Published on 4/29/2012
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a classic Game Boy Zelda adventure. Link must travel across the dream world of Koholint Island, collecting the 8 Instruments to wake the Wind Fish and go home after a terrible shipwreck.
bobmario511 (the author), however, realized that "Hey, I'm in a dream. That means I can do anything I want!" With that in mind, he embarks on a journey as the legendary hero THIEF to live out his wildest fantasies. Unfortunately, he would soon find out that this dream would end up being the worst nightmare of his life, traveling through a chaotic world devoid of any logic, meaning, or consistent appearance. Summoning the power of all of the allies he can get, our hero, BowWow, Marin, a ghost, and a flying rooster travel together to make sense of the nonsensical hell of Link's own imagination, collecting what he believes to be the 8 Instruments and Secret Seashells on their way.
To see a run of the "normal" completion of this game, see this movie by the same author.

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