Finally, the infamous Gradius run by adelikat!
(note that this run uses the (J) ROM but that it plays fine in the (U) rom. Either is fine for encoding purposes)
Gradius is an old and popular game that is well known in the TAS world for Morimoto's run. This run attempts to obsolete the run by a) pushing the playaround to more extreme levels and b) shortening the length of the run significantly (which also provides more entertainment by being less repetitive). Also, it attempts to be faster in each section than both of Diman's 13:15 and 13:25 submissions.

Details about the goals:


1) Maximize speed upgrades as early as possible 2) Aims for maximizing entertainment in a "playaround" aspect. 3) Aims for fastest time possible whenever it doesn't sacrifice 1) or 2)

Overall Aim:

The goal is to take a game with this kind of speed potential and push it to the limit. This allows me to create a run where the on screen animation becomes a visual pattern resulting in the less & less importance on the game itself. The run transcends the usual gaming logic and becomes a sort of abstract art. The run becomes something unique and emphasizes the potential for TASes to truly be considered art.


This run is 3min 17 sec faster than Morimoto's. Here is the details of how this was achieved:
  • Warping
In Morimoto's run and both of Diman's submissions, they used only 1 warp. That is the one that result from destroying a boss quick enough. I discovered that you can in fact warp twice by using the level 1 and level 3 warps. This shaves almost 2 minutes from the movie, and greatly reduces the repetitiveness of the game. To warp to level 3 from level 1 you need to destroy 4 hatches while your thousands digit of your score is even. To warp to level 5 from level 3, you need to destroy at least 10 stone heads. I tried using the quick boss destruction to warp yet again from lv5 to lv7 but it does not work. (I tried variations where I do not kill the level 1 & level 3 enemies and kill the lv5 one very quickly). Apparently only 2 warps are possible in the game.
I believe this route also adds entertainment by skipping level 4 instead of level 3. Level 4 is the same as level 1 except upside down. Skipping this level helps the run be less repetitive by having more level variety.
  • Mini-bosses
Each level has a mini-boss before the Main boss (with the blue eye in the center). Note that level 6 & 7 do not have a main boss. The mini-boss section is where the scrolling stops and you must avoid a particular kind of enemy for a set amount of time. Upgrading certain weapons will EXTEND this time by 256 increments. Therefore optimal upgrades are necessary for fastest time. Interestingly, this is where Diman loses the 10sec in his 13:25 movie.
  • Boss-fighting
The boss fights are the only parts of this game that aren't auto-scrolling based, so it is critical to minimize the length of them. The boss will become vulnerable at the earliest possible frame as long you do not fly behind him (which Morimoto did frequently). Flying behind him will slow him down and delay the vulnerability significantly (several hundred frames).
  • Sacrifices of speed for "entertainment value"
This run does not achieve the fastest possible time. However each instance of delaying the fastest time was carefully planned and considered. The following are situations that sacrifice speed and the calculations of each.
1) Maximizing speed upgrades. The irony is that max speed makes the run LONGER. Max speed means that the ship moves at 8 pixels per frame and has no acceleration or ability to slow down. As a result the boss fights are each about 10 frames longer due to the poor ability to aim when you are moving in 8 pixel chunks. The fast speed of the ship is really the whole point of this run so sacrificing 30 frames is certainly OK :)
2) Having both "options" (the orange balls that echo the ships movements) extends the mini-boss fights in level 3 & 5 for 256 frames each (512 total). Options are necessary in the designs & patterns that I create.
In level 5, having both options minimizes lag greatly saving about 150 frames, so there is only a net loss of about 100. In level 6, I find away to recover some of those 256 frames and manage to only lose about 150 net. Therefore, using options sacrifices about 250 frames (about 4sec) total. Given the value they add to my overall goals, this is a worthwhile sacrifice.
Also, having the options actually increases the length of the boss fights by a few frames since the ship's shots are a little slower due to having to place 3 on the screen instead of 1. This adds about 6 frames total to the run.


