User Files for Pokémon: Red/Green/Blue/Yellow Version

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#638016917415859839 - Pokemon Yellow TID checker

Yellow TID check.lua
Uploaded 10/18/2022 12:09 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
For Pokemon Yellow, this script will tell you what trainer ID you get. It's the same thing as the Red script, but the memory address is different.

#638016916327057248 - Pokemon Red TID checker script

Red TID check.lua
Uploaded 10/18/2022 12:07 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
This script will tell you the current frame, followed by your TIDs, and output them to a txt file. I set it to test.txt because I wasn't sure if it would work sometimes. I also made a script for Yellow version.

#637872569430201149 - Pokemon Yellow TAS - Faster Brock route

In 11:53.05 (42638 frames), 41675 rerecords
Uploaded 5/4/2022 10:29 AM by Chamale (see all 7)
This test run only fights a Rattata and a mandatory Bug Catcher before Brock's gym, and clears the gym 30 seconds faster than the existing TAS.

#637836625324700877 - Pokemon Yellow Butterfree% Route Test

In 1:51:15.51 (399245 frames), 176062 rerecords
Uploaded 3/23/2022 8:02 PM by Chamale (see all 7)
Uses Rangersquid's input for the first half, with a route change to use confusion status instead of Hyper Beam for tough fights.

#75208117159010018 - Pokemon Yellow Butterfree Any% TAS

Version 2 Yellow Butterfree TAS 2021.bk2
In 2:00:55.18 (433334 frames), 135762 rerecords
Uploaded 10/31/2021 12:03 AM by RangerSquid (see all 1) (will be changed to the uploaded TAS video once that is uploaded by myself)
The TAS was originally done on Bizhawk emulator version 2.6.2 that has patches which make its emulation accurate enough to be verifiable on the Game Boy Player console. The choice to use specifically GBA as the emulated platform is due to the ability for console verification on GBI and the use of the GBP platform in the RTA speedrunning community for Pokemon Gen 1-3. The youtube upload above demonstrates this console verification.
While this is not the fastest possible TAS of Pokemon Yellow, the primary reason of this was to experiment with a TAS itself that was geared towards a broader audience that could enjoy this project itself. The primary goal is to have fun with the TAS, as this was my first TAS project I ever worked on.
Some of the timesaves or timelosses listed below will be from TiKevin83's TAS video submitted here ( as he explains some of the information for the beginning of the game.
In-Game Options:
It was known around the time of the creation of the previous TAS that setting options in-game was faster than setting them at the "new game" screen, but fixing this was infeasible until improvements were made to the use of botting tools for Nido and Pidgeotto manip. (in other words, the good nido manip relied on the flawed use of new-game options for RNG). With a reliable way to bot new nido and pidgeottos this is no longer a problem.
Pika Cutscene Transition:
During the creation of the Yellow NSC TAS I discovered with the help of the PSR programmers that different rival name settings were affecting the battle transition when Pikachu is encountered by Oak. The game compares the first pokemon in your party's level against the encounter's level to determine how intense it should make the animation appear. Since you don't have a pokemon yet, the game gets very confused and ends up reading from the same place that was used for temp storage while setting the Rival name. The practical upshot is that a 30 frame faster animation can be obtained by taking 20 frames to write data into the rival name and then delete it so that the name still ends up as A for later text. 4 other frames were saved through quirks up to the rival battle including pika stats.
Rival 1 with Tackle Animation On:
Hilariously, the Tackle animation is one of the only animations that is faster with animations on, and also the only animation used in the initial rival battle. Knowing that it's faster to set options in-game, it then becomes logical to delay the options set which turns off animations until after the rival 1 battle (which makes the battle extremely hard to manipulate without losing frames, and most of the difficulty of the rewrite was spent just in getting ready a double gen 1 miss rival 1 battle that doesn't have options set yet).
The following areas are specific to this TAS, rather than to every general Pokemon Yellow TAS.
Swag PC:
By turning very quickly when accessing the PC or any question box in Blaine's gym, you are able to turn in a specific direction, aka "swag pc'ing" while you are using them. While this can happen in any TAS, this project decided to lose more time by having this happen in many different spots. This includes anytime we access the PC, or during Blaine's gym question boxes. Overall, a total of about 20-25 frames are lost on Swag PC.
Caterpie + Pidgeotto Manip:
In Viridian Forest, we programmed a bot to encounter manip for a level 6 Caterpie with a bare minimum of specific stats in order to get the best possible Butterfree for the game. After finding a Caterpie with DV's of 15/14/14/15, this allows us to then manipulate another encounter of a level 9 Pidgeotto, a 1% encounter. We bring the Pidgeotto down to 2 HP, then bring out Caterpie to finish the Pidgeotto off. We also have the Pidgeotto hit the Caterpie down to 1 HP in order to achieve Redbar for the entire forest.
Light Year Trainer:
In one of the first battles we have to fight, we go up against a trainer with a Diglett and a Sandshrew, both of which only know Scratch. This move cannot miss in generation 1, except by the 1/256 glitch. Due to Metapod's poor stats and having to use it at this point, we have to generate a fight that is near impossible to ever even consider happening. the fight requires 9 gen 1 misses, 5 1/39 crits, 2 1/39s and three normal crits just to finish with optimal turns, and crits are 15/256 due to Metapod's base speed. You also have to win a speedtie on the last turn. In total, the fight is about a 1/10^22 chance of ever happening. If you were not to program these gen 1 misses and be at full health at the start, the turns themselves would be slower due to no redbar, as well as having to heal on multiple turns in order to guarantee you do not die to either Diglett or Sandshrew.
After this section is finished, I am intending to create another version of this TAS that is faster and more optimized, as I found many different ideas for the run itself in order to save a significant portion of time. More details of the TAS will be added to that submission rather than this one in order to discuss them in detail there.

