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#638411064458995269 - Super Mario Bros. Two Players Hack warps

2players warps.fm2
In 04:54.45 (17696 frames), 30948 rerecords
Uploaded 1/17/2024 4:40 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This is a 17 frames improvement over my previous run. 21 frames were saved in 4-2, and 1 frame for 8-4 2nd room, and 5 frames were lost in the last room due to bad Podoboo RNG.
In my previous attempt, Luigi hit the hidden coin block and then Mario used it as a stool to reach the vine, which I already knew was unnecessary because even without the coin block they were at a high enough level to hit or reach the vine. The reason I overlooked this is that if you scroll the screen too far to the right before the vine grows enough, Mario won't be able to grab it. My previous TAS was spending too much time waiting for the vine to grow, so I improved on it and managed to gain a 1 frame rule.
And only simple improvement and loss were made in 8-4. I would be glad if someone could make a perfect movement up to the last axe without losing any time.

#638346272618306577 - Rohrleitung Gate abuse ending

Rohrleitung Gate abuse ending.fm2
In 08:50.54 (31885 frames), 32358 rerecords
Uploaded 11/3/2023 4:54 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#638190750274557357 - sfmb2 resynced

In 02:05.18 (7523 frames), 10695 rerecords
Uploaded 5/7/2023 4:50 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
ROM Checksum: e2cd9020669470d95d55491602b51977

#638159481655030136 - SfMB2 5-3

In 02:14.96 (8111 frames), 1907 rerecords
Uploaded 4/1/2023 12:16 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#638130218040182824 - Superfast Mario Bros. warps

Superfast Mario Bros..fm2
In 01:09.17 (4157 frames), 123 rerecords
1 comment, 120 downloads
Uploaded 2/26/2023 3:23 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#73890793151588632 - Super Mario Bros. Hack: Giant Mario Bros.

Giant Mario Bros. playthrough.fm2
In 06:03.32 (21835 frames), 26401 rerecords
Uploaded 9/1/2021 4:13 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This ROM Hack almost doubles Mario's height. The width has slightly increased too, but it's not easily noticed, and some cramped areas on the stages have been modified according to his new size. I resumed creating movies after a long time starting with this and Mario's size has grown ridiculously, which has contributed to increasing difficulty in making xD

#69849949219031038 - EB Beginnings warp glitch minor improvement

In 22:59.55 (82909 frames), 12 rerecords
Uploaded 3/3/2021 4:41 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This is a very small improvement for the NES EarthBound Beginnings "warp glitch". The published run buys 4 Life Up Creams after respawning at the Podunk department store, but in this WIP buys 5. Ninten currently has Cash Card, Franklin Badge, Bread Crumbs and PSI Stone, he can buy 4 items because he has 4 remaining spaces. But I recalled PSI Stone be gone with a 1/8 chance when it's used, this meant one additional Life Up Cream could be bought to reduce the frequency of using Life Up α in the final battle. It was a meaningful attempt, but the result of actual improvement was not satisfactory to me so I just submitted this on WIP.

#69687951527434710 - NES Mother with Skip sandwich code

001f 10.fm2
In 16:55.64 (61039 frames), 61039 rerecords
2 comments, 337 downloads
Uploaded 2/24/2021 9:35 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)
Used cheat code: 001F:10
The code applied to this TAS makes every object move ridiculously fast (about 8 times). The maximum speed is defined when Value is 10~3F, a graphical glitch occurs when the Value exceeds 3F.

#67642333095295870 - Super Mario Bros. "anti-pacifist, warpless"

smb anti-pacifist warpless.fm2
In 18:46.60 (67708 frames), 75284 rerecords
3 comments, 435 downloads
Uploaded 11/24/2020 6:35 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)
"anti-pacifist" is a category originally created by the Super Mario Bros. speedrunner RoyLGamer. The goal is to kill all enemies who appear on the screen as stated on the branch. This means you don't have to kill an enemies that exist where you haven't visited, so I ignored some hidden stages which contain an underwater enemies. Also, enemies simply walking into a pit are not count as killed.
We made some exception to the rule because Buzzy Beetles are generally impossible to kill without using Power Star or kicking another shell, so even if you just stomp on Buzzy Beetles, we admit it as being killed.
Enemies not included: Bullet Bills, Flying Cheep Cheeps in 8-4 & Podoboos
Footnotes on some levels:
4-1: Lakitu reappears after a certain period of frames after it dies, and item blocks can manipulate its appearance timing.
5-1: At the end of the level, BBG was performed but it doesn't saved any time compared to doing normal flagpole glitch because the Bullet Bill didn't shot fast enough to reach the next frame rule. I believe it would be impossible to fire it more faster while killing all the enemies in the level.
5-4: There was 1 missing frame due to bad Firebar RNG and I never found it. I'd be very grateful if someone discover the solution of this unsolvable puzzle.
7-1: The last Buzzy Beetle was used for full-fpg and it emerges from its shell by the time the level is finished. Kicking the shell off the screen would be a clear and uncontroversial way, but I chose an improvements that could save more frames.

