Ratings for Marx


User has rated 1.4% (55 of 3887) of all non-obsoleted published movies.
User has rated more movies than 90.9% of users, and less than 8.8% of users. (0.1% same.)
The raters' top-30 (out of 934 users who have rated):

  1. 55.8%: Arc
  2. 34.8%: dart193
  3. 30.2%: InputEvelution
  4. 30.1%: CloakTheLurker
  5. 29.4%: adelikat
  6. 29.4%: Noxxa
  7. 28.4%: Dimon12321
  8. 26.7%: Memory
  9. 24.8%: IsraeliRD
  10. 23.0%: XTREMAL93
  11. 22.7%: Darkman425
  12. 19.5%: arkiandruski
  13. 19.3%: coconou
  14. 16.8%: CoolKirby
  15. 16.7%: g0goTBC
  16. 16.1%: EZGames69
  17. 13.9%: Niamek
  18. 10.9%: sgrunt
  19. 10.5%: FreshFeeling
  20. 10.5%: Cooljay
  21. 9.5%: Challenger
  22. 9.4%: alexheights1 & Mukki
  23. 9.2%: dekutony
  24. 8.6%: LoganTheTASer
  25. 8.3%: Spikestuff
  26. 8.2%: MarioUniverseZone
  27. 7.9%: arandomgameTASer & Dooty
  28. 7.9%: Walgrey

User: Marx

Publication TitleValue Is Obsolete
N64 Mischief Makers by Comicalflop in 55:04.28 10 No
Arcade Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter "Playaround" by SDR in 21:05.05 10 No
Arcade Ghouls 'n Ghosts by Xipo in 13:18.18 10 No
SNES Mega Man X & Mega Man X2 & Mega Man X3 "300%" by agwawaf in 43:51.02 10 No
NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" by HappyLee in 04:57.31 10 No
NES Gimmick! "100%" by Aglar & Hotarubi in 07:44.45 10 No
N64 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask by MrGrunz in 1:29:32.02 9.3 No
NES Metroid "low%" by Lord_Tom in 11:08.78 9 No
NES Rygar by Lord_Tom in 05:23.14 9 No
PSX Mega Man X4 "X, all items" by sparky in 39:45.00 8.7 No
SNES Lethal Weapon by Cooljay in 19:18.27 8.7 No
SNES Metroid Super ZeroMission by Cpadolf in 20:43.28 8.7 No
NES Gradius by adelikat in 10:52.35 8.7 No
DS Sonic Colors by VanillaCoke in 26:37.80 8.3 No
GBA Sonic Advance "Sonic, no Ultraspindash" by Mukki in 13:17.22 8.3 No
N64 Super Mario 64 "all 120 stars" by mkdasher, Nahoc, sonicpacker, Jesus, Kaylee, MoltovM, SilentSlayers, snark, ToT, Bauru, Eru, Goronem, Mokkori, Nothing693 & pasta in 1:20:41.52 8.3 No
SNES Battletoads in Battlemaniacs "2 players" by Dooty in 18:19.75 8.3 No
DS Mega Man ZX Advent "100%" by hellagels & red-crowned-crane in 1:33:22.76 8.3 No
GBA The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Palace of the Four Sword" by Tompa & Yuzuhara_3 in 05:16.73 8.1 No
SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past by Tompa in 1:16:11.05 8 No
Genesis Golden Axe "1 player" by Mukki in 07:01.95 8 No
Wii Mega Man 10 "Bass, Hard Mode" by diggidoyo in 28:18.25 8 No
Arcade Mercs "3 players" by DarkKobold in 10:23.03 8 No
NES The Uncanny X-Men "2 players" by goofydylan8 in 05:05.81 8 No
Genesis Gain Ground "2 players" by oneeighthundred in 11:40.57 8 No
Arcade Ghosts 'n Goblins by Ferret_Warlord in 06:27.17 8 No
NES Front Line by illayaya in 02:38.97 8 No
NES Terminator 2: Judgment Day by goofydylan8 in 11:52.56 8 No
SNES Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 "playaround" by SDR, Thevlackdemonn2294 & Dark_Noob in 30:28.38 8 No
Arcade Dragon Unit "1 player" by NitroGenesis in 02:35.85 7.9 No
DOS Avoid the Noid by turska & Ilari in 03:33.52 7.3 No
GB Super Mario Land "hard mode" by MUGG in 12:14.77 7.3 No
NES Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? by Bobo the King in 2:01:54.05 7.3 No
DOS Castle Adventure by Ilari & Truncated in 00:19.45 6.9 No
GBA Kirby & the Amazing Mirror by MUGG in 23:33.54 6.7 No
NES Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom by Rum in 11:08.73 6.7 No
NES Back to the Future Part II & III by GlitchMan in 1:14:24.25 6.3 No
DOS Commander Keen: Episode 4 - Secret of the Oracle by turska in 10:28.28 6.3 No
GBC Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure by tetora_X in 58:25.63 6 No
GBA Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge "best ending" by mtvf1 in 2:42:33.10 6 No
Arcade Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters "Search for Wily!, 2 players" by Marx in 04:48.05 6 No
NES Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 by X2poet in 14:52.53 6 No
NES Disney's TaleSpin by Thorning in 17:18.02 6 No
DOS SkyRoads: Xmas Special by Ilari in 12:08.03 6 No
NES Air Fortress by tool23 in 41:04.31 6 No
NES Clu Clu Land "2 players" by pdk in 11:06.17 5 No
NES Silver Surfer by Skaad & HardCoreMangeur in 29:45.41 5 No
SGB Crayon Shin-chan 4: Ora no Itazura Daihenshin by adelikat in 07:15.82 5 No
NES Fire 'n Ice by Randil in 1:03:26.33 5 No
GBA The Wild by TASeditor in 28:39.05 5 No