All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
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1266 1267 1268 1295 1296
609S (r2) Bisqwit 6:47 PM Diff
609S (r1) Walker_Boh 6:45 PM Diff
GameResources/BossFightingGuide (r3) Bisqwit 2:08 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r27) Bisqwit Link to BossFighting 2:07 PM Diff
FAQ (r53) Bisqwit (Minor edit) 1:18 PM Diff
FAQ (r52) Bisqwit Link to HexEditingMovies 12:23 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r26) Bisqwit 11:24 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r92) Bisqwit misc updates 9:08 AM Diff
597S (r4) Bisqwit 8:23 AM Diff
605S (r2) Bisqwit 8:22 AM Diff
608S (r1) Monthenor 4:59 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r91) Bisqwit Rockman update 11:07 PM Diff
HomePages/Zurreco (r21) Zurreco 9:55 PM Diff
607S (r2) Monthenor 6:51 PM Diff
FAQ (r51) Bisqwit 5:54 PM Diff
600S (r3) Bisqwit 1:47 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r90) Bisqwit Rockman update! 1:36 PM Diff
607S (r1) Monthenor 8:27 AM Diff
606S (r1) Vatchern 3:05 AM Diff
HomePages/BoltR (r6) BoltR Updated the information, it's been a while since I have. 1:38 AM Diff
311M (r1) DeHackEd Initial description. 12:52 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r103) Phil 1:57 PM Diff
605S (r1) Tinister 6:42 PM Diff
603S (r2) Tinister 6:29 PM Diff
604S (r1) Phil 6:14 AM Diff
603S (r1) Tinister 5:59 AM Diff
602S (r1) BillBull 7:21 PM Diff
600S (r2) DeHackEd 1:23 PM Diff
600S (r1) yagz 11:37 AM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r25) BillBull (Minor edit) 9:42 AM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r19) BillBull (Minor edit) 9:36 AM Diff
594S (r2) DeHackEd 2:05 AM Diff
HomePages/Arc (r34) Arc v5 -> v6 12:20 AM Diff
591S (r2) Arc 12:19 AM Diff
599S (r2) OgreSlayeR 11:54 PM Diff
599S (r1) OgreSlayeR 9:17 PM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r18) Bisqwit see also 8:52 AM Diff
598S (r2) Bisqwit 2:26 PM Diff
598S (r1) yagz 11:52 AM Diff
597S (r3) Walker_Boh 10:13 PM Diff
597S (r2) Bisqwit 9:54 PM Diff
597S (r1) Walker_Boh 9:47 PM Diff
596S (r1) nitsuja 12:03 PM Diff
OtherEmulators/ZMV (r3) Nach Corrected format, I think this is it 10:58 PM Diff
HomePages/Genisto (r30) Phil 10:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Genisto (r29) Bisqwit rearranged a bit for clarity 11:27 AM Diff
FAQ (r50) Bisqwit 9:44 AM Diff
586S (r2) Vatchern 10:02 PM Diff
574S (r7) VIPer7 5:45 PM Diff
OtherEmulators/ZMV (r2) Bisqwit 12:08 PM Diff
310M (r4) Blechy speeling (Minor edit) 10:34 PM Diff
310M (r3) Truncated i am teh fanny 7:29 PM Diff
595S (r3) spoonshiro 6:50 AM Diff
595S (r2) spoonshiro 3:37 AM Diff
595S (r1) spoonshiro 2:53 AM Diff
594S (r1) Terimakasih 8:36 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r102) Phil 3:00 PM Diff
593S (r2) Bisqwit 8:01 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r101) Phil 4:45 AM Diff
310M (r2) DeHackEd 3:21 AM Diff
593S (r1) Fleetze 2:43 AM Diff
310M (r1) DeHackEd 2:39 AM Diff
307M (r2) Truncated short description 8:15 PM Diff
592S (r2) DeHackEd 6:13 PM Diff
309M (r1) Bisqwit 8:08 AM Diff
539S (r2) nesrocks 5:55 AM Diff
592S (r1) Phil 4:26 AM Diff
HomePages/Arc (r33) Arc (Minor edit) 3:34 AM Diff
591S (r1) Arc 3:05 AM Diff
590S (r2) DeHackEd 9:56 PM Diff
589S (r4) Bisqwit 8:17 PM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r22) Blechy (Minor edit) 3:41 AM Diff
587S (r2) spezzafer 9:57 PM Diff
590S (r1) spezzafer 9:57 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules (r13) Bisqwit 5:03 PM Diff
589S (r3) Sleepz 4:59 PM Diff
589S (r2) Bisqwit 4:57 PM Diff
589S (r1) Sleepz 4:54 PM Diff
306M (r5) Bisqwit less obtrusive with the slang 8:37 AM Diff
307M (r1) Bisqwit 6:48 AM Diff
275M (r4) BillBull (Minor edit) 2:45 AM Diff
585S (r2) guacho80 2:05 AM Diff
588S (r2) nitsuja 5:08 PM Diff
579S (r2) Bisqwit 4:10 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r25) Bisqwit Added a few notes about SMB3 2:25 PM Diff
588S (r1) nitsuja 10:18 AM Diff
FAQ (r49) Nach Added ZMV, ordered by system 1:22 AM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r89) Bisqwit 9:32 PM Diff
587S (r1) spezzafer 9:19 PM Diff
586S (r1) Vatchern 4:17 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r88) Bisqwit 2:30 PM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r21) Blechy 10:38 AM Diff
HomePages/Blechy (r20) Blechy 9:51 AM Diff
HomePages/Arc (r32) Arc (Minor edit) 6:11 PM Diff
582S (r2) Vatchern 3:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r22) Truncated blah 3:00 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r100) Phil 11:02 AM Diff
585S (r1) guacho80 8:17 AM Diff
584S (r4) Phil 11:19 PM Diff
584S (r3) spoonshiro 11:13 PM Diff
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1266 1267 1268 1295 1296

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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