Posts for moozooh

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You know what's funny? Back in 2000, when I got my first computer, assembling a good, balanced gaming system cost around $1000 (sans the software). Hardware has changed, games have changed, but assembling a good, balanced gaming system still costs around $1000. If there's equilibrium anywhere, there it is.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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HD 6870 is a good card, GF 560 Ti is as well. They should be quite enough if you aren't hell-bent on combining huge resolutions with multisampling. It's cheaper to get a decent card every two years or so than investing lots in one "dream card" that will serve you just a few months more before the next game with killer graphics comes out. If anything, more powerful cards are often louder, larger, and need more watts to run.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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That's hardly deniable. I think the question is more about what to do with the current one: either delay it until a new one is made (to be on the safe side), then cancel, or publish it right away and have it obsoleted in a few days/weeks.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Shinryuu wrote:
moozooh, what the heck? I was pretty sure you were just some kind of fat jerk with no life. Also your avatar deceived us, damn conspiracies!
Huh, didn't I post another photo back in June or so? Anyway, glad I managed to have deceived you for so long. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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«Так и сказал бы», ага, а вот ты взял бы и сам бы подумал бы. :D Смотри, для чего нам вообще нужен этот перевод? Вряд ли чтобы заполнить квоту: «ну всё, теперь там есть русские буквы — покатит». Мы хотим, чтобы текст был простым, понятным и не вызывал отторжения у носителя русского языка. Для этого его нужно написать просто, понятно и по-русски. Если ты будешь последовательно переводить отдельные слова, даже не меняя структуру предложений, то моментально перегрузишь текст (деепричастями, англицизмами, канцеляритом и подобным мусором) — что и произошло с твоим переводом. И потом — английский вариант тоже не идеален, не надо к нему присасываться. Я не говорю, что нужно заново сочинять смысл сказанного — хотя переводчикам Шекспира, например, практически этим и приходилось заниматься, чтобы не угробить рифму. Нужно передавать смысл на другом языке, учитывая, что ты передаёшь его другой аудитории с другой культурой, другой лексикой* и вообще почти всем. И плевать, что отдельное слово может потеряться, если смысл будет таким же и без него. Попробуй переписать текст так, как предлагаю я. * Вообще далеко не все русские и английские слова, которые имеют однозначный перевод в словаре, взаимозаменимы. Например, «друг» в русском языке — не эквивалент английского «friend». Куда ближе к правде сочетания «знакомый — friend» и «друг — close friend» (поэтому «друзья» в социальных сетях и блогах так бесят; это сраная калька с английского, которая не имеет ничего общего со значением слова «друг»). Словари сосут; изучай культуру и мысли её контекстом.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Используя эти инструменты, мы превосходим человеческие способности прохождения игр с максимальной точностью, развлекая зрителей тем, как наши игроки проносятся сквозь игры на невозможных скоростях. Конечный результат нашей работы представляет собой последовательности кнопочных нажатий, которые могут быть посланы игровой приставке и дать тот же результат, что и на эмуляторе.
Прочти этот абзац вслух, пожалуйста. Прочти его кому-нибудь и спроси, что они поняли. В реальной жизни так могут разговаривать только наши госслужащие и юристы. %) Во-первых, английский и русский — слишком разные языки, чтобы считать переводом последовательную замену слов. Зачем насиловать восприятие текста убогим подобием дословности? Во-вторых, английский текст контекстно оптимизирован под ссылки на важные страницы. Поскольку не все эти страницы будут переведены (а переводить некоторые из них я вообще не вижу смысла), нам необязательно на них ссылаться — а значит, необязательно строить предложения вокруг ссылок. Предлагаю такой воркфлоу: 1) возьми абзац из оригинального текста; 2) выпиши все идеи и смыслы (чем проще — тем лучше), которые в нём видишь, в буллетированный список; 3) закрой оригинал и больше на него не смотри; 4) связно и красиво изложи идеи из списка по-русски. Вернёмся к тому абзацу и выпишем из него идеи:
    — тулзы делают игрока намного точнее, чем это возможно; — с тулзами можно проходить игры очень быстро; — быстрое и точное прохождение выглядит красиво; — результат использования тулзов — запись нажатий на кнопки; — её можно скормить приставке и посмотреть прохождение на ней.