Morimoto's movie was not just a playaround of the game but a playaround with the concept of TASing and the new tools that allowed it; kind of a "proof of concept". It is only appropriate that it be obsoleted by a run that is also an experiment with new tools. To create this run, I used a "macro-editor. With this editor, I can create a series of button presses and put them together into a single command. This allows me to push one button to initiate very complex movement patterns. Writing my name "adelikat" for instance was a large programmed macro (well, 2 actually since there is a 256 frame limit to any one macro :P). I simply had to find a frame to start it that didn't result in the ship being destroyed. This feature also allows any button to be a "random" button. This allows for a more accurate way of attempting luck manipulation in certain sections of a movie. This feature is currently somewhat experimental and written by miau and can be found here.
This run is unique in that is uses every tool made for TASing. In addition to the macro editor, I used basicbot to play segments of level 7. I used cheat search, memory viewer, and memory watch to debug the game and find conditions for this bot to check as well as getting hp values for the lag-creating monsters in lv5 (a real bitch to find because the hp INCREASES instead of decreases, arg). I of course used frame-advance, and frame counter, read-only toggling, and just about every other "tool" for FCEU.

Special Thanks:

Many thanks to miau, who is as much responsible for the creation of this run as I. Miau patched together the above mentioned macro-editor, without which I would not have been able to do this. Also miau was indespensible with helping me learn to use basicbot & finding some ram addresses :)
Moozooh, cardboard, and JXQ who watched my wips and helped me make some crucial decisions. And also, they helped keep me motivated through this rather tedious TAS.
To Morimoto and Diman for their ideas and contributions to TASing gradius. Without Morimoto, I would have never thought to make a TAS of this game in the first place. Without Diman's two submissions, I would not have discovered the varying lengths of the mini-boss fights.


  • Plays on FCEU .16 with experimental macro editor patch
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses deaths
  • Abuses programming errors in the game (poor collision detection)
  • Uses warps

Level by Level description

This section provides a lot of "spoilers". It is recommended that you watch the run first and then read this to get clarity on what was going on.

Level 1

The main goal of this level is to get the 13 speed upgrades needed for maximum speed. Enemies are avoided except to kill the minimum necessary to get the most upgrades and to initiate the level warp. The warp to level 3 is caused by destroying 4 hatches (the things spitting out enemies) while the thousands digit of your score is even. In some cases, enemies are destroyed in order to get the right score. Other enemies are destroyed in order to cause the power-up enemies to appear.
In this level I try to show a preview of the potential of the macro editing feature. Certain small movement patterns are introduced that will be used later in more complex ways. Consider this level a "prelude".
In the mini-boss section (the volcano), I attempt, like Morimoto, to move about the screen avoiding the rocks. I try to push this to the extreme, playing with death as much as possible.

Level 3

To initiate the level skip, I must kill at least 10 of those stone heads. I felt it appropriate in this section to go for %100 kills since this is near impossible. Most of the heads can only be destroyed by setting up the "options" to be inside the head. At the end of this stone heads section you may notice a little message ;p Also, I play with the collision detection abuse that results from such a fast ship. I fly through some thin walls where it would normally be impossible.
I upgrade to 2 options and missle. Double,laser or shield extends the length of the mini boss fight and are avoided. I use the mini boss section to simply move about in circular patterns and orbit the enemies as tight as possible. Also, I am pushing the movement patterns to more complex shapes and trying to build up the overall intensity.

Level 5

The beginning of this level is not lag, but rather me artificially slowing down the ship by putting in 1 frame delays between each button press. I felt that the speed of the ship was "wearing off" and I did this to restore that feeling of "OMG that ship if fast!".
This level has the infamous lag-creating 2-armed monsters in it. Here, I attempt to destroy the ones that create lag as soon as possible to minimize lag. Here I had to make a sacrifice in speed. By having both "options" it extends the mini-boss section by 256 frames. But not having them would mean defeating them much slower, increasing lag. I estimate about 150 extra frames of lag would be caused by not getting the options. But of course they are crucial to most of my complex ship patterns. In addition, the length of the mini-boss fight isn't perceivable and therefore doesn't look "bad". While lag is definitely noticeable and would make the run look more "sloppy".
I used the boss hp ram addresses to find the earliest frame that I can deliver damage, and to find the most efficient means of destruction. Note that lag only occurs when two "arms" are on the screen at once, the body has no effect. As a result I only kill the 2-armed variety as quick as possible. Actually, I managed to destroy them so fast that the lag is hardly noticeable (only about 2-3 lag frames per enemy). The one armed ones only need to be destroyed before then next creature appears. I hold off a little and allow the viewer to at least see the creature before it is destroyed. The ones with no arms are of no consequence so I simply avoid them or orbit around them.