#71800370622617564 - Pokémon: Blue Version - any% Glitchless Squirtle route

In 1:29:39.65 (321313 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 5/30/2021 12:47 PM by MrWint (see all 8)
Completes an any% glitchless run using Squirtle in 1:29:29

#71583105224035425 - sub-2 with same strats

Pokémon Red new TAS improvement.bk2
In 01:46.10 (6337 frames), 3650 rerecords
Uploaded 5/20/2021 5:58 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
I can't believe it! I had found something in Yellow that made it so you wouldn't have 152 pokemon, but I had totally forgotten until today. I didn't realize that there would be 3 swaps (which wastes a little more time) to get: 1. a rating that doesn't require an button press to clear, and 2. less lag for click items in battle. This is the last improvement with these strategies, for sure. As a reminder, this is not meant to beat any records, just to show something I had discovered a while back... and do that part as fast as possible.

#69809665510860028 - Pokemon Yellow improvement

yellow any% no tid manip.bk2
In 01:33.58 (5589 frames), 670 rerecords
Uploaded 3/1/2021 9:08 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Now this is right. Apparently, I had the movie recent settings freeze option checked, which made me think the movie desynced. Made in 2.6.1, so I know it's right. It definitely beats P4wn3r's 1:27.23 by at least one frame, not including bios and lag differences.

#69809033271283308 - improvement

Pokemon Yellow tAS (no TID manip).bk2
In 01:26.87 (5604 frames), 0 rerecords
Uploaded 3/1/2021 8:27 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Improves my previous run by a few seconds. It says this is a 1:26, but in 2.4, the version where I made this movie before putting it into 2.6.1, it says 1:33.826, which I find more believeable since P4wn3r's TAS with this strategy gets a 1:27.23 without startup screens. If it is a 1:26, this beats P4wn3r's TAS that doesn't have a TID manip by about a second.