Похоже на правду? Теперь давай попробуем записать это, как понятный текст, а не как договор-оферту на лизинг ПО: Тулзы позволяют нам управлять игровым персонажем с абсолютной точностью, которой лишены даже самые лучшие игроки. Мы не тратим время на лишние движения; наша цель — пройти игру быстрее, чем можно вообразить. В результате мы получаем запись нажатий на кнопки, которую можно воспроизвести в эмуляторе, а в некоторых случаях — и на настоящей приставке. Это набросок; я использую в нём слово «тулзы», потому что по-хорошему нам бы не мешало сначала обсудить перевод местного лексикона, а уже потом клепать тексты. Ещё там есть ряд не шибко удачных сочетаний слов («быстрее, чем можно вообразить» и «на настоящей» немного раздражают) и прочих тупых мелочей, не выражена идея красоты таса, но у меня сейчас нет времени на всём этом заморачиваться. Придумай свой вариант — может, у тебя получится лучше.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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100 miles? You guys are luckier than you think. According to their official site there are 93 of them in Moscow alone. Yep, that means they're within walking distance from each other.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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That's definitely not the case here. Back in USSR we were encouraged to brush our teeth as a part of morning/evening hygienic procedures; breakfast on the go, however, didn't even exist here until the last 1.5 decades or so.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I think the immoral part here is that we don't have to go through any risk (or any effort at all) to kill for food. In that sense we're now closer to carrion eaters than hunters. Many vegetarians I've asked say they would have no problem eating meat of an animal they'd hunted in person.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Warp wrote:
I don't think it matters if there's only one published TAS of a game, it still warrants the category tag if it's not a "default goal" run.
Rather, it is the default goal for this game, but it's the fact that it's not the fastest goal that warrants the tag.
turska wrote:
4:4:4 10-bit has arrived. It provides vastly superior visual quality for content like this.
Amusingly, I had to look twice to notice vast superiority any significant change at all. :D Somehow the large brown enemy in the bottom right corner caught a few new artifacts as well. I'm sure the 4:4:4 version will take over in the Last Cave or some other place where there is a lot of red.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Kefir made from artificial milk sucks as much as the artificial milk itself, fwiw. Regarding the point of not eating meat being viable; for instance, here in Russia having a meat/fishless diet with comparable nutritive value would cost you even more in the end. The healthiest food costs a damn lot because cashing-in on concerned people is a proper thing to do in capitalistic environment, and yet it won't in any way reduce the risk of running into boost-grown or genetically modified food by a dishonest manufacturer. Basically, if you want to take any particular stance in your diet, you're forced to choose between bad and worse. For that reason alone I found it better to just eat what I like and pay attention to how my organism reacts to it, with no morals involved. And I would like to stress that we don't really have any data on genetically-modified food's influence on subsequent generations.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Что ж, понеслась, родимая!
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Добро пожаловать, дорогие любители ломать игрушки вместо того, чтобы в них играть. :) TASVideos изначально был сугубо англоязычным форумом, но с недавних пор обзавёлся отдельными бордами для других языков, и с сегодняшнего дня у нас есть такая же. Вообще-то ничто не мешало создать её ещё много лет назад — просто идею никто не рассматривал всерьёз, потому как русских здесь всегда было очень мало. Да и многие из нас, кто провёл здесь много времени (AnS, Lazy_Zefiris, IronSlayer, feos и ваш покорный слуга, например), достаточно сносно изъяснялись по-английски, чтобы необходимость в какой-либо русификации не ощущалась обеими сторонами. Но, очевидно, продолжать в том же духе было не очень умно. Благодарить за шаг в чарующую неизвестность следует khv-user'а, по чьей инициативе мы создали русский субфорум. Спасибо, Слава! Теперь твой ход — приглашай сюда людей. Итак, для чего нам может пригодиться этот субфорум? В первую очередь для помощи тем, кто не шпрехает по-аглицки — мы можем дружно писать комментарии к сабмишенам, переводить отзывы пользователей (не все англоговорящие стараются писать понятно, у юзеров из других стран — свой языковой барьер, а ведь есть ещё и просто дурачки, которые сами не понимают, что пишут) и вопросы судей, давать списывать домашку и заниматься прочими милыми шалостями. Ещё мы можем использовать его для всего остального трёпа, который по каким-то причинам нельзя произвести на английском. :V Для всего этого вы вправе создавать отдельные треды. Этот я бы придержал для обсуждения организационных моментов, связанных с русификацией. Разумеется, весь сайт переводить никто не будет, но самые важные страницы должны со временем обрести понятные, изложенные доступным языком русские эквиваленты: * * * * * Желательно также составить краткое описание всего цикла «производство — заявка — обсуждение — публикация» и не менее краткий глоссарий местного лексикона. Я займусь этим на досуге. Ну, давайте посмотрим, что из этого выйдет. :)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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ais523 wrote:
I like this, but need to learn more about the game before I can figure out how impressive this is. (Also, I assume best ending isn't fastest; should it be in the category name?)