Level 6

At first you may have thought the run desynced at the beginning, but in fact the death was intentional. Like the previous level, the boss would be extended by 256 frames if I have the options when the fight start. Surprisingly, dying only costs about 100 frames, giving my a approx 150 frame net savings. I felt the death is good because it keeps things interesting. You remember how slow the ship was, and re-upgrading helps keep the intensity of the movie going. There are more than enough power ups in this level to get max speed and 1 option (which I don't "turn on" until after the boss fight starts). During the level, I play with the poor collision detection by flying through segments of the "spider-web" stuff in the level.
At the boss, I demonstrate that you can shoot a space in the web underneath the entrance and not be harmed by the boss. I only demonstrate this for a short time before I bust through and fly around the boss's bullets :). At the end of the boss fight, he begins to explode in a grid-like fashion of tile removal. Notice how a manage to speeze through these sections and pass through the boss before he is done exploding.

Level 7

Finally, I don't have to worry about which upgrades I get. I upgrade to double and laser in this level just to try to show off these weapons a little. From the beginning of the entrance way to the final hallway was mostly played by a bot. I use basicbot (programmed into FCEU by luke) to create a sequence of random directions. With the proper set up, I was able to get the program to spit out random directions while still avoiding death and gradually moving left & right in a chaos-like pattern.
The boss requires nothing but waiting and not smashing into it. As a result, I see no reason to record input there. So I try to find the earliest frame that I can end the movie and still float into the room and complete the game. In this case, I think the early stopping creates more excitement and extra entertainment value :)
I achieve such an early input stop by using the shield (which is conveniently off screen ;) By using the shield, I am able to stop input much earlier since the ship can absorb 5 bullets.
Wow, long submission text, I hope you enjoyed :)

Bisqwit: Submission file updated.

Truncated: Accepted because of overwhelming user feedback.