#68871007585229384 - new improvement to my Pokémon Red TAS

Pokémon Red new improvement.bk2
In 02:12.98 (7967 frames), 3809 rerecords
Uploaded 1/18/2021 2:36 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Improves my previous attempt by 1.83 seconds due to much better optimization.

#68532946350294483 - Pokemon Yellow Glitchless RedBar Update

In 1:36:26.54 (346130 frames), 38980 rerecords
Uploaded 1/3/2021 9:12 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
72 frame improvement to the current Yellow Glitchless Submission - rearranges red bar hits to allow for saving 72 frames, primarily from Gen 1 Miss Lick on Agatha instead of taking a hit from the Lick.

#67585192223093153 - Pokémon Red TAS

Pokémon Red TAS with cool tech.bk2
In 02:14.40 (8052 frames), 1132 rerecords
Uploaded 11/21/2020 4:50 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
This is a TAS with some cool stuff I found out recently. Possible improvements are: There is a load of click items in battle. If there's a way to avoid them, that would be amazing. Also, I'm trying to find a pokémon swap that sets dex count to a value where no A-press is required to reach the credits.

#65435427490364301 - Finally got 765E without the RTA manip.

Pokémon Red FTL (without save corruption) TAS WIP 1.bk2
In 02:15.66 (8119 frames), 61 rerecords
Uploaded 8/16/2020 9:15 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
I'll be making a Red FTL NSC TAS (hopefully with Charmander 1024 setup). It should be less than 32 minutes in total. Edit: Having a lot of trouble with CharmanderDVs. It could take a long time without help.

#64457660128604412 - can't figure it out

Red - what did I do?.bk2
In 00:14.60 (11132 frames), 25 rerecords
Uploaded 7/3/2020 8:26 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Can't seem to get the 765e TID manip.

#64428891116017198 - Pokemon Green no select glitches TAS

Green NSG.bk2
In 07:59.85 (28700 frames), 5677 rerecords
Uploaded 7/2/2020 1:21 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Very improvable. I'd need to bot out 4 1/39 crits, or a lower health value and 4 1/39 crits and 1 1/39 non-crit (for the rival fight.) For the Weedle fight, botting more criticals would be a good idea, but I don't know how to do anything with Lua, nor do I know how to put the different actions in a route script.

#64391580247635189 -

Pocket Monsters - AKA TAS.bk2
In 22:04.56 (80611 frames), 9158 rerecords
Uploaded 6/30/2020 9:01 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Ok, this is a glitched Pocket Monsters: Red TAS, up to Nugget Bridge. It's sloppy, but I'll have to go with it for now. We'll see what the final time is, and then I'll try to improve it.

#64391544129643917 - 765e try

765e try.bk2
In 02:28.97 (8920 frames), 1684 rerecords
Uploaded 6/30/2020 8:59 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
765e try

#64274492952534962 - Blue Catch 'em all - right TID and DVs

right DVs and TID.bk2
In 02:27.38 (8825 frames), 3008 rerecords
Uploaded 6/25/2020 2:28 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
I don't know anything about botting, so 4 1/256 events is going to really suck for me, unless I can get some help. I understand that there are ways to manipulate the TID by waiting for certain numbers of frames, I can't seem to figure any of that out. Edit: I found a small time save in the name entry. I will still need help with the optimal Gen 1 misses, but I can do eerything up to the DVs.

#64104275995628430 - Correctned names; DVs manipulated again

Blue Catch 'em all.bk2
In 02:27.53 (8834 frames), 2498 rerecords
Uploaded 6/17/2020 10:29 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
It turns out I had commas instead of semicolons the first time. Fixed now. Hopefully I still have the right DVs...

#64006462748476895 - How long does it take to do the SRAM Glitch in Pocket Monsters - Yellow?

Pocket Monsters Yellow.bk2
In 00:45.37 (2717 frames), 249 rerecords
Uploaded 6/13/2020 12:46 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
For comparison with Japanese Red. Again, chooses the first names that come up.