Yes, it should. Worst ending would miss pretty much the whole last 1/3 of the game—arguably the most impressive one. Actually you can just stop the movie at around 35:30 and fly away with the green-haired dude. There; a rather pointless place to end the game TAS-wise. There is also a normal (?) ending in which the Undead Core is the final boss and you escape on the helicopter instead of going to Sacred Grounds, and a minor variation to the best ending if you don't get through the SG quickly enough.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I didn't expect this. I knew somebody would do a TAS of this game ever since Upth showed me the test run, but I didn't think it would happen so fast and so... well! You've saved over 20 minutes over that run, impressive! It picks up rather slowly, but kicks up a sizable notch when you get the machine gun, and becomes completely unstoppable at the point of getting Booster 2.0. The Last Cave is the highlight for me—I could watch you plow through it over and over!—with Sacred Grounds coming close second. Surplus health capsules being a waste of time wasn't exactly surprising, but I never realized that a missile launcher actually saves time. The way you managed ammo was... invisible, for the lack of a better word. :D I could only see you shoot missiles right and left, and the next moment you already had a full stock. That's a very TASty thing to see. I would say that some things didn't look entirely consistent. For instance, does shooting machine gun upwards give a small downwards boost? It looked so, but wasn't used everywhere you needed to hit ground down faster. Maybe you could clarify it in the submission message. Then, there were many enemies you could seemingly take a damage boost off of, but didn't. Not completely sure why either. In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed this run, and starring it would make a pleasant deviation from the usual Metroid/Megaman/Zelda/Mario/Sonic/Castlevania fare.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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It could, but not necessarily. Scrape your tongue right after waking up with something (not very sharp!) and see what you get there. After all most people wake up with a sour, metallic, or otherwise unwanted taste in their mouth.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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You got it backwards. :) Bisqwit said that brushing before the remineralization occurs may interfere with it, so brushing immediately after a meal is unadvised. Although upon a brief search I can't find sources corroborating the claim, since modern toothpastes often contain remineralizers by themselves. In any case, brushing teeth before a meal is a good thing because plaque and various kinds of bacteria that accumulate during the night are washed away instead of being consumed with the meal. In fact most of them gather on the base of the tongue (you've surely noticed a thin layer of greyish substance with an unpleasant odor and taste).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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mmbossman wrote:
Dark, warm, moist places harbor bacteria, and your groin tends to be all three of those. However, it also depends on whether you're prone to urinary tract infections and the like, as well as what type of underwear you're wearing (boxers vs. briefs vs. man-thong). In general though, if you shower regularly and are in overall good health, sleeping in underwear is no more unhealthy than not. (Also note that women can be more prone to infections with confining clothing, for obvious reasons).
That, plus the fact that elastic bands and stitches irritate skin, and uncontrollable movement in one's sleep will more often than not make the underwear press too tightly against male genitalia, preventing proper blood flow. Why take that risk is beyond me; as soon as I realized it I did away with the practice entirely. Poor ecology has already moved the early impotence barrier further down, I don't need anything else contributing to it.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Hah, I actually very much agree. I sleep naked and never make my bed (granted it's two meters above ground). Sleeping in underwear isn't healthy, so that should be avoided whenever possible, but why wear anything instead is a question I haven't found a solid answer to.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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nfq wrote:
But what if I don't eat breakfast? I only drink a half glass of juice, should I brush my teeth?
Unless the juice has a lot of sugar, your teeth will hardly feel any difference.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: Brushing teeth before breakfast - why?
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Yrr wrote:
If you brushed your teeth before going to bed they should still be clean, shouldn't they?
