Most recent changes in texts

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610 611 612 888 889
1873M (r3) turska Linked the 102% 4:58 AM Diff
1629M (r3) turska Linked the any% 4:57 AM Diff
3450S (r1) goofydylan8 4:30 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r165) sgrunt Hourglass 7:20 PM Diff
1960M (r1) sgrunt 4:33 PM Diff
3449S (r4) jlun2 Added information 3:39 PM Diff
3448S (r3) Nach 3:29 PM Diff
3444S (r6) Baxter 8:41 AM Diff
3449S (r3) jlun2 Added Information 4:06 AM Diff
3430S (r5) DarkKobold 3:19 AM Diff
1851M (r5) Zeupar 12:14 AM Diff
3439S (r12) Baxter 11:21 PM Diff
3449S (r1) jlun2 9:36 PM Diff
3439S (r8) mkdasher 10:14 AM Diff
1959M (r1) OmnipotentEntity 4:22 AM Diff
3439S (r7) Ilari Let's throw the player module here... 2:43 AM Diff
3408S (r17) Bernka 1:56 AM Diff
303S (r9) Ilari 1:45 AM Diff
3447S (r4) mtbRc 12:53 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1237) Brandon 5:56 PM Diff
3444S (r5) TheKDX7 3:53 PM Diff
3444S (r4) TheKDX7 new file 3:42 PM Diff
3448S (r1) Brandon 1:01 PM Diff
3446S (r5) McBobX 12:30 PM Diff
3446S (r4) McBobX 12:27 PM Diff
3422S (r9) XTREMAL93 10:17 AM Diff
3446S (r2) FractalFusion 8:06 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1236) Brandon 7:33 AM Diff
3447S (r2) mtbRc 7:21 AM Diff
3447S (r1) mtbRc 7:15 AM Diff
1958M (r2) Nahoc 5:32 AM Diff
1958M (r1) Nahoc 5:24 AM Diff
3436S (r12) Truncated judging 1:22 AM Diff
3435S (r6) Truncated judging 1:12 AM Diff
3446S (r1) McBobX 1:07 AM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r147) Ilari Update 8:44 PM Diff
3424S (r4) Mukki Accepting... 2:12 PM Diff
3439S (r6) Baxter 12:53 PM Diff
3439S (r5) mkdasher 12:47 PM Diff
3439S (r4) mkdasher 11:55 AM Diff
3445S (r4) XTREMAL93 9:55 AM Diff
3445S (r3) XTREMAL93 9:34 AM Diff
3445S (r2) XTREMAL93 9:33 AM Diff
3445S (r1) XTREMAL93 8:44 AM Diff
3441S (r6) sgrunt 9:12 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1235) Brandon 8:27 PM Diff
3443S (r4) TheKDX7 8:05 PM Diff
3444S (r3) TheKDX7 7:38 PM Diff
3443S (r3) TheKDX7 7:08 PM Diff
3444S (r1) TheKDX7 7:08 PM Diff
3443S (r1) TheKDX7 7:03 PM Diff
3434S (r14) HappyLee 10:30 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1234) Brandon 9:01 AM Diff
3434S (r13) Brandon Publication underway. 8:47 AM Diff
1927M (r4) turska Made "previous run" link to the previous run, added a comma and fixed a typo 3:42 AM Diff
1932M (r3) turska Fixed two minor mistakes. 3:34 AM Diff
1938M (r2) turska Fixed some derps on the first line. 3:23 AM Diff
1940M (r3) turska Made the second paragraph slightly less awkward and fixed a typo in the first line 3:19 AM Diff
1947M (r4) turska Made the first paragraph somewhat less awkward. 2:53 AM Diff
1948M (r7) turska Replaced the unsentence, made second line a bit less awkward 2:33 AM Diff
1956M (r5) mklip2001 "sloppy tits" is pretty unprofessional 7:37 PM Diff
1957M (r1) sgrunt 7:20 PM Diff
3442S (r2) Brandon Added archive. 6:31 PM Diff
3421S (r10) sgrunt 4:30 PM Diff
3424S (r3) Mukki Judging... 1:49 PM Diff
1954M (r2) exileut Cleanup 8:29 AM Diff
3442S (r1) SwordlessLink 8:28 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1233) Brandon 7:56 AM Diff
1956M (r3) Brandon 7:55 AM Diff
1956M (r2) Brandon 7:53 AM Diff
1956M (r1) Brandon 7:51 AM Diff
1955M (r2) Brandon 7:34 AM Diff
3441S (r3) DarkKobold 5:15 AM Diff
3441S (r1) goofydylan8 5:02 AM Diff
3434S (r12) Mukki Accepting... 4:43 AM Diff
3430S (r4) DarkKobold 3:38 AM Diff
3432S (r10) DarkKobold 3:33 AM Diff
3426S (r7) DarkKobold 3:19 AM Diff
3433S (r3) DarkKobold 3:11 AM Diff
3408S (r16) Bernka 2:15 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1232) Brandon 12:34 AM Diff
1955M (r1) Velitha 11:35 PM Diff
3426S (r6) Mukki Adding a TSC comparison table 10:10 PM Diff
3434S (r11) Mukki Judging... 4:08 PM Diff
3421S (r9) Mukki Accepting... 4:02 PM Diff
3440S (r3) Toothache 8:56 AM Diff
3440S (r1) GoddessMaria 4:29 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1231) Brandon 3:34 AM Diff
3439S (r1) mkdasher 9:27 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/TaskList (r22) Ilari Page moved from Ilari/LsnesTaskList to Ilari/Lsnes/TaskList 9:13 AM Diff
3438S (r1) mlw7 3:46 AM Diff
1946M (r3) OmnipotentEntity 12:31 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes (r2) Ilari 8:49 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/LSMV (r1) Ilari Document this 8:47 PM Diff
3421S (r8) Mukki Judging... 6:58 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/Keys (r1) Ilari Create page 2:28 PM Diff
3437S (r2) jlun2 Added Info 1:53 PM Diff
3437S (r1) jlun2 12:59 PM Diff
3432S (r9) DarkKobold 8:04 AM Diff
3436S (r1) PangaeaPanga 5:33 AM Diff
1 2
610 611 612 888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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