool-assisted movies (4)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/25/2008
This is the second and last true Mario game for the original Gameboy. It has unique power ups like carrots and bubbles and allows the player to go through each of the worlds in any order. It also features the first appearance of Wario, who would become a staple character for Nintendo.
This run was made on the Japanese version because it allows for a trick to save time during boss fights. Much of the other time saved comes from careful lag management.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 10/14/2008
This is the second and last true Mario game for the original Gameboy. It has unique power ups like carrots and bubbles and allows the player to go through each of the worlds in any order. It also features the first appearance of Wario, who would become a staple character for Nintendo.
This run works on both the Japanese and USA/Europe versions.
This is a 1 minute 14 second improvement over the author's previous attempt. Details on improvements can be found in the author's submission text.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/8/2010
This is the second and last true Mario game for the original Game Boy. It has unique power ups like carrots and bubbles and allows the player to go through each of the worlds in any order. It also features the first appearance of Wario, who would become a staple character for Nintendo.
This is a massive 2 minute and 40 second improvement over the previous movie. The improvements in this movie were largely due to two new tricks: the pixel trick and the pipe glitch. Both saved enormous amounts of time during the run. Details on the improvements can be found in the author's submission text.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 1/14/2011
This is the second and last true Mario game for the original Gameboy. It has unique power ups like carrots and bubbles and allows the player to go through each of the worlds in any order. It also features the first appearance of Wario, who would become a staple character for Nintendo.
This run is special, because it literally soils the game by causing a massive amount of total glitching, to skip almost the whole game, to destroy Wario's castle without even meeting him! And you thought Sonic was fast!

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Republication of movies from this site is only allowed under the following conditions:
  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
Do not label them with speculations. If unsure, ask the site staff for details.