Unfortunately that kind of logic doesn't apply to natural orifices, because various discharges and bacteria are accumulating there all the time. If you wash your eyes before sleep they will fill with crust by the time you wake up. If you blow your nose now it doesn't mean it will be clean several hours from now. If you wash up your anus in the morning and don't go number two the entire day it won't exactly remain fresh anyway. And there's always smegma, too. Have a nice breakfast!
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Remind me, what did the DOS version of Dune II have going for it that Genesis didn't? I only remember screen scrolling speed, but I'd rather have that limited to a more watchable state (the game doesn't have a lot of action anyway, so you can still multitask efficiently).
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Slowking wrote:
Ok I choose not to emulate load times. Thus it's as good as original. Problem solved!
Load times are not hardware. A laser, a motor, and a disc with data are hardware. When they interact you get load times. You're being lazy again.
Slowking wrote:
Gamecubes produced later will have a lower resistance.
There's no particular problem in having several sets of values corresponding to each hardware revision, since it makes perfect sense from the accuracy standpoint anyway. A TASer is then free to choose whatever value they like. Might as well go with the faster one, but hardcoding it from the start doesn't make sense, since it can break some games in ways that aren't quite appreciable to exploit TAS-wise (purposefully choosing a weaker set of hardware to execute the same code is poor sportsmanship).
Slowking wrote:
Really?! I remember countless arguements that were based in "pople know the gams this way, so we should give them to them this way, damn it!!!!!!"
I don't enjoy the way you tie together completely unrelated issues just because they're worded similarly. You still don't seem to understand what an emulator is, either. Most people don't like lag. But guess what, emulator developers don't artificially overclock an emulated system's CPU just to get rid of it. They also don't make it show colors it can't physically show, or make sounds it can't physically make. If it happens, it's an error that is subject to a fix, or an option that is made at the latest stages of development. Again, it doesn't matter if you or any other amount of people don't want lag or loading times or something else: if it's there on the hardware that is emulated, it will be emulated, by definition. But anyway, the arguments you're referring to were also made in favor of accuracy, since "people know games this way" was about making a TAS look more authentic to the game in question (in other words, with better accuracy).
Slowking wrote:
Yeah, except for the quadrillions time: There is no "supposed to" when it comes to loading times. There is an average, but no consant, so you can't emulate constants, like with the cycles on the SNES or something. It's just not possible.
Please re-read what I said earlier, the bit about statistics and averages. It flew over your head completely as you were busy making your point. I'm done here.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Slowking wrote:
You completely missed my point, which was: What in this case is considered "original hardware". Is it the PS1 or the PS2?
Again, there is no original hardware for an emulator. There is emulated hardware. What you choose to emulate is as good as original for you.
Slowking wrote:
The Wii doesn't have the same problem, since it slows down the drive in GC mode.
And thus the emulator should do the same.
Slowking wrote:
Only there is no "model piece of hardware" here. There is a wide range, as we have discussed already. My GCs laser has a resistance of 337 Ohm. There ware some that had a resistance of over 500 Ohm. The last GC models that were made had one of under a 100 Ohm. I know of one that had 66.
If a laser's resistance (wait, a laser's resistance? What exactly is resistance being measured on here?) deteriorates with time, as your data seems to suggest, then a model piece of hardware is obviously the one with no significant deterioration. Which means, as I already suggested, that durations should be measured on newest, least used models available, and averaged out. That way it will be closest to the model hardware's behavior. If there were different revisions of the Gamecube that had different hardware upon release, then the emulation should be adjustable to match all of the revisions, like it's done in, say, Amiga emulators. It doesn't matter what people expect. At all. What matters is getting it close to how the hardware is supposed to work when you unpack it in the store.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Slowking wrote:
For PS1 games there is even the option to load them faster in the PS2. So what is the standard speed here?
I feel you're just being lazy here. If you're emulating PS1, PS1's load speed is standard. If you're emulating PS2, and are feeding a PS1 disc to it, PS2's load speed is standard. Why would you consider otherwise? An emulator should be able to accomplish all of that accurately. Please understand, emulation isn't about setting some kind of standard or a convention to follow, it's about making a piece of software behave like a model piece of hardware would, or as close to it as possible. Purposefully making an emulator perform differently from the system it emulates also makes it stop being an emulator.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.