Yo I think I just found a new glitch in this game, happened while playing with the 2-player setting in hole 12:
I hit the ball from like the middle of the course with the Club 1W, the ball went flying very high (so I thought that I overdid it and that I was going to get an OB) and at like the peak altitude of the ball, it went straight to the ground near the edge of the bunker at the left of the hole. Essentially skipping the rest of the ball moving and I was ready for the next shot.
I checked both the TAS and the WR but I didn't saw it since it's probably slower but still interesting to know what happens there.
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Runner: Satvara
Uses a glitch called Blink Out that allows him to go out of bounds in practically every room and skipping bosses/metroids due to chaining pauses in order to increase the distance that Samus warps (after each pause/unpause) to avoid contact with the room or event triggers.
The issue is that the timings are really hard and he is the only one capable to do this consistently.
Huge congrats to him, can't wait to watch it now.
The community doesn't use the iQue version since it's a bit rare and not everyone has it, I think he made the TAS just to see all the new improvements that were found for RTA runs.
He made an Any% Memory Corruption TAS and he is going to update the 0% one too.
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I found this video and figured that I should post it here:
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From the description:
"This is a tool-assisted speedrun.
Emulator used is Bizhawk v2.3.0 with an mGBA core for console-accuracy.
This TAS showcases new strategies aimed at saving real time as opposed to in-game time, including an up-to-date cleanup route. For this purpose, the Japanese version is used instead of English to save 2.5 minutes of text mashing. Credit goes to Biospark for a lot of the room and boss strats."
New zip in Artic Abyss!
Saves more than 10 seconds for the TAS!
MOD EDIT: Moved this post and the two responses to it here from the DKC 1 thread. — moozooh
I did a theory TAS up to the Ancient Guardian: https://youtu.be/J_iEB3BkhbU
I plan to do the entire game but it's taking more time than I thought, I replay each room until I'm satisfied with the time and then stick them together (always respecting the lag). Then I add the general music and it's transitions through Vegas.
Since the jet zip was a thing, I found that it's possible to do it through Flitts and the lab metroids.
Flitt zip: https://youtu.be/5jJT7Ix_XMY
Metroid zip: https://youtu.be/btBRE8YaCFc
By toying with the Flitts, I found that you can store the zip by performing it and activating the spiderball but it has a time limit of a second.
I couldn't find a way to zip without being underwater but finally I stumbled upon it by accident in a run:
This lead to some time saves but they are pretty much TAS since it's frame perfect, you have to walljump at the first frame of the bomb explosion.
This one can be done twice, when going to get the super and to the pipe room, so it saves 6.2 seconds
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EDIT: I found a new tech for TAS.
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A new glitch has been found, allows to travel really fast in water sections:
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The current any% route had to be revised so I ended up avoiding the Gravity suit and saving a total of 1 minute 7.55 seconds
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Good shit. Some of those spaceboosts were super nice. Makes me think what could be possible with full precision; think morphball everywhere except when you need to jump/shoot/charge.
What can we expect from the tool-enabled version? Will it have all the basic TAS functionality (savestates, slowdown/frame advance, RAM watch), or will it do less/more? Ideally I'd want it to run in Hourglass, as I'm extremely interested in tinkering with the game myself, but that's up to the Hourglass devs...
I tried with the common hourglass but the game somehow doesn't recognize the inputs while recording.
As far as I know, he's going to improve the current tools but I don't know how.
The mod that I use has savestates (up to 3), slowdown (1/2, 1/4), frame advance, god mode, warp feature, presets for the items and 3 debug views:
First, a lot of information about the current speeds and states of Samus.
Second, you can see the collision of the platforms, room transitions, Samus's hitbox, how much damage the current beam does and the health of certain bosses.
Third, displays the event list and which items did you got.
The only issue is that the music doesn't stop, the slowdown doesn't carry over to the next room and there is a softlock at the escape sequence in area 4 (which I'm currently looking for a workaround).
It wasn't actually used because it's somewhat hard to pull off but now it could be used just for the last zeta and maybe the zeta from area 5 too.
Here's a video about that:
I'm using a custom build that added the debug tools from a debug version before release, I was a tester of the game and I gave a debug version so they could modify it. I would like to TAS the full game but I'm waiting for someone that is going to work on the tools once the unnoficial 1.4 update gets released.
If you are interested here are other ones that I uploaded:
The nest in 1:26.05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjnMwbX9aLw
Queen metroid in 1:16.967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL_bOLfN3d8
The new cleanup done in reversed order: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq5KrZaCxKA
Dual Alphas in 32.283 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcXxV9WLizo
I made a segmented any% glitchless run of the 1.41 version (the latest one) but still can be improved by 7 - 10 seconds due to little mistakes and new strats being discovered.
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It is glitchless due to an out of bounds glitch that was discovered and due to this a new category was made, you have to beat 12 metroids and get OoB to get to the DEMO END trigger.
Naatiska holds the current WR for the Any% OoB category:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytfvs_0iqJoAbout 100%:
I still have to make the 100% one but thanks to the out of bounds glitch, I found 2 major skips: The Tester skip that saves 40 to 50 seconds and the auto doc mini game skip that saves 42 seconds over the previous route, making sub 47 possible.
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I hope that AM2R gets support from Hourglass in the future as I will be routing the full game :)