I played this game long ago. There wasn't much information in GameFAQs back then (and thus I made 2 guides: Blue chest items & Gameshark codes). Seems it hasn't really changed nowadays...
Only remember that the Zombie can appear on the first continent and seems I was right:
I don't really know much about the game, so I would check out what a speedrun does and plan from there.
If I had to guess, the Alum Blade should be worth since is going to be equipped for long. But Gades' drops may not be as useful but IIRC, it wasn't that hard to win if you came prepared. So again, would base on the speedruns available to see what strats are currently used.
*starts watching the run
looks like a normal speedrun
*continues watching
oh, looks like changes strategy to clear lines near the top
*game ends and lines start to clear by itself
voted yes
I think you might have already stumbled with the answer Yagamoth, but let me post what I know anyway.
A Raving Loon made a script for this called "Thinkzerker.lua" back around the time of your post, were he was trying to simulate the outcome of fighting Exdeath as a Berzerker without actually playing the game. This could be possible because Berzerkers always attack at the same time, as they don't need any input (as the output would always be the same if the start values doesn't change). Last thing I remember is that it was accurate only for the first phase but not for the second (it needed some adjustments for some prediction attacks which would desync and deviate from the actual result).
I have no idea if he improved on it, but here's the code he shared with me long time ago:
Very nostalgic game (and music)!
I would had preferred that the character would look like it struggled at the beginning and little by little improve his skills (even if it meant that the run take a bit longer) so it was a meh vote for me.
This is one of the SNES games I loved most, so I'm certainly interested on this run. However, I do wonder a couple of things:
- Why just play the regular puzzle mode and not also the Hard mode?
- Why the SNES version and not the GB?
I suppose you could say you already mentioned why, but the second question comes because in the later version (GB), there is a puzzle level that can be solved in less moves than intended (can't remember if it was in the normal or hard mode though, only that it was towards the end).
Needless to say, this is a yes vote for me.
I had to check how long was the previous submission as I though it was about the double of time (it is 10:42.29 vs 7:28.13). Nonetheless is quite an improvement over an already fast run (moreover considering that most of the time comes from the start cutscene).
I'm curious about something, how do you do the map on the right? Is it coming from a script or did you had to adjust an image manually for all the viewers to have a better understanding on how you are warping?
On my computer it was either late 1997 or early 1998 with Zsnes (around version 0.20, but now that I'm thinking it might had been even lower...) in DOS & a few years later I did played NES games using Nesticle... It was around when Final Fantasy V was still not fully translated, if I'm not mistaken (It was my first JRPG and one of the first games I played on the computer, hence why I love it so much)
Although, technically my first encounter with emulators was that I actually played Super Mario Bros. in a computer when I was a kid way earlier (like in 1991 or so), a co-worker of my dad had it on his computer (on a floppy disk) and I was in disbelieve when he told me he had that game in such "cartridge".
I also played Street Fighter 2 Turbo in 1995 with an uncle in the USA, but again I don't know which emulator it was and barely played a round or two... (I found it interesting to be able to play a console in a different platform, but couldn't say the same of the controller)
Hello Yagamoth, indeed is possible to manipulate RNG in a Solo Berserker run, but the problem is that only the start of the run can be done, everything else will be fixed no matter what you do (e.g. trying to run or pause the game).
In theory, you will need to change the values of addresses 7E003A & 7E003B (Battle RNG counter A [Byte-sum of first 1000 bytes of RAM] & Battle RNG counter B [Byte-sum of first 2000 bytes of RAM]). What I found it easily works is that you can either keep a button pressed when the battle is loading or access the menu and scramble it (e.g change cursor position, item order, players order, etc.)
Note: You can take a look at my file, which is basically a RAM map, to find about other addresses in that range:
AFAIK, I'm the second person next to Not Dave who has beaten the game like this (I have a few replays, so is no wonder almost no one knew about this):
Link to video
I was a bit skeptical about whether or not the video you shared was possible in a better emulator (I still remember Not Dave's post back then in GameFAQs when he did it using Zsnes). I did mine using Snes9x 1.43 and some Lua script I made to automatically run through every single combination of buttons pressed before the battle started (in an attempt to changed the seeds) & after 20k attempts or so, it finally happened!
Since this is still away from what would really happen in a real console (since due to loading times, attacks would start to differ greatly) I was on a quest to do it now on Bizhawk; but since I chose to repeat the feat by using Faris, I stopped at the start of world 3 against antlion (It was a nightmare, but still possible to do without any level up when I did it using Snes9x) because I don't want level up just for that battle...
It's been a long since I played this game, but I'm also excited to see someone working on TASing this game!
Good luck, Skyekun.
"Henshin-a-Go-Go, Baby!"
En lo personal, a mi me gusta usar notepad++ para estar escribiendo. Ya una vez que tenga el bloque de texto, lo paso a Word para que se revise la ortografía. Más adelante, cuando lo pongo en la página (antes de subirlo), lo paso por el corrector ortográfico del navegador pasa así volver a revisar la ortografía.
Para cuestiones de traducción, consulto Google Translate para ver que palabras usa (las cuales generalmente no termino usando, por lo menos no "al pie de la letra"). Luego para tecnicismos, trato de hacer una búsqueda en Wikipedia en inglés y luego me paso a español para ver como la manejan. Si no existe página alguna, entonces consulto una página de sinónimos y repito lo anterior.
