Most recent changes in texts

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543 544 545 877 878
3845S (r2) Nach 10:23 AM Diff
1704S (r10) Bisqwit uncancelling per request. 9:59 AM Diff
3842S (r2) feos 9:07 AM Diff
3840S (r2) feos Judging... 9:04 AM Diff
3781S (r11) feos 9:02 AM Diff
3846S (r1) dwangoAC 8:51 AM Diff
3845S (r1) Marx 8:28 AM Diff
2289M (r1) feos 8:17 AM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc/SMB (r9) Nahoc 12:51 AM Diff
3844S (r2) ouendan 12:35 AM Diff
3844S (r1) ouendan 12:20 AM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc/SMB (r8) Nahoc 12:05 AM Diff
3843S (r2) Noxxa 10:59 PM Diff
3843S (r1) MESHUGGAH 10:44 PM Diff
3842S (r1) MESHUGGAH 10:31 PM Diff
HomePages/Ilari (r20) Ilari Add "Movies I have published" 8:01 PM Diff
3006S (r9) feos Very strong TAS, accept and publish. 7:51 PM Diff
3779S (r7) feos Rejecting. Too hard project for a single person. Also, really poor research. 7:09 PM Diff
3711S (r6) McBobX 6:16 PM Diff
3711S (r5) McBobX 5:23 PM Diff
2288M (r2) natt 5:09 PM Diff
2288M (r1) natt 5:06 PM Diff
2258M (r4) Noxxa 12:49 PM Diff
3827S (r8) Noxxa 12:15 PM Diff
2287M (r1) feos 10:54 AM Diff
3006S (r8) feos 10:04 AM Diff
3841S (r3) Quibus Improved branch name 10:00 AM Diff
3779S (r6) feos 9:47 AM Diff
3766S (r4) feos 8:29 AM Diff
3814S (r10) FractalFusion accept 4:53 AM Diff
3841S (r2) Quibus Added another entertainment effort, which I forgot 10:18 PM Diff
3841S (r1) Quibus 10:12 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/TaskList (r154) Ilari 9:35 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/TaskList (r153) Ilari Render queues as objects 9:17 PM Diff
2286M (r1) Ilari 6:21 PM Diff
2285M (r1) Ilari 6:21 PM Diff
ArticleIndex (r114) feos Can't check other referrers 4:22 PM Diff
3006S (r7) FractalFusion 8:56 AM Diff
1190S (r7) FractalFusion replace movie file with itself because of earlier bug 7:39 AM Diff
3840S (r1) p3r 4:12 AM Diff
3839S (r2) FractalFusion 1:49 AM Diff
3839S (r1) FractalFusion 1:48 AM Diff
3837S (r4) mtvf1 10:26 PM Diff
3837S (r3) mtvf1 10:23 PM Diff
2282M (r2) CoolKirby 8:10 PM Diff
3838S (r3) Nach 7:34 PM Diff
3838S (r1) negative_seven 6:51 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/LuaFunctions (r20) Ilari New lua functions 5:03 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/TaskList (r148) Ilari rr1-Δ16/rr2-β2 4:55 PM Diff
3836S (r7) feos 2:50 PM Diff
ArticleIndex (r113) feos 2:00 PM Diff
3835S (r6) Nach 10:05 AM Diff
3837S (r2) Noxxa 10:48 PM Diff
3837S (r1) mtvf1 10:34 PM Diff
2283M (r2) Brandon 9:14 PM Diff
2284M (r1) Brandon 9:14 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/DonkeyKong (r18) Nach More memory addresses 7:07 PM Diff
2283M (r1) Ilari 7:00 PM Diff
2282M (r1) Ilari 7:00 PM Diff
3830S (r12) Brandon Publication underway / Datatized addresses. 6:46 PM Diff
3830S (r11) Noxxa 4:26 PM Diff
3829S (r7) Noxxa 4:26 PM Diff
3828S (r6) Noxxa 3:56 PM Diff
2281M (r1) Ilari 3:48 PM Diff
3788S (r5) Nach 2:57 PM Diff
3836S (r5) Noxxa 2:43 PM Diff
3833S (r9) Nach 2:42 PM Diff
3835S (r4) Nach 11:36 AM Diff
2280M (r1) Ilari 9:28 AM Diff
3815S (r3) Nahoc 3:07 AM Diff
3789S (r5) Nahoc 1:48 AM Diff
3811S (r4) Baxter 3:12 PM Diff
3810S (r6) Baxter 3:00 PM Diff
3835S (r3) Nach 12:09 PM Diff
2279M (r1) Brandon 1:15 AM Diff
3800S (r4) FractalFusion accept 11:25 PM Diff
3788S (r4) Nach 9:00 PM Diff
3821S (r11) natt procesing 8:59 PM Diff
3820S (r10) Nach 8:44 PM Diff
3779S (r5) Truncated 8:39 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r79) Ilari That too... 8:29 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r78) Ilari Is this supposed to work? Suppresses autoembed anyway 8:26 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r77) feos 8:17 PM Diff
3829S (r6) Noxxa 7:31 PM Diff
3788S (r3) Nach 7:25 PM Diff
3813S (r4) Nach 7:23 PM Diff
3833S (r8) Nach 7:23 PM Diff
3828S (r5) Noxxa 7:11 PM Diff
3830S (r9) Noxxa 7:11 PM Diff
3820S (r9) Nach 7:06 PM Diff
3832S (r8) Nach 12:49 PM Diff
3832S (r7) Nach 12:48 PM Diff
2278M (r1) Brandon 9:32 AM Diff
1806S (r9) Brandon Publication underway / Datatized addresses. 6:03 AM Diff
3836S (r4) Hoandjzj 2:12 AM Diff
3830S (r6) dwangoAC Final submission text content update describing all challenge waves 6:51 PM Diff
3836S (r3) Noxxa 2:25 PM Diff
3836S (r2) Noxxa 2:23 PM Diff
3836S (r1) Hoandjzj 2:13 PM Diff
567M (r3) feos Commentary 7:45 AM Diff
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543 544 545 877 878

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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