I am kind of sad TASvideos withdraws from GDQs, but I totally understand it.
Many people were confused about how TASes work, they imagine stuffs like auto-completion scripts, or don't measure the impact of the tools ... etc
I hope you'll return someday :)
I don't know much about macro scripting tools, but I've heard some runners use AHK.
It apparently has its own language and allows to script input macros but I really know nothing about it.
I hope I kind of helped you
1.11.2 is now Released!
This is a big release for windows users, particularly those with poor openGL support. BizHawk can now be run in directx mode. For those without opengl , this is a huge speedup. (For others directx might perform better than opengl anyway)
In addition, some big features for movie making including TAStudio branches, and SaveRam-anchored movie support.
More details:
http://tasvideos.org/Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory.htmlWindows Binary
I am not complaining.
I am saying that Hourglass doesn't work with recent builds of GameMaker Compiler.
I have no idea how to fix that with hourglass.
However, I code with the language of GM:S (GML) and I could do a mod to TAS the game, which is really different from making a new version of Hourglass.
To make a TAS mod, I would need the source code (apparently it's trendy to share .gmz project files on GameMaker community).
However, I don't think I could help with Hourglass, it would be way too complicated and I don't think I could help. Making Hourglass work on all GM:S games would be pretty cool I guess.
If I could get the Source Code of this game, I could make a way more powerful TAS program than Hourglass.
I don't think recent versions of GameMaker:Studio Compiler's compiled games are TASable with Hourglass.
Here is a mod for 10 Second Ninja and how to use it :
Download : https://goo.gl/aMMtpy
// Installation
How to install :
*Unzip the zip file
*Run the game once (you might think it's not launching); the installation will proceed in the background.
It will write 100 001 files under AppData\Local\10SecondNinja_YoYo\
How to use :
* Edit the .tas files (see below for how to edit it)
* Launch the game
* Skip the cutscene
* The TAS Tool will start playing all the .tas files (each one matching with its name)
How to edit :
1) Edit seed :
*There are a bunch of random functions in this game.
I made a system that allow the TASer to choose the seed : the seed.tas file
Open it using a text editor and write down any natural number and it will set the seed.
2) Edit inputs :
YOu should have exactly 100000 .tas input files in your AppData\Local\10SecondNinja_YoYo\ folder if you proceed the installation correctly.
Their name matches with the order of their reading.
Example : TAS_977.tas matches with the input on frame 977 in the first tutorial room.
Then, the file is encrypted using the following code :None = 0
global.L = 1
global.R = 2
global.A = 4
global.B = 8
global.C = 16
global.D = 32
global.RS = 64
global.U = 128
global.ESC = 256
Maximum = (2^9)-1 = 511
Each of these variables is an input from the original game.
Each number you put into a .tas file matches with an input.
To find out which number, you have to add the number of the input using this encryption.
Example : 17 on TAS_1865.tas will play the Left Key and the C button on frame 1865 because 17 = 16 + 1
Example : 35 on TAS_2.tas will play the Left Key, the Right Key, and the D button because 35 = 32 + 2 + 1
Finally, play and enjoy :)
WARNING : This can experience lags, the lags are caused by your computer, the device is not lagged and is 100% accurate.
WARNING : Don't forget to delete your save everytime you launch the game
WARNING : This is a experimental tool, to report a bug, send a PM to @PackSciences
Recently, YoyoGames and HumbleBundle released the source code of Another Perspective, a cool indie game by Shaun Spalding : http://store.steampowered.com/app/305920/
Thus, I made a TAS Tool for Another Perspective.
Download : http://www.speedrun.com/Another_Perspective/resources
On first execution, it will write 100 000 .tas files in your computer.
Then, close the game.
You will see in AppData that there are new files named with the frame number.
You have to edit it in a text editor with the following code :
None = 0
Jump = 1
Enter = 2
Reset = 4
Switch = 8
MoveLeft = 16
MoveRight = 32
Escape = 64
MoveUp = 128
Max = 255 = (2^8)-1
Path : AppData\Local\AnotherPerspective_YoYo
If you want to execute multiple inputs, you'll have to add the input code.
Example : You want to play Jump and move to the left on frame 247.
