Most recent changes in texts

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489 490 491
888 889
4518S (r3) Dark_Noob 5:18 PM Diff
2733M (r1) feos Mr. Nutz 5:15 PM Diff
4518S (r2) Dark_Noob 5:15 PM Diff
4518S (r1) Dark_Noob 4:45 PM Diff
3664S (r10) Dark_Noob 3:18 PM Diff
4501S (r5) fsvgm777 Edited game name 3:15 PM Diff
4501S (r4) fsvgm777 2:05 PM Diff
HomePages/Zeupar/Crash (r7) MUGG 10:12 AM Diff
4517S (r1) Alyosha 4:05 AM Diff
4500S (r7) Spikestuff 2:17 AM Diff
4512S (r4) Nach 12:46 AM Diff
Bizhawk/BK2Format (r5) Scepheo Added subtitle format explanation 6:33 PM Diff
Bizhawk (r58) CoolKirby Lynx and BK2 format links 6:09 PM Diff
Bizhawk/AtariLynx (r1) CoolKirby created page 6:05 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/Genesis (r100) Aqfaq update 5:20 PM Diff
4513S (r13) mtvf1 2:02 PM Diff
4500S (r6) Nach 12:32 PM Diff
4516S (r9) WST Adding temporary encode 12:08 PM Diff
4513S (r12) Nach 11:56 AM Diff
4515S (r5) marzojr 11:54 AM Diff
4516S (r8) WST This needs more cuteness :3 :3 :3 10:48 PM Diff
4502S (r6) sheela901 5:42 PM Diff
4514S (r2) feos Judge 3:54 PM Diff
4515S (r3) feos Judge 3:54 PM Diff
4504S (r4) feos Accepting 3:28 PM Diff
4502S (r5) feos Accepting 3:04 PM Diff
4516S (r7) feos Judging 3:01 PM Diff
4513S (r11) mtvf1 2:46 PM Diff
4513S (r10) mtvf1 9:37 AM Diff
4513S (r9) mtvf1 8:12 AM Diff
4516S (r5) WST added a new potential improvement 5:10 AM Diff
4516S (r4) WST 4:29 AM Diff
854M (r4) Spikestuff 2:38 AM Diff
4516S (r1) WST 2:21 AM Diff
4509S (r2) Noxxa 10:43 PM Diff
4508S (r2) Noxxa 10:43 PM Diff
4515S (r2) marzojr 10:34 PM Diff
4514S (r1) marzojr 10:33 PM Diff
4515S (r1) marzojr 10:32 PM Diff
4506S (r7) Noxxa stage-by-stage comments! 9:49 PM Diff
2671M (r4) Noxxa 8:58 PM Diff
4513S (r6) mamuuuut 6:49 PM Diff
4513S (r5) mamuuuut 6:46 PM Diff
4513S (r4) mamuuuut 6:45 PM Diff
4513S (r3) mamuuuut 6:41 PM Diff
2671M (r3) CoolKirby added USA run movielink 6:31 PM Diff
4513S (r2) mamuuuut 5:56 PM Diff
4513S (r1) mamuuuut 5:50 PM Diff
4499S (r6) feos Acceblishing 4:22 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r114) feos Gens: "Proper Aspect Ratio in low-resolution mode" was properly figured out 3:55 PM Diff
2732M (r1) fsvgm777 Mario Bros. 3:49 PM Diff
4502S (r3) feos Judging 3:48 PM Diff
4511S (r2) feos judging 3:41 PM Diff
4512S (r3) Nach 11:46 AM Diff
4503S (r8) fsvgm777 9:18 AM Diff
4512S (r2) Spikestuff 1:45 AM Diff
4507S (r2) McHazard Describing what's REALLY going on here. 11:20 PM Diff
4512S (r1) MarbleousDave 11:06 PM Diff
4511S (r1) HHS 4:55 PM Diff
4510S (r1) McHazard 4:36 PM Diff
2731M (r2) CoolKirby corrected false info, merged our descriptions 2:16 AM Diff
4509S (r1) CoolKirby 11:31 PM Diff
4508S (r1) CoolKirby 11:31 PM Diff
4507S (r1) McHazard 10:43 PM Diff
4506S (r6) adelikat 6:13 PM Diff
4506S (r5) Noxxa 3:15 PM Diff
4506S (r4) Nach 2:56 PM Diff
2731M (r1) sheela901 Madagascar 2:52 PM Diff
4503S (r7) Spikestuff What branch? 1:22 PM Diff
4506S (r3) Nach 1:20 PM Diff
4504S (r3) feos Judging 9:49 AM Diff
4503S (r6) Nach 9:16 AM Diff
4505S (r3) feos Judging 8:37 AM Diff
4506S (r2) Noxxa 2:08 AM Diff
4506S (r1) Noxxa 1:51 AM Diff
4505S (r1) arandomgameTASer 1:38 AM Diff
2730M (r1) feos Krazy Ace Miniature Golf 8:14 PM Diff
4497S (r5) Aqfaq The ROM name has a typo 6:48 PM Diff
4497S (r4) Aqfaq The ROM name has a typo 6:47 PM Diff
4497S (r3) feos Publishing 4:58 PM Diff
4504S (r1) Cooljay 4:03 PM Diff
2729M (r1) Guga Gordo 106: The Mutated Lab Monkey 3:11 PM Diff
Movies/GruefoodDelight (r160) Spikestuff I'm not good at info. So... have fun? 2:36 PM Diff
4450S (r8) Noxxa 2:32 PM Diff
2728M (r1) feos Joust 12:32 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/BattleOfOlympus (r17) Pasky13 Ambrosia was changed to bay leaf 8:30 AM Diff
2727M (r1) Spikestuff Classic Kong Complete 3:51 AM Diff
4494S (r8) Spikestuff Even when this was unoptimal. 2:51 AM Diff
2726M (r1) feos Mr. Nutz 8:23 PM Diff
PlatformFramerates (r18) CoolKirby updated framerates and regions 8:10 PM Diff
2725M (r3) mklip2001 remove Mystic Quest reference, add more detail 7:35 PM Diff
549M (r9) mklip2001 remove reference to Mystic Quest, link to new run 7:29 PM Diff
PlatformFramerates (r17) CoolKirby updated Lynx framerate 7:20 PM Diff
4497S (r2) feos Judging 3:16 PM Diff
4494S (r6) feos Accepting 3:15 PM Diff
1415G (r1) CoolKirby description 9:02 AM Diff
2725M (r1) Spikestuff Final Fantasy VI 6:20 AM Diff
2723M (r3) arandomgameTASer 5:51 AM Diff
2723M (r2) arandomgameTASer 5:50 AM Diff
2724M (r2) arandomgameTASer 5:36 AM Diff
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489 490 491
888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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