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9408S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 11:26 AM Diff
9394S (r7) despoa Claimed for publication 10:24 AM Diff
9357S (r10) fsvgm777 9:30 AM Diff
6321M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6321 9:28 AM Diff
9435S (r1) Darkman425 Auto-generated from Submission #9435 5:54 AM Diff
MovieTagGuidelines (r100) feos removed unintendedenviroment flag from towerfall. it can reach those framerates simply with vsync off 10:29 PM Diff
MovieTagGuidelines (r99) CloakTheLurker link in "Abuses unintended environment" tag 8:58 PM Diff
6320M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #6320 8:07 PM Diff
HomePages/DrD2k9/RevisitingRejectedSubmissions (r2) ViGadeomes Removing a duplication in the need reviewing section. 4:30 PM Diff
9412S (r3) ViGadeomes Claimed for judging 2:50 PM Diff
9357S (r9) ViGadeomes Accepted. 2:49 PM Diff
HomePages/CoolHandMike/Bizhawk292ReleaseNotesDraft (r6) feos update 2:46 PM Diff
HomePages/DarkShamilKhan (r6) DarkShamilKhan 1:30 PM Diff
HomePages/DarkShamilKhan (r5) DarkShamilKhan Edit: I changed my age. Since I recently had my bday. So uhh yeah. 1:29 PM Diff
9411S (r4) fsvgm777 9:19 AM Diff
9395S (r4) fsvgm777 9:13 AM Diff
9427S (r7) despoa Claimed for publication 9:06 AM Diff
6319M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6319 8:51 AM Diff
9424S (r5) curhob 8:47 AM Diff
9424S (r4) curhob 8:45 AM Diff
9424S (r3) curhob 8:43 AM Diff
9413S (r6) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 8:32 AM Diff
Bizhawk/Libretro (r54) Spikestuff Remove the RetroArch updater, since that process isn't technically needed for us. Repetition still exists with the core linking but w/e. If you want to fix it rewrite it to make sense. 5:06 AM Diff
Bizhawk/Libretro (r53) Spikestuff Remove the BizHawk 1.11.4 section as that's been not needed since-- well the restruction of this for BizHawk 2.9+ 5:04 AM Diff
9432S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 4:48 AM Diff
9427S (r6) nymx 4:48 AM Diff
9427S (r5) nymx 4:44 AM Diff
6318M (r2) EZGames69 3:03 AM Diff
6318M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6318 2:59 AM Diff
9434S (r4) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 2:31 AM Diff
9434S (r3) KusogeMan 2:21 AM Diff
9425S (r3) CoolHandMike Accepting to Standard 11:52 PM Diff
9434S (r2) KusogeMan 11:41 PM Diff
9417S (r5) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 11:35 PM Diff
9434S (r1) KusogeMan Auto-generated from Submission #9434 11:35 PM Diff
9417S (r4) CoolHandMike Accepting to Standard 11:30 PM Diff
9433S (r2) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 6:33 PM Diff
9433S (r1) KusogeMan Auto-generated from Submission #9433 6:11 PM Diff
6317M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6317 6:08 PM Diff
9384S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 2:24 PM Diff
9409S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 2:24 PM Diff
6316M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6316 1:37 PM Diff
Reviews (r133) Dimon12321 Add a review post for Zuma Deluxe PC (9429S) 12:11 PM Diff
9371S (r9) eien86 11:45 AM Diff
6314M (r2) Spikestuff supercut note. 11:02 AM Diff
9371S (r8) eien86 10:20 AM Diff
9371S (r7) eien86 Claimed for judging 10:18 AM Diff
9432S (r2) AmaizumiUni 8:12 AM Diff
9432S (r1) AmaizumiUni Auto-generated from Submission #9432 7:33 AM Diff
9412S (r2) gabraltar 6:35 AM Diff
9426S (r4) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 4:12 AM Diff
9426S (r3) Darkman425 3:57 AM Diff
9421S (r3) nymx 3:46 AM Diff
9431S (r2) nymx Claimed for judging 3:29 AM Diff
9431S (r1) Shot313 Auto-generated from Submission #9431 2:51 AM Diff
9359S (r6) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 1:42 AM Diff
9359S (r5) DrD2k9 1:31 AM Diff
9359S (r4) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 1:27 AM Diff
9417S (r3) CoolHandMike Claimed for judging 10:18 PM Diff
9411S (r3) DrD2k9 9:47 PM Diff
9411S (r2) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 9:33 PM Diff
9395S (r3) DrD2k9 6:49 PM Diff
9395S (r2) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 5:53 PM Diff
9355S (r10) fsvgm777 5:32 PM Diff
6315M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6315 5:30 PM Diff
9430S (r1) Takz15x Auto-generated from Submission #9430 4:24 PM Diff
9383S (r11) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 3:56 PM Diff
9383S (r10) eien86 3:44 PM Diff
6314M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6314 1:01 PM Diff
9355S (r9) fsvgm777 8:20 AM Diff
6313M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6313 8:18 AM Diff
9415S (r5) nymx Claimed for judging 11:38 PM Diff
9394S (r6) nymx 11:37 PM Diff
9396S (r7) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 11:31 PM Diff
9394S (r5) nymx 11:30 PM Diff
9429S (r1) Dado Auto-generated from Submission #9429 9:21 PM Diff
9383S (r9) eien86 Claimed for judging 5:35 PM Diff
9396S (r6) eien86 5:16 PM Diff
6312M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6312 3:51 PM Diff
9420S (r8) fsvgm777 11:28 AM Diff
6311M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6311 11:26 AM Diff
6310M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #6310 6:54 AM Diff
9424S (r2) nymx Claimed for judging 3:11 AM Diff
9413S (r5) nymx 3:11 AM Diff
9413S (r4) nymx 2:17 AM Diff
9413S (r3) nymx 2:16 AM Diff
9428S (r4) SJ 1:17 AM Diff
9382S (r4) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 12:11 AM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r158) henke37 Explain pause buffering 12:04 AM Diff
9382S (r3) DrD2k9 11:57 PM Diff
9382S (r2) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 11:44 PM Diff
6309M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6309 9:01 PM Diff
6307M (r9) fsvgm777 8:01 PM Diff
9428S (r3) SJ 6:12 PM Diff
9428S (r2) SJ 6:09 PM Diff
9428S (r1) SJ Auto-generated from Submission #9428 6:03 PM Diff
9090S (r8) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 5:21 PM Diff
9427S (r4) Pepper-Color 4:57 PM Diff
9355S (r6) feos 4:00 PM Diff
9427S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 2:51 PM Diff
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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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