En ocasiones, cuando me quedan dudas, trato de buscar la frase o palabra para ver que tan popular es, ya que a veces la palabra más adecuada no es común y quizás opte por usar anglicismos (así como con la palabra "glitch" la cual se sabe que es un error de programación, pero decir "error de programación" es muy ambiguo, así que optaría por usar "glitch" ya que es popular).
Y bueno, también hay que tomar en cuenta que se maneja el español en diferentes países, y que cada país puede manejar coloquialismos (sobre todo España vs Latinoamérica), así que vuelvo a buscar resultados de la palabra y sinónimos para ver por cual opción optar.
Por cierto, para mí un emulador aprobado significa que tiene el visto bueno (del sitio) y se recomienda usar.
Un emulador aceptado es que esta bien a secas, no es bueno pero tampoco es malo. (se puede usar, pero es mejor optar por algún emulador aprobado, si existe)
Un emulador desaprobado significa que no tiene el visto bueno (del sitio) y que ya no se debe de usar (ejemplo: por ser obsoleto). Pueden haber casos especiales en los cuales se acepte una película con un emulador de dicho tipo (ejemplo: si se llevaba trabajando por años y fue reportado).
Un emulador rechazado es aquel que por ninguna razón se acepta (ya sea por que no tiene herramientas necesarias para ejecutar un "TAS", incompatibilidad para reproducir la película, precisión del emulador, etc.)
I loved how the credits music is replaced by the usual music played on a map. Yes vote for me!
No wonder now why Exdeath wanted to control the King Tycoon, the secret of the void was in his helmet all along!
I'll take any memory addresses you can find, ViGadeomes.
I already posted some addresses long time ago, but for the US version. Here it is again:
At some point, it seems that the J version shifts the address by 0x20 less. Just now, I was playing around trying to create a Lua script as we talk, but since I'm just getting started, I'm not going to post it yet.
However, I can share a RAM file I created with some useful address for a TAS:
Bokujou Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1).wch
First of all, I wanted to say that I did enjoyed the movie and already voted yes, congrats for making a more serious run than my gag run ViGadeomes
Now, I have some questions (which some of them were already answered)
- When fishing, you already mentioned you couldn't determine the address, but I was wondering if you tried to fish then pull the rod and try fishing again?
Definitely a time saver here when the RNG is figured out
- I was wondering if digging for bags of coins was worth it, (but I suppose is not at it seems to be worth only 50g & you can only get 1 per day, but still...).
Did you considered it?
- If you have to skip several days for it to be a Saturday and be able to propose, would it had saved any time if you occasionally only did 2 trips to the mountains to get fish?
(considering you wouldn't see some fatigue animations, similar to grabbing more power berries might save time in the end due to same reasons)
- Did the dog made you lose any time? (like I remember you had to jump the fence at least once, not sure if that's slower or not but was different than usual)
I guess any% is too trivial for TASVideos. So is 'all days'. (You can start to see why there's no Harvest Moon TAS on the site yet...)
There is no accepted TAS, but I made one several years ago (although for the US version)
Other than text being faster, is there any other reason to play the Japanese version? I just saw that when talking to the villagers, you go CW while I went CCW. Is that faster, or is it the same? (I made mine in an afternoon, so didn't compared the routes, just assumed it was irrelevant either way)
Have you tried other opening books like perhaps gambits?
Just letting the engine play from the start won't pick more aggressive lines which may lead for a faster checkmate. Weak engines love to capture a piece since by counting pieces, they'll think they are ahead and fall for traps when lines are too deep to calculate.
You will have to translate (or copy) the subpages to see them under your translated root. Neither option will work perfectly, and I dunno how to fix it.
I'm thinking on a workaround that might work but I would need to investigate how/if it works (doing something similar to the TODO)
CyorisRetro wrote:
Hello everybody! I'll be translating since today the most articles and the best I can from english to spanish, I'm now ready I've get the sources (for being only translating and not also coding :p) and I'm now editor, I really hope to help the most I can from the most important to the... well... useful? x'D wish me luck :D
What signals the end of a TAS, is it the completion of the game, or would it be the final input that ends up completing the game?
I remember reading somewhere on this site that timing is Power On to Final input, but I can't seem to find it.
The movie must be complete
Your movie should begin from the console power-on and end when the last decisive action has been delivered. There are no specific rules for an exact endpoint but it must adhere to the following rules:
It must beat the game (1-level movies that don't finish the game are rejected).
It must be able to reach the credits or end screen without requiring any further interaction; all input must come solely from the input file (e.g. configuring the emulator to autofire after the end of playback is not allowed). An exception has been allowed for Rygar.
It should end with the last input. Don't leave any blank input at the end of the movie.
If a game never ends, then it may be considered complete once there is no new content introduced, and the difficulty no longer increases.
I think I have stumbled with a minor issue. So far all pages in Spanish are being created by adding "/ES" before the extension (e.g. EmulatorResources/ES.html instead of EmulatorResources.html), which I followed the pattern from other already translated pages in other languages. In that page (EmulatorResources), there is a list of sub-pages & by following this pattern, all sub-pages will only appear on the English version and not on a translated one.
So my question is, shouldn't the pages be created as EmulatorResources_XX.html then subpages only need the root to mention the country (e.g. EmulatorResources_XX/TASEditor.html and not EmulatorResources/TASEditor_XX.html)
where XX is the country code