
I'm one of the Coders who browse and enjoy the content on this site.
I along with adelikat also happen to run this site.


What I look for in a movie

These qualifications are what make up a superb TAS, and generally differ from just another movie of someone playing a video game. Not all of these are required, but the extent that they're featured is generally in proportion to how spectacular a TAS is. Things like exploiting glitches can be somewhat entertaining, but only contributes really well towards the TAS when the means used further the conformance to the above criteria.

Wish List

Movies that should be beaten

These movies were done a while ago, and I think new tools and more experience on the part of the players will allow these to be surpassed.

Movies that I'd like to see beaten

These movies are quite excellent, but I think there's a small chance they can be surpassed and I'd like to see it.

New movies I'd like to see

Some games that weren't done yet, but would look good.
DOS Games that have better Windows counterparts.

Old Favorites List

Favorite Quotes

<Dada_> Great, so you have perpetual energy--the holy grail that was said to be impossible to achieve and will undoubtedly save mankind's energy needs for all eternity and ends global warming, and you're using it to keep a backup scrimpy on ice in case you need him to make you a TAS?
<Nach> Dada_: exactly

About Me

I'm Nach, most well known for my program NSRT.

Emulation projects that I've worked on

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HomePages/Nach last edited by Nach on 4/22/2011 11:50 AM
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