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Publication Results:

Wiki Results:

4720S Metroid 100% Map Completion (Code Name: Shinespark Amusement Park) This TAS aims to color in any and every
ListOfIdeas/NDS Metroid Prime Hunters| | | |0368|Europe|Worms - Open Warfare| | | |0369|USA|Tao's Adventure - Curse of the Demon
HomePages/BioSpark Metroid Fusion "100%" in 1:35:19.30] %%% [1234M|GBA Metroid Fusion "100%" in 1:35:49.53] %%% [815M
1441S Metroid runs aim for the lowest in-game timer, while this run instead aims for the lowest
4889S Metroid, and the rest were kind enough to not give any opinion at all on the matter
3652S Metroid - Reverse Boss Order TAS v3 in 0:26 by Saturn [|High
HomePages/CloakTheLurker Metroid: Scrolls 6[endif] *[5489M][if:0]Super Metroid - GBA Edition[endif] *[2667M][if:0]Super
1552S Metroid Explosions. When exiting a room on the right frame, the Metroid Explosion animation can be skipped
HomePages/Memory Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I've been on and off involved the speedrunning community since
5826M Metroid Fusion'' is the 4th installment in the ''Metroid'' series of games (not counting the ''Prime

Post Results:

Best aspect ratio correction for HD Metroid", "Mr. Nutz" or "Super Mario World", I keep the 8:7 AR, so I choose
#1467: BioSpark's GBA Metroid Fusion in 1:36:57.52 Metroid? Since Metroid Fusion being fourth Metroid in the saga.[/quote] Though you are, in fact
Games with 100% counters Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes [b]Wii[/b] Call of Duty 3 Call of Duty
Memorable Chat Quotes metroid going [b]feos[/b] I'm expecting a novel [b]feos[/b] BrandonE: I meant
GBx TASer of 2007 [Edit: Please read my last post] Metroid Zero Mission (USA) by Dragonfangs in 1:01:43.7 (vbm,avi) 2. Added [885] GBA Metroid
Prime 1 Haters (like me): Did you like Metroid Prime 3? Metroid Prime 3? Anyway, I find most of those points pretty stupid critisism of Metroid
#5110: nymx & EternisedDragon's SNES Super Metroid "100% Map Completion" in 1:12:25.01 Metroid publication, really?" Just a couple examples off the top of my head that I could
What does "memory corruption" mean? Metroid 100%" rather than "Super Metroid 100%, no X-ray glitch". Why is "no X-ray glitch
Special stars Metroid run(s?) is/are the best suited for a star? [/quote] For the GBA ones
Special stars Metroid (2 Stars)[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen]Super Metroid 100% Metroid Zero mission 100% Metroid