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1 2 329 330 331
888 889
6254S (r11) feos Pub 4:03 PM Diff
MassMedia (r56) MESHUGGAH updated with feos' suggestions (except subpages) 1:09 PM Diff
6265S (r3) juef Added some info about a possible significant improvement 2:55 AM Diff
6264S (r12) Mars608 2:46 AM Diff
6263S (r5) Mars608 2:45 AM Diff
Staff/Conduct (r17) feos split harder? 10:29 PM Diff
3898M (r2) Spikestuff Whoops. 2:41 PM Diff
3898M (r1) Spikestuff The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2:39 PM Diff
6263S (r4) aiqiyou 2:25 PM Diff
6264S (r11) aiqiyou 2:23 PM Diff
HomePages/ThunderAxe31 (r80) ThunderAxe31 add Rolan's Curse password submission 12:54 PM Diff
6265S (r1) juef 12:43 PM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r10) TheCoreyBurton 12:34 PM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r9) TheCoreyBurton Added list of common sample rates (along with possibilities) 12:33 PM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r8) TheCoreyBurton Added link to the N64 programming manual regarding RSP 12:22 PM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r7) TheCoreyBurton Added better notes about RSP research being required 12:01 PM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r6) TheCoreyBurton More notes, this time on dealing with the resulting footage 11:14 AM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r5) TheCoreyBurton Additional notes regarding automation 10:30 AM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r3) TheCoreyBurton Added a significant amount of personal notes, still very WIP 10:15 AM Diff
6247S (r3) Dimon12321 9:22 AM Diff
6228S (r4) Dacicus 4:13 AM Diff
6264S (r10) Mars608 1:18 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r190) adelikat haven't used googlecode in quite some time 11:31 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r185) feos why didn't we use headers there? 9:29 PM Diff
6252S (r5) EZGames69 6:16 PM Diff
PlatformResources/Vboy (r16) MESHUGGAH no cartlock, yes subframes 5:06 PM Diff
6264S (r8) Mars608 2:19 PM Diff
6264S (r7) Mars608 2:17 PM Diff
6264S (r6) Mars608 2:14 PM Diff
6264S (r5) Mars608 2:11 PM Diff
6264S (r4) Mars608 set to cancelled for there's a new improvement 1:34 PM Diff
6264S (r3) Mars608 1:33 PM Diff
3897M (r1) Dacicus Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown 2:46 AM Diff
6242S (r3) feos Accepting 8:50 PM Diff
6249S (r3) Masterjun 8:33 PM Diff
6255S (r5) Stovent 6:18 PM Diff
6259S (r5) Masterjun 4:16 PM Diff
6255S (r4) Masterjun 3:42 PM Diff
6233S (r5) Memory 3:30 PM Diff
6264S (r1) Mars608 12:31 PM Diff
6246S (r10) feos Pub 11:36 AM Diff
6254S (r10) Masterjun 10:47 AM Diff
6246S (r9) Masterjun 10:27 AM Diff
6238S (r6) Dacicus 3:30 AM Diff
3896M (r1) Stovent Lizard 12:50 AM Diff
6236S (r8) feos reject 5:09 PM Diff
6263S (r1) Mars608 1:07 PM Diff
6262S (r1) rexifer 9:34 AM Diff
6236S (r7) Dacicus 1:05 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC/PCSettings (r5) feos Page moved from EmulatorResources/JPC/PcSettings to Emulator Resources / JPC / PC Settings 11:36 PM Diff
HomePages/Ilari/TestYTDesc (r2) adelikat remove broken module 5:28 PM Diff
6261S (r2) LennartSpdrn 4:35 PM Diff
6260S (r13) feos Judging 3:29 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r100) MESHUGGAH formatting and elaborating for the mass 12:02 PM Diff
6251S (r7) feos Judging 10:56 PM Diff
6244S (r6) feos Rejecting 10:46 PM Diff
6239S (r3) slamo 8:52 PM Diff
6222S (r5) ThunderAxe31 5:49 PM Diff
6207S (r13) ThunderAxe31 5:49 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r373) feos reword the rule about PC environments. we can't draw the line based on amount of variations of some option. really wide ranges may be explicitly supported. and non-arbitrary modes may be unintended. so instead, make sure the option is intended for normal play. 4:53 PM Diff
6261S (r1) LennartSpdrn 3:25 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r99) MESHUGGAH +subframes and connectivity github, "not present" info detailed, some fixes 3:18 PM Diff
6260S (r12) Pepper-Color 10:19 AM Diff
6260S (r11) Pepper-Color 4:26 AM Diff
6260S (r10) Pepper-Color 4:22 AM Diff
6260S (r9) Pepper-Color 12:07 AM Diff
6260S (r8) Pepper-Color 11:55 PM Diff
6260S (r7) Pepper-Color 11:43 PM Diff
6260S (r6) Pepper-Color 11:37 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r97) MESHUGGAH elaboration + fixes + categorizing + todos 3:43 PM Diff
6260S (r5) Pepper-Color 3:18 PM Diff
6260S (r3) Pepper-Color 2:33 PM Diff
6260S (r2) Pepper-Color 2:23 PM Diff
6260S (r1) Pepper-Color 2:17 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r95) MESHUGGAH +connectivities 2 12:08 PM Diff
6259S (r4) DMTASpeedruns 1:37 AM Diff
6259S (r3) DMTASpeedruns 1:35 AM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r94) MESHUGGAH +connectivites 5:01 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r93) MESHUGGAH +estimations to primary 4:24 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r91) MESHUGGAH *connectivity 2:44 PM Diff
HomePages/MESHUGGAH/ForbiddenTechniques (r89) MESHUGGAH +plugunplug techniques, +network, +1 cart tapping 2:28 PM Diff
6231S (r5) Stovent 1:32 PM Diff
6247S (r2) feos Judging 2:46 PM Diff
HomePages/feos/CallingCSharpMethodsFromPython (r8) feos All the Python people say "Py!" 2:42 PM Diff
3873M (r6) TheCoreyBurton 12:15 PM Diff
6245S (r13) DreamYao 9:56 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/CallingCSharpMethodsFromPython (r5) feos highlight 9:39 AM Diff
HomePages/feos/CallingCSharpMethodsFromPython (r1) feos LOL 9:18 AM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton (r78) TheCoreyBurton Added subpage list 8:53 AM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton/Mupen (r1) TheCoreyBurton Creation and placeholder 8:52 AM Diff
6259S (r1) DMTASpeedruns 6:57 AM Diff
6258S (r1) DMTASpeedruns 6:55 AM Diff
6257S (r2) DMTASpeedruns 6:53 AM Diff
6257S (r1) DMTASpeedruns 6:51 AM Diff
6256S (r1) mcill 3:51 AM Diff
6244S (r4) Pepper-Color 3:29 AM Diff
GameResources/GB/PokemonGen1 (r28) Fortranm 9:10 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/PokemonGen2 (r1) Fortranm 8:50 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/PokemonGen3/RNG (r26) Noxxa Page moved from GameResources/GBx/Pokemon/RNG to GameResources/GBx/PokemonGen3/RNG 8:12 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/PokemonGen1/Values (r6) Noxxa Page moved from GameResources/GBx/Pokemon/Values to GameResources/GBx/PokemonGen1/Values 8:12 PM Diff
1 2 329 330 331
888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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