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Hmm, I have this sudden urge to go and eat at Joe's... Yes vote.
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Guybrush wrote:
Hmm, I have this sudden urge to go and eat at Joe's...
Hehe, the master plan is coming together. *Signs 6-figure endorsement deals with Joe's*
Hopper wrote:
100% kills would be more interesting than spinning around the enemies and letting them scroll off of the screen.
I think your opinion would be different if you saw a %100 kills run. Too much flying around a killing everything would get old as much as flying around avoiding everything. The key is that too much of anything is going to get old in a run of this length. I think the success this movie is having is that it continues to keep things fresh by doing different things and not letting any one idea get old. Think of the difference in thinking. A new ship appears in the game. In a %100 kills run you are thinking "well, he will probably fly real close to the ship, play with death a little and kill it". In my run you don't know if I will kill it, circle around it, spell out words & ignore it, or even just smash right into it ;) It is that uncertainty that keep a viewer more engaged in the run.
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On second watch, there are a few things that I didn't like as much. The first level would look better if it started playing as a "normal" speedrunner to trick people, much like Morimoto did. You go too much in small circles on that level, too. Killing a few ships more (specially at start) would also have been nice. You don't have to rush too soon on your godly speed. The sudden death also breaks all the rythm of the movie. I can understand leveling up again the ship and how it becomes faster, but it looks ugly. Maybe you could act like a top ace avoiding a missing shot, and then be killed by it moving backwards once you have long passed it, I don't know. : / Voting yes anyways because the rest of the movie is so awesome.
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So, does this movie complete the game? After he crashes into the brain, he just starts back again until eventually getting a game over. Other than that this run is excellent. I wish there were a few more words you could have spelled out, but overall an awesome improvement to a historic movie.
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The submission file has been replaced and it completes the game now.
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Whoa! Amazing diversity. All these different tricks make each level a remarkable experience. Yes, said uncertainty is what keeps the tension. The death was a real shock at first, but put a smile on my lips a few moments later when I realized what was going on/that it was intentional. What a great moment! The name writing was, of course, another highlight, such as ending the input early. To me this run was kinda like a piece of classical music: - setting up a certain theme/mood in the first level - later, introducing new+different themes and working with them (developing intensity) :) - then... going completely nuts for the mighty recapitulation, wooo!! ;P
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Voting yes. Great improvement on an already great submission set.
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miau wrote:
To me this run was kinda like a piece of classical music:
I agree. Every TAS is a piece of art in its own regard. But this run just brought "art" to the next level. Beautiful. And shocking (that death came completely unexpected and felt like a desync for sure). Brilliant. A piece of art. Philip
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moozooh wrote:
First, it is much shorter. How often do you see an autoscroller improved by three minutes?
As I always said, this game could be improved by alot. Common people thought improvements were at bosses only. FALSE. Some times ago, I wanted to do it but...
xoinx wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
I recommend against trying to "improve" this movie. The author was not aiming for game clear speed. It's merely a demonstration of what happens when you have tons of speed upgrades.
Haha, interesting to know that adelikat managed to change Bisqwit's opinion on the game so much (compare with a post by Bisq in page 1) :P
and I think it's for that reason no one had tried to improve the Gradius run.
moozooh wrote:
How often do you see "EAT AT JOE'S" written in a speedrun?
Morrison wrote:
Also, I liked how you used the plane and options to spell out words :)
In my Gradius 2 WIP run, I also write letters. Since the ship doesn't go as fast then it wasn't evident and in final result, even me could hardly notice any letters. In this movie, the technique is imaginative and different than me. The letters are readable. Maybe it could be done in Gradius 2 too.
hopper wrote:
I still wish you had killed everything, but it definitely deserves to obsolete the existing run. I voted Yes.
I don't agree with adelikat. I think it's possible to kill enemies without killing entertainment.
Bisqwit wrote:
You managed to do something different. Less mindless wobbling around than the other contesters so far. (You had a pattern.)
Imo, there's much more wobbling in that video than any other movies so far. It is turning around all the way for nothing. It is annoying.
Bisqwit wrote:
Also, who would have guessed that a death could be a shortcut in this game under any circumstances.
As for the death, I thought the video desync. but no. I always used death as shortcut in my video when possible. I think it's a clever way to save time. But not all people agree. For adelikat: From Gamefaqs: Level Skip Destroy the ship (the one at the end of each lvl) in 5 seconds and you'll obtain a warp to the level ahead of it. Is this information true? If yes, then level 6 could be skipped and this movie "Doesn't aim for fastest time" :P Here are pros and cons. Pros: -Faster movie -Unexpected death -Uses of warps -Using ship to write some words Cons: -Movie could be made faster if information is true -Could aim for highest score without compromising entertainment by killing all enemies at last frame when they are no more needed for the show and by obtaining hidden bonuses such as the "10,000 Bonus Points" -Too much wobbling. -At volcanoes in stage 1, it looks less impressive than in Morimoto's movie. In fact, stage 1 is a fiasco. I won't vote before adelikat answer me but I think I will vote no. Imo, this run looks like a test run aimed for testing those bots and tools.
Joined: 10/23/2006
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I likey. Really, REALLY likey. And
In this case, I think the early stopping creates more excitement and extra entertainment value :)
I think so, too.
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Phil wrote:
I think I will vote no. Imo, this run looks like a test run aimed for testing those bots and tools.
Even still, so does the original. If this is rejected then the poorer quality movie stays up.
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Yes vote. I thought it was entertaining, and I specially loved you spelling those letters.
