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3047S (r80) sparky 7:23 PM Diff
3047S (r79) sparky 7:10 PM Diff
3047S (r78) sparky 6:09 PM Diff
MoviesList/ALL (r39) Ilari 2:55 PM Diff
MoviesList/SNES (r19) Ilari 2:55 PM Diff
1764M (r1) Nahoc 1:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy (r48) Bhezt_Rhy The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout is Submitted... 12:32 PM Diff
3051S (r1) Bhezt_Rhy 12:29 PM Diff
3047S (r77) sparky 7:42 AM Diff
3047S (r76) sparky 6:51 AM Diff
3047S (r75) sparky 6:10 AM Diff
3047S (r74) sparky 5:12 AM Diff
3047S (r73) sparky 4:45 AM Diff
3047S (r72) sparky 3:12 AM Diff
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3047S (r70) sparky 3:09 AM Diff
3047S (r69) sparky 3:07 AM Diff
3047S (r68) sparky 3:06 AM Diff
3050S (r2) laranja 3:03 AM Diff
3047S (r67) sparky 3:00 AM Diff
3047S (r66) sparky 2:58 AM Diff
3050S (r1) laranja 2:57 AM Diff
3047S (r65) sparky 2:55 AM Diff
3047S (r64) sparky 2:54 AM Diff
3047S (r63) sparky 2:52 AM Diff
3047S (r62) sparky 2:48 AM Diff
3047S (r61) sparky 2:44 AM Diff
3047S (r60) sparky 2:41 AM Diff
3047S (r59) sparky 2:39 AM Diff
3047S (r58) sparky 2:36 AM Diff
3047S (r57) sparky 2:33 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/Legacy/HighDefinition (r58) Nahoc 12:57 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r76) Brandon Dumped 1261M. 12:42 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r75) Brandon Dumped 1649M. 12:08 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r74) Brandon Dumped 1685M 11:23 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r73) Brandon Dumped 3029S 10:41 PM Diff
3040S (r9) Aktan 10:14 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r72) Brandon 3029S as soon as 165M starts uploading. 10:06 PM Diff
3029S (r9) Brandon 10:05 PM Diff
3047S (r56) sparky 9:15 PM Diff
3047S (r55) sparky 9:14 PM Diff
3047S (r54) sparky 8:58 PM Diff
3047S (r53) sparky 8:30 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r71) Brandon Uploaded 146M 8:14 PM Diff
3047S (r52) sparky 8:04 PM Diff
3047S (r51) sparky 7:28 PM Diff
3047S (r50) sparky 6:59 PM Diff
3047S (r49) sparky 6:56 PM Diff
3047S (r48) sparky 6:41 PM Diff
3047S (r47) sparky 6:14 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r70) Brandon Uploading 146M | Encoding 165M 3:25 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/StarWars (r1) Spinal 1:22 PM Diff
379M (r2) Flygon Adding an important notice to the changelog of this movie: The torrent and link has been replaced due to a file naming error, this has been corrected 11:46 AM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy (r47) Bhezt_Rhy Changing WIP link and SpongeBob SquarePants is currently hold-on 10:33 AM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy/MyFavoriteTASRuns (r5) Bhezt_Rhy Oops! My mistake. 9:50 AM Diff
3047S (r46) sparky 8:20 AM Diff
3047S (r45) sparky 8:07 AM Diff
3047S (r44) sparky 8:02 AM Diff
3047S (r43) sparky 8:01 AM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r56) Ilari 1735 to 1742 8:01 AM Diff
3047S (r42) sparky 7:57 AM Diff
3047S (r41) sparky 7:55 AM Diff
3047S (r40) sparky 7:50 AM Diff
3047S (r39) sparky 7:46 AM Diff
3047S (r38) sparky 7:34 AM Diff
3047S (r37) sparky 7:29 AM Diff
3047S (r36) sparky 7:24 AM Diff
3047S (r35) sparky 7:21 AM Diff
3047S (r34) sparky 6:47 AM Diff
3047S (r33) sparky 6:10 AM Diff
3049S (r3) DarkKobold 5:45 AM Diff
HomePages/alden/Exhibitions/AVGN (r30) klmz Gyromite & Silver Surfer 3:13 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r69) Brandon Encoding 146M 2:26 AM Diff
ArticleIndex (r87) Nahoc 12:25 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r189) Lollorcaust 11:50 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r68) Brandon Uploaded 136M 11:34 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r14) Noxxa list of variable avatars 9:11 PM Diff
GameResources/PSX/MegaManX (r1) Noxxa created page 8:22 PM Diff
3047S (r32) sparky 7:41 PM Diff
Encoders/Logos (r47) NitroGenesis 7:29 PM Diff
Encoders/Logos (r46) Dacicus Dacicus's logo 7:19 PM Diff
3047S (r31) sparky 7:18 PM Diff
3047S (r30) sparky 7:13 PM Diff
3047S (r29) sparky 6:54 PM Diff
3047S (r28) sparky 6:29 PM Diff
3047S (r27) sparky 5:57 PM Diff
3047S (r26) sparky 5:37 PM Diff
3047S (r25) sparky 5:26 PM Diff
3047S (r24) sparky 5:11 PM Diff
3047S (r23) sparky 4:54 PM Diff
3047S (r22) sparky 4:24 PM Diff
3047S (r21) sparky 4:09 PM Diff
3047S (r20) sparky 2:12 PM Diff
3049S (r1) HardCoreMangeur 2:11 PM Diff
3044S (r9) Mukki Judging Underway 11:25 AM Diff
GameResources/GBA/CastlevaniaAriaOfSorrow (r18) rhebus update with details from & about Kriole's new 100% run 10:58 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r188) Bhezt_Rhy Updates Once More 9:46 AM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy/MyFavoriteTASRuns (r4) Bhezt_Rhy Fixing page 9:20 AM Diff
3047S (r19) sparky 7:35 AM Diff
3047S (r18) sparky 6:41 AM Diff
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663 664 665 888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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