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9199S (r4) eien86 6:27 AM Diff
9195S (r3) eien86 6:21 AM Diff
6090M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6090 6:03 AM Diff
9190S (r8) Spikestuff 2:03 AM Diff
6089M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6089 2:00 AM Diff
9181S (r7) feos 9:18 PM Diff
9181S (r6) eien86 9:16 PM Diff
9190S (r7) eien86 8:15 PM Diff
9211S (r2) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:17 PM Diff
9205S (r4) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:17 PM Diff
9195S (r2) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:16 PM Diff
9190S (r6) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:16 PM Diff
9199S (r3) eien86 Claimed for judging 7:16 PM Diff
9181S (r5) eien86 Claimed for judging 6:59 PM Diff
9227S (r9) eien86 6:46 PM Diff
9239S (r1) Mikewillplays Auto-generated from Submission #9239 4:55 PM Diff
9226S (r3) eien86 4:18 PM Diff
9216S (r5) eien86 4:06 PM Diff
9145S (r6) Darkman425 Leaving a note about changed goal with reasoning 4:06 PM Diff
9187S (r16) feos 3:32 PM Diff
9187S (r15) Spikestuff 3:16 PM Diff
6088M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6088 3:14 PM Diff
9238S (r3) McBobX Added improvements table. 2:53 PM Diff
9186S (r7) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 11:00 AM Diff
6087M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6087 10:56 AM Diff
9212S (r7) Spikestuff Creative thoughts be like [null]. 6:57 AM Diff
6086M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6086 6:50 AM Diff
9222S (r6) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 4:57 AM Diff
9238S (r2) McBobX 4:29 AM Diff
9238S (r1) McBobX Auto-generated from Submission #9238 4:23 AM Diff
9212S (r6) CasualPokePlayer 3:08 AM Diff
9229S (r9) Technickle 3:03 AM Diff
6085M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6085 2:50 AM Diff
9229S (r8) Technickle 1:11 AM Diff
9197S (r4) nymx Claimed for judging 12:42 AM Diff
9212S (r5) nymx 12:37 AM Diff
9212S (r4) nymx 12:31 AM Diff
9236S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 12:08 AM Diff
9124S (r5) nymx 11:43 PM Diff
9229S (r7) Technickle 11:38 PM Diff
9229S (r6) Technickle 11:37 PM Diff
9145S (r5) Darkman425 8:53 PM Diff
9237S (r1) JHolleworth Auto-generated from Submission #9237 8:32 PM Diff
9209S (r3) CasualPokePlayer 8:06 PM Diff
9145S (r4) Darkman425 Input file replaced with one trimming some blank and extra input at the end 7:57 PM Diff
9230S (r4) DyllonStej Edited section to mention 2f improvement 7:54 PM Diff
9235S (r2) Darkman425 Claimed for judging 7:09 PM Diff
9236S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #9236 5:23 PM Diff
6083M (r3) despoa Expanding description 4:41 PM Diff
9235S (r1) mohoc Auto-generated from Submission #9235 3:48 PM Diff
9234S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #9234 3:30 PM Diff
9233S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #9233 3:30 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r179) feos work this chapter like other chapters around it are worded 3:28 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r178) feos this way we can reduce abuse of rulers too 3:26 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r175) feos turns out we can do funny things with div 3:16 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r173) feos formatting 3:09 PM Diff
6084M (r2) Spikestuff Forgot about console verification. :X 3:02 PM Diff
9200S (r4) Spikestuff 3:00 PM Diff
6084M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6084 3:00 PM Diff
JudgeGuidelines (r15) feos remove mention of stars for now, added catalog info link 2:51 PM Diff
9203S (r6) Spikestuff 11:00 AM Diff
6083M (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Movie #6083 10:59 AM Diff
9145S (r3) Darkman425 Claimed for judging 4:04 AM Diff
9213S (r2) nymx Claimed for judging 3:07 AM Diff
9229S (r5) Technickle 3:02 AM Diff
9160S (r6) nymx 2:57 AM Diff
9193S (r10) nymx 2:08 AM Diff
9179S (r7) nymx 2:00 AM Diff
9222S (r5) Darkman425 12:47 AM Diff
9203S (r4) eien86 5:28 PM Diff
9232S (r2) Mikewillplays 4:47 PM Diff
9232S (r1) Mikewillplays Auto-generated from Submission #9232 4:45 PM Diff
9231S (r1) Mikewillplays Auto-generated from Submission #9231 4:45 PM Diff
9179S (r6) nymx 4:27 PM Diff
9227S (r8) Yhc4913 2:29 PM Diff
9157S (r4) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 1:17 PM Diff
9193S (r9) nymx 12:31 PM Diff
9183S (r7) fsvgm777 10:51 AM Diff
9187S (r14) fsvgm777 10:51 AM Diff
9183S (r6) fsvgm777 10:50 AM Diff
6082M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6082 10:48 AM Diff
9230S (r1) DyllonStej Auto-generated from Submission #9230 5:34 AM Diff
9124S (r4) nymx Claimed for judging 12:39 AM Diff
9193S (r7) nymx 12:09 AM Diff
9193S (r6) nymx 11:43 PM Diff
9229S (r4) Technickle 4:19 PM Diff
9206S (r3) feos 3:01 PM Diff
9228S (r2) McBobX Note about the current WR run 12:06 PM Diff
9227S (r7) Yhc4913 11:51 AM Diff
9227S (r6) Yhc4913 11:44 AM Diff
6081M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #6081 11:36 AM Diff
9187S (r13) fsvgm777 8:15 AM Diff
9183S (r5) fsvgm777 8:14 AM Diff
9207S (r9) fsvgm777 7:08 AM Diff
6080M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #6080 7:06 AM Diff
9157S (r3) CoolHandMike Accepting to Standard 3:49 AM Diff
9227S (r5) Yhc4913 1:48 AM Diff
6079M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #6079 1:41 AM Diff
9209S (r2) CasualPokePlayer Claimed for judging 1:02 AM Diff
9191S (r12) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 12:30 AM Diff
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877 878

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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