Most recent changes in texts

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873 874 875 888 889
278S (r7) Bisqwit 6:16 PM Diff
Screenshots (r8) Bisqwit More accurate info about PNGOUT 1:56 PM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r18) BillBull deleted footnotes, added a little 6:50 AM Diff
368S (r2) Bisqwit 3:02 AM Diff
368S (r1) Zer0 3:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r12) Blechy silly mistakes 2:05 AM Diff
HomePages/Walker_Boh (r7) Walker_Boh 2:51 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/UmiharaKawase/FieldMap (r16) Bisqwit 12:23 PM Diff
HomePages/Walker_Boh (r5) Walker_Boh 9:26 PM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r11) Blechy Stealing bisqwit's idea: favorites & nonfavorites 9:14 PM Diff
System/WikiEditNote (r2) Bisqwit FIXME=TODO 2:46 PM Diff
Screenshots (r7) Bisqwit PNGOUT+ 12:06 PM Diff
Screenshots (r6) Bisqwit 2:33 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r16) BillBull 1:25 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r38) Bisqwit likes and nonlikes 1:03 AM Diff
367S (r1) Josh_the_FunkDOC 12:04 AM Diff
365S (r2) Zurreco 7:11 PM Diff
366S (r1) Mart 3:12 PM Diff
HomePages/Walker_Boh (r4) Walker_Boh 6:58 AM Diff
365S (r1) Zurreco 4:12 AM Diff
364S (r1) das_64 5:04 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Using (r7) Bisqwit reformatted a bit, filled some missing entries 12:05 PM Diff
HomePages/Walker_Boh (r3) Walker_Boh 5:28 AM Diff
HomePages/Zurreco (r18) Zurreco 1:27 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r16) BillBull 10:47 PM Diff
363S (r2) Highness 11:20 AM Diff
363S (r1) Highness 10:45 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r15) Bisqwit adjusted the table a bit 9:04 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r14) BillBull copying from Bisqwit's page 5:24 AM Diff
362S (r1) Viewer 3:19 AM Diff
213M (r2) Blechy 12:46 AM Diff
213M (r1) Bisqwit 8:55 PM Diff
360S (r3) Bisqwit 7:35 PM Diff
209M (r2) Bisqwit 6:42 PM Diff
210M (r2) Bisqwit 6:42 PM Diff
212M (r1) Bisqwit 6:39 PM Diff
350S (r3) Bisqwit 6:37 PM Diff
360S (r2) Bisqwit 5:21 PM Diff
350S (r2) Bisqwit 3:03 PM Diff
7S (r3) Bisqwit 2:29 PM Diff
358S (r5) Bisqwit 2:13 PM Diff
361S (r1) KMFDManic 9:00 AM Diff
358S (r4) BillBull 8:12 AM Diff
359S (r5) Walker_Boh 8:03 AM Diff
210M (r1) Bisqwit 7:32 AM Diff
359S (r4) Bisqwit 7:30 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r14) Bisqwit FCEU submissions are now allowed. 7:09 AM Diff
209M (r1) Bisqwit 6:32 AM Diff
360S (r1) TheAxeMan 5:29 AM Diff
358S (r3) Bisqwit 4:53 AM Diff
358S (r2) Bisqwit 2:13 AM Diff
359S (r3) Bisqwit 12:57 AM Diff
208M (r1) Bisqwit 11:22 PM Diff
207M (r1) Bisqwit 11:00 PM Diff
359S (r2) Bisqwit 9:54 PM Diff
359S (r1) Walker_Boh 9:52 PM Diff
356S (r4) Bisqwit 4:05 PM Diff
352S (r4) Bisqwit 3:58 PM Diff
352S (r3) Bisqwit 3:59 AM Diff
352S (r2) Bisqwit 12:31 AM Diff
353S (r3) Bisqwit 12:15 AM Diff
353S (r2) Bisqwit 11:43 PM Diff
356S (r3) Bisqwit 11:36 PM Diff
205M (r1) Bisqwit 6:17 PM Diff
317S (r5) Bisqwit 6:10 PM Diff
9M (r4) Bisqwit they're publisher's comments, not author's comments 6:08 PM Diff
56S (r5) Truncated 9:34 AM Diff
9M (r3) BillBull 4:25 AM Diff
317S (r4) Bisqwit 7:39 PM Diff
HomePages/Zurreco (r17) Zurreco 6:03 PM Diff
358S (r1) BillBull 11:07 PM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r13) BillBull 6:05 AM Diff
HomePages/Genisto (r12) Genisto 5:25 PM Diff
356S (r2) Bisqwit 2:05 AM Diff
356S (r1) Luke 1:54 AM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r12) Bisqwit more about false guidelines 4:57 PM Diff
204M (r1) Bisqwit 4:24 PM Diff
342S (r5) Bisqwit 4:01 PM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r11) Blechy False guidelines: anybody have others? 4:02 AM Diff
342S (r4) Bisqwit 3:04 AM Diff
342S (r3) Bisqwit 2:12 AM Diff
348S (r4) Zer0 2:04 AM Diff
202M (r4) Bisqwit There be AVI 1:22 AM Diff
348S (r3) Zer0 1:20 AM Diff
348S (r2) Bisqwit 1:16 AM Diff
355S (r3) Kuja 11:59 PM Diff
355S (r2) Bisqwit 11:58 PM Diff
355S (r1) Kuja 11:53 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r21) Phil 11:52 PM Diff
202M (r3) Bisqwit avi removed 8:42 PM Diff
354S (r2) Bisqwit 6:26 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r46) Phil 6:07 PM Diff
354S (r1) julianch 4:30 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r45) Phil 11:02 AM Diff
353S (r1) Zer0 9:05 AM Diff
352S (r1) Bag_of_Magic_Food 8:33 AM Diff
351S (r1) devindotcom 2:58 AM Diff
350S (r1) Neofix 10:36 PM Diff
349S (r1) Zer0 9:37 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r18) Blechy Manipulating luck: dragon warrior as example. (Bullets are screwed up?) 7:20 PM Diff
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873 874 875 888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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