#61315579988913414 - Super Mario Bros. "anti-pacifist"

smb anti-pacifist.fm2
In 05:05.36 (18352 frames), 31308 rerecords
Uploaded 2/13/2020 8:20 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#59673679364378707 - SNES EarthBound WIP

In 22:29.53 (81105 frames), 114954 rerecords
Game: EarthBound ( SNES, see all files )
6 comments, 578 downloads
Uploaded 12/1/2019 9:41 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This was played by someone other than me. I upload this on his behalf.

#56842432743697882 -

Mother 25th Anniversary Edition v3.fm2
In 40:58.09 (147728 frames), 20190727 rerecords
Uploaded 7/26/2019 9:33 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This run aims to beat Mother: 25th Anniversary Edition as quickly as possible, it improves Nitrodon's EarthBound Beginnings run by 24,837 frames, or 6 minutes 57.99 seconds.

#55188136691827594 - SMB Super Bill Kill "warpless"

Super Bill Kill warpless.fm2
In 18:29.89 (66703 frames), 60392 rerecords
Uploaded 5/13/2019 9:30 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)
Quoting Super Bill Kill is a simultaneous 2-player version of Super Mario Bros. in which the second player can turn enemies into Bullet Bills and target them at Mario. This ROM was originally designed for an offline tournament at AGDQ 2019. You can watch the final match of the tournament to see the ROM hack in action.
Compared to the current WR warpless TAS, total 414 frames are saved in following levels:
1-3: 84 frames 3-2: 84 frames 5-1: 63 frames 5-2: 63 frames 5-3: 84 frames 8-2: 21 frames 8-4: 15 frames

#53836126036825628 - SMB Two Players Hack "warps"

Super Mario Bros. Two Players Hack.fm2
In 04:54.73 (17713 frames), 21923 rerecords
Uploaded 3/13/2019 12:11 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)
This run shows what the fastest Super Mario Bros. Two Players Hack warps run looks like. The major differences from the original is that the pipe loads bit faster, and cannot manipulate the both player's On Screen X to use wrong warp by usual method; there are various differences from the existing SMB warps movie.

#52148401142239796 - Super Mario Bros. "pacifist, coinless"

pacifist coinless.fm2
In 05:00.52 (18061 frames), 6349 rerecords
Uploaded 12/27/2018 12:01 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#47153835947412647 -

In 23:07.85 (83408 frames), 4759 rerecords
Uploaded 5/16/2018 1:39 PM by chatterbox (see all 17)

#46372967639844552 - EB Beginnings - reverse melody order

reverse melody order.fm2
In 55:18.12 (199415 frames), 13928 rerecords
Uploaded 4/11/2018 9:39 AM by chatterbox (see all 17)
Based on the "reverse boss order" of Super Metroid, this TAS demonstrates how to collect seven melodies in descending order. The eighth melody can't be included in "reverse melody order" because it is forcibly learns from Queen Mary when the rest of the melody is collected. In other words, it is impossible to learn the eighth melody first (limited to Japanese version only).

지금은 TASVideos에서 전체적으로 폐기되었지만 한동안 TAS와 RTA계에서 큰 인기를 불러 일으켰던 슈퍼 메트로이드의 "reverse boss order"를 바탕으로, 이 TAS는 Mother에 존재하는 마지막 멜로디를 제외한 일곱 개의 멜로디를 역순으로 얻는 방법을 보여 줍니다. 여덟 번째 멜로디는 나머지 일곱 개의 멜로디를 모두 모았을 때에만 퀸 메리에게서 얻을 수 있으므로 마지막 여덟 번째 멜로디는 "reverse melody order"에 포함되지 않습니다. EarthBound Zero에서는 모든 멜로디를 완벽하게 역순으로 모을 수 있으나, 그 과정이 Mother에서보다 오래 걸릴 것 같음을 감안하여 빵 조각 글리치를 사용할 수 있는 Mother에서 "reverse melody order"를 적용하였습니다.