Jump = 1; Left = 16; 1 + 16 = 17
Open the TAS file 247.tas => Insert the number 17
Then launch the game, press New Game and the TAS will play.
The system I made is possible to be done on all the other games released on Humble Bundle such as :
Death Ray Manta
Spoiler Alert
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Savant - Ascent
10 Second Ninja (oh god that would be so cool if someone wanted to TAS it with my tool)
L'Abbaye des Morts
Spelunky Classic (PC)
FrapZC and Blue_Link are working on AP TAS currently, ask them if you are interested.
As far as I know, this is the first mod of the game; if you are interested or have any question, contact me.
I am PackSciences,
A lot of people made new threads on tasvideos.org to publish "TAS" which weren't TAS, these were called "Time-scale assisted" which is not the same thing.
If you are too lazy to read all that's below, here is a video I made about it.
There is a tool called Source Pause Tool, which has a lot of commands that make TASing possible in OrangeBox Engine (Portal, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and their mods) games.
Unfortunately, we don't have yet the tools to manipulate the RNG which makes our TAS unconsistent on some points.
What is NOT consistent in TASing :
Objects that acts freely in the air (a cube that falls from a cube dropper will not have the same result every time you run the TAS)
Objects that you hold and that meet a wall or another item (which makes propclipping glitch impossible in TAS)
Non-playable characters
So all glitches are possible in TAS except propclipping glitch and NPC teleports.
I want to run a TAS on my own computer, can I ?
Sure, grab the latest version of SPT (currently v0.8) and place it on your game folder.
You need the game, from SteamPipe or the SourceUnpack, both works.
Then download the .cfg file AND the .sav file (that are used currently for TASing).
Place the .cfg file in your game folder/cfg and the save file on your game folder/save.
Then type the following (I bind my keys to 1 and 2 to run the TAS) :
Then, I insert some jokes with the "echo" command (it prints a string on the console command) and I like to play with my fabulous video encoder, Fnzzy.
Then, I unpause the game (which is logical because you should unpause the game to play) and sets all my inputs for the frame 0.
The inputs commands are commands that are in the game, not in SourcePauseTool
Then, you need to use "reset frames" command to start your TAS.
Finally, you need to use the afterframes command.
It works like that :
_y_spt_afterframes <frame> "<commands>"
// will exec the commands set in <commands> after tick <frame>
_y_spt_afterframes 25 "+jump"
// will jump after 25 ticks
J'y ai push une fonction pour la fonction record.
Ton outil a l'air pas mal, mais il n'est pas très permissif.
Il sert pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas en détail le moteur Source.
Merci pour ce topic je savait pas qu'il y avait des tas de portal ce serait bien que quelqu'un fasse un tas complet :)
Personnellement, ça me saoulait qu'on me demande sans cesse sur mon stream "When is full game TAS ?". Du coup, j'ai fait ce petit poisson d'avril ... enfin ... poisson de juin :
Link to video
J'ai vu sur TASvideos que de nombreuses personnes prétendait "TASer" Portal.
En vérité, ils utilisaient une fonction du jeu qui s'appelle "host_timescale <chelledetemps>" qui permet de ralentir le temps et après qui faisaient un rendu vidéo avec une échelle de temps normale.
Ceci ne s'appelle pas du TAS, il s'agit de ce que l'on appelle sur SourceRuns le "Time-Scale Assisted" ou "TSA".
Cependant, Yalter, un russe, a développé un outil pour les jeux OrangeBox (Portal, Half-Life 2 et tous les mods affiliés).
A la base, cet outil servait à faire de la segmented run.
Cependant, au fur et à mesure, Yalter y a ajouté des commandes très utiles pour le TAS.
Désormais, on a un outil de TAS stable, mais qui n'a pas un outil de TAS officiel (encore des problèmes d'aléatoire dans le comportement des glitchs qui sont dépendants du lag).
Si cela vous intéresse de voir le résultat d'un TAS, voici le TAS de la 19 :
Link to video
Si cela vous intéresse de comprendre en détail comment réaliser un TAS sur les jeux OrangeBox, voici un petit tutoriel un peu fait à l'arrache pour appuyer mon post :
Link to video
Merci de m'avoir lu
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