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Phil wrote:
Cons: -Movie could be made faster if information is true
This information is not true (and mentioned in my submission text). Since then it has been confirmed by both me and hanzou by monitoring the ram addresses.
-Could aim for highest score without compromising entertainment by killing all enemies at last frame when they are no more needed for the show
Level 3 is by far the hardest to gain %100 kills and I did that. What is there to gain for keeping these goals through the "easier" levels? I suspect that had I done this people would have complained that it got old. Too much of a good thing inevitiably loses its value. [EDIT]: Also, in lv6 I pick some places to destroy all of the "spiderweb-like" stuff WITHOUT harming an enemy. This is harder to do and I think it is more interesting then just mindless repetitive killing.
and by obtaining hidden bonuses such as the "10,000 Bonus Points"
Fair enough, it would be no less entertaining to do that and it would add a nice little "cookie" to the run. I did try to uncover hidden bonuses points & 1ups when I could. I do believe this is a very minor issue and that high score should not be anywhere in my goals.
-Too much wobbling.
It is not "wobbling" but rather intricate patterns. These patterns grow in complexity and create visually pleasing effects. You say they have no point but THAT is the point. It isn't about the game gradius anymore but rather I pull to focus onto what I am doing. Neglecting enemies & lack of concern for score only help push the run in that direction.
-At volcanoes in stage 1, it looks less impressive than in Morimoto's movie.
My intend there in this section was to give a nod to morimoto and do something along the lines of what he did only more extreme. Perhaps I failed in that; though I don't undertand why. He weaved in between the rocks and "played with death". I did this too only I stayed closer to the rocks longer.
In fact, stage 1 is a fiasco.
In what way?
this run looks like a test run aimed for testing those bots and tools.
Again, explained in my submission text. But while it is a expermental in its use of new tools, it is by no means a test run. sections of the run were redone several times as I discovered new things. The result is a very well planned run with no arbituary decisions. My use of these new tools was no longer crude as well. My mention of that is that it is the first run of its kind and therefore is a proof of concept for the macro editor much the same way morimoto's run was for slowdowns & rerecords. This shouldn't be a negative aspect of the run resulting in rejection but rather a positive one, or at least a nostalgic one.
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adelikat wrote:
Phil wrote:
Cons: -Movie could be made faster if information is true
This information is not true (and mentioned in my submission text). Since then it has been confirmed by both me and hanzou by monitoring the ram addresses.
Yes, stupid guys that wrote FALSE tricks at GameFaqs. They are outnumbered. I've decided to vote meh. Btw, I don't want you to take it personally. I always appreciate you work, Punch-out games, etc... Note that I am hard to satisfy with Gradius games. I was unsatisfied with my own work in Gradius 2 just to let you know. ;) To make them look what I want is hard and too long. That's why I gave up. And Gradius 2 doesn't have such speed upgrades.
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Phil wrote:
adelikat wrote:
Phil wrote:
Cons: -Movie could be made faster if information is true
This information is not true (and mentioned in my submission text). Since then it has been confirmed by both me and hanzou by monitoring the ram addresses.
Yes, stupid guys that wrote FALSE tricks at GameFaqs. They are outnumbered.
We can always get rid of them by reporting a non-working code.
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adelikat wrote:
Phil wrote:
In fact, stage 1 is a fiasco.
In what way?
I paste this if for some reason you missed it (not to repeat myself or implying that I'm more right on wrong on this)
DrJones wrote:
On second watch, there are a few things that I didn't like as much. The first level would look better if it started playing as a "normal" speedrunner to trick people, much like Morimoto did. You go too much in small circles on that level, too. Killing a few ships more (specially at start) would also have been nice. You don't have to rush too soon on your godly speed.
I guess Phil concerns are more or less like mine. The wobbling on stage 1 feels unnecesary, I think you start moving at full speed too soon, and it's true that I enjoyed more the volcano part on Morimoto's movie, I think it's because he seems to be always on the center of the screen avoiding all rocks. I also prefered how Morimoto killed the ships at the start, more elegant than fast. I also think your run is damn cool afterwards. Specially when you hide on the web, write letters on screen, and kill the lagious monsters in no time. Just giving feedback. :)
Joined: 8/10/2006
Posts: 25
Wow man, awesome run! I always loved morimoto's run and tried to do something like this, but it is too hard and frustrating. I guess its good that we have speedrunners like you to make every detail as perfect as possible. It was awesome that you wrote stuff at the end of stage 3 and made cool designs with the options. Definitely a yes vote, hopefully this will be starred. I hope in the future that you will try to TAS some other game with crazy speed upgrades or something like that.
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i agree that level 1 is pretty meh, but then it started getting really damn cool great job! as to whether or not it should obsolete the old one, i guess so, but i'll let everyone else fight that out
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The run is an obvious YES vote. There seems to be some heated debate going on, but i think it should be settled on making a better movie than this. While they're at it, publish this movie already!
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Don't see the problem in publishing this, it clearly achieves the goals better than Morimoto's movie. Anyway, I agree that level 1 was pretty meh, probably due to being slower than the rest and more popular (ie. everyone has seen it). Still, great job and excellent planning. Yes-vote.
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Awsome TAS. I agree with the general opinion of the volcano part, but the overall effect of the run was amazing. A large improvement over a run I liked.
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Umm, so when is this run going to be published? I think 43 yes votes pretty much settle it.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
Umm, so when is this run going to be published? I think 43 yes votes pretty much settle it.
Already working on it.
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For whatever its worth, voted yes on this fine and clever run. Seems like adelikat is getting all the NES records..
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P