I am a former encoder and publisher for TASVideos. If you're interested in encoding EmulatorResources/Famtasia movies but don't want to go through the emulator configuration process, you can download my setup here.
Possibly useful information about encoding challenges I have come across.
[630] NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! "last boss only" by Mart in 04:50.40 and other MTPO runs made with Famtasia - I likely dumped these using FCEU 0.98.15, which can automatically convert FMV files using Nesmock.
[856] NES Shadow of the Ninja by Xipo in 11:14.56 - You need to disable PAL mode to get this to synch. It seems like FCEU 0.98.15 enables PAL mode every time you replay or restart the movie, however, but it doesn't toggle the PAL Emulation checkmark in the Config menu if you disabled it previously. If you get a desynch on the character select screen, try this: Stop Movie -> Replay Movie -> Enable PAL Emulation -> Disable PAL Emulation. You could also do NES -> Power instead of the Stop and Replay steps.
[4195] Wii Namco Museum Megamix "Pac'n Roll Remix" by Elomavi in 15:21.02 - I used the following AviSynth function to replace frames that were dumped incorrectly, since they were all duplicates of a previous frame:
function DupF(clip c, int badstart, int "badend")
  end_defined = Defined(badend)
  removed = end_defined ? Loop(c, 0, badstart, badend) : DeleteFrame(c, badstart)
  duped = end_defined ? Loop(removed, badend - badstart + 2, badstart - 1, badstart - 1) : DuplicateFrame(removed, badstart - 1)
  return duped
These are the TASes that include me as an author.
Published on 6/13/2015
The third game in the Wizards & Warriors series. Having been tricked out of his victory in the previous game, Kuros once again returns to do battle on evil and pretend he will marry every princess he meets.
Most of the old run remains unchanged, however, a known improvement over the previous run was implemented as well as a small oversight fixed. Therefore, this is an improvement of 2.34 seconds over the previous run. (note: the actual improvement is just of over 30 frames (roughly half a second), but due to the different FPS used by FCEU and FCEUX, it passes off as more)
The ending of this game is still epilepsy-inducing.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.

Published on 4/27/2022
Skipp and Friends: Unexpected Journey is a homebrew puzzle game for the SNES starring three furry friends: Skipp, Wedge, and Apple. They have been kidnapped by aliens, and it's only with their special abilities that they can escape and return home before time runs out. Think of the gameplay as like The Lost Vikings, but with a faux-isometric view and single-player only.
Dacicus utilizes a rather deep understanding of the game's mechanics and bugs to complete the game as fast as possible. You can read their notes here and watch a video of the same run with an included status display for each character here.

These are movies I have published for the site. Activity/Publishers/Dacicus

HomePages/Dacicus last edited by adelikat on 1/4/2022 1:03 AM
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