Tool-assisted movies (3)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/23/2007
This movie completes the B-mode of Tetris at level 19-5. Its goal is to clear all blocks from the screen upon the final line cleared (known as a "Bravo" in some games). And of course it aims to do this as fast as possible.
Note: The author manipulates luck by pressing up+left+right to slow down the block's falling speed.

Emulator Replay:
FCEU 0.98.12

Published on 4/9/2010
To the average player, Tetris is a fast-paced action/puzzle blend where reflexes become a huge factor as pieces pile up and speed increases dramatically. For one with perfect reflexes, however, it's no longer a challenge of 'where does the next piece go to make lines / avoid piling up?' so much as 'where can I put the next piece to make things look the most interesting?'.
This run exemplifies that philosophy, exploiting the ability to manipulate the next piece that appears to the fullest in the service of creating a pattern which would be nigh impossible to duplicate in real world conditions.
If you thought that TASing was only about speed, look no further than this example to prove otherwise.

Video Downloads:
High Quality MKV
Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.1.2

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/9/2010
This movie aims for the fastest possible time to get a score of 999999 in this game. A surprising 00:17.54 seconds have been shaved off the previous movie through the discovery of a new glitch.
It warps directly to the 18th level and fills half of the field quickly to be able to operate short distances in the top part of the field. From there on, it only gets Tetrises (4-line clearings) until the score is maxed out.
A glitch involving pressing several directional buttons at once is used to manipulate luck for the next pieces. Flickering of the next piece block and piece in play results. Of course, the fun doesn't stop there, the L blocks also have their say in getting Tetrises.

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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