This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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Daffy Duck in a totally glitched world! 1619 SGB Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions by MUGG in 01:58.07 Daffy Duck in a totally glitched world!
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... 1620 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by mmarks in 04:27.77 Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...
If only it was Mother that had the Dali Clocks, not Mother 2 1621 NES EarthBound Beginnings (Japan) "warp glitch" by pirohiko in 23:09.56 If only it was Mother that had the Dali Clocks, not Mother 2
1622 SNES Road Runner's Death Valley Rally by partyboy1a in 19:59.67
Tails zooming in the Star Light Zone. 1623 Genesis Tails in Sonic The Hedgehog by marzojr in 14:13.70 Tails zooming in the Star Light Zone.
Lux attacking Red Pison with 1 HP and a dead partner. 1624 SNES The 7th Saga by Kirkq & Nitrodon in 1:50:17.43 Lux attacking Red Pison with 1 HP and a dead partner.
Felix jumping from a giant snowball. 1625 NES Felix the Cat by Randil in 22:29.01 Felix jumping from a giant snowball.
1626 GBA Shining Soul II by DarkKobold in 1:12:02.43
This is what happens after a long trip in the Debug menu. 1627 SNES EarthBound "check glitch" by pirohiko & MUGG in 30:42.12 This is what happens after a long trip in the Debug menu.
1628 GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow "all souls" by Kriole in 25:47.05
Have you ever seen a rhinofly? 1629 SNES Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest "102%" by Dooty, NxCy & Comicalflop in 1:22:17.17 Have you ever seen a rhinofly?
1630 Genesis B.O.B. by Toothache in 52:57.85
1631 PCE Bonk's Adventure by jerfo in 24:03.63
1632 GBA Mega Man Zero "All Stages" by Rolanmen1 in 34:09.83
1633 SNES Kirby's Dream Course "maximum score" by snc76976 in 1:09:13.63
1634 DOS Epic Pinball "Super Android" by dwangoAC in 05:07.53
1635 GG Ninja Gaiden by adelikat in 07:33.02
Glitchy mess 1636 GB The Final Fantasy Legend "warp glitch" by knbnitkr in 01:47.17 Glitchy mess
1637 GBC Pokémon: Trading Card Game by p4wn3r & FractalFusion in 21:40.67
1638 DS Spider-Man 2 by adelikat in 14:20.21
It looks like I can stand on water... It's my lucky day! 1639 SGB Pocket Monsters: Green Version "warp glitch" by p4wn3r in 04:24.37 It looks like I can stand on water... It's my lucky day!
1640 SNES Operation Logic Bomb by Rising Tempest in 18:08.13
1641 SNES Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by Randil in 25:47.73
Blam! Didn't see that comin, eh? 1642 GBC Wario Land II by jlun2 in 08:14.52 Blam! Didn't see that comin, eh?
Rubber explosives double as grenades 1643 DOS Jazz Jackrabbit by Ilari in 04:43.79 Rubber explosives double as grenades

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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