#64006259231510984 - How long does it take to do the SRAM glitch with the default names in Japanese Red?

Pocket Monsters Red Default Name Save glitch.bk2
In 00:46.51 (2787 frames), 269 rerecords
Uploaded 6/13/2020 12:33 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
for comparison with Japanese Yellow which I will post soon

#63927724308623288 -

Pokemon Red in 158777642 CPU Cycles.bk2
In 01:16.06 (4543 frames), 0 rerecords
11 comments, 424 downloads
Uploaded 6/9/2020 11:40 PM by ThunderAxe31 (see all 111)
tfw you save a fraction of a frame

#63768285002171298 - Pocket Monsters - Pikachu up to Veridian City (second time)

Pocket Monsters - Pikachu TAS up to Veridian City (second time).bk2
In 05:00.27 (17958 frames), 2602 rerecords
Uploaded 6/2/2020 7:20 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
There's definitely room for improvement, but I wanted to win the rival fight since this is not going to be glitchless, and I need the money.

#63724743075561317 - Pokemon Yellow Theory TAS

In 1:46:23.53 (381272 frames), 307043 rerecords
Uploaded 5/31/2020 8:16 PM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
A TAS of the RTA route used by Pokemon Yellow speedrunners. Useful for comparison of possible strategies and menuing techniques in RTA and for comparison when trying to polish execution on specific splits. As a whole the run is generally infeasible due to the amount of RNG necessary to get every split to line up, but a real run could come closer to 1:51 or 1:52. This run takes about 1:46:00 accounting for RTA timing.

#63592930168450692 - up to the first rival with optimal DVs for Charmander

Pokemon Blue Catchemall - DVs manipulated.bk2
In 02:28.85 (8913 frames), 1486 rerecords
8 comments, 474 downloads
Uploaded 5/25/2020 9:48 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Using the new route, I started making this TAS. I don't know how to get the Growl fails, but it is going to be less than 32 minutes if everything goes smoothly.

#62326326790703278 - start of Yellow Catch 'em All TAS

Catch 'em all TAS to Rival 1.bk2
In 02:32.75 (9139 frames), 1208 rerecords
Uploaded 3/29/2020 8:48 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
Not perfect, most likely. I'm having trouble setting up optimal Gen 1 misses.

#58202432764255115 - [TAS] Pokémon Yellow Door Glitch

Pokemon Yellow in 0 mins.lsmv
In 01:33.86 (5606 frames), 435 rerecords
Uploaded 9/26/2019 3:30 AM by MewQ (see all 2)
a short TAS. Will work on a better and bigger project soon

#55354611089610643 - TiKevin83's 6023S resynced

In 1:36:34.32 (346080 frames), 190555 rerecords
1 comment, 640 downloads
Uploaded 5/20/2019 9:26 PM by MrWint (see all 8)

#54837653907369872 -

In 01:35.40 (5698 frames), 1032 rerecords
3 comments, 635 downloads
Uploaded 4/27/2019 2:41 PM by DJ_Incendration (see all 110)
This is my SC TAS of Pokémon Yellow.

#54785395281133041 - Pokemon Blue Glitchless

Pokemon - Blue Version (USA, Europe).bk2
In 1:30:06.77 (322933 frames), 111749 rerecords
14 comments, 509 downloads
Uploaded 4/25/2019 6:12 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
Blue Glitchless in 1:30:03, needs a GBC bios and GBC as GBA set to True. Also uses the Gambatte core.

#54466765119328341 - Pokémon Red: Rhinozz's 0:00 Ending

Pokemon Red Version.bk2
In 03:39.88 (13133 frames), 795 rerecords
Uploaded 4/10/2019 9:48 PM by Rhinozz (see all 1)
This is a TAS of Pokémon Red. It uses save corruption to finish the game in 0 minutes.

#54252537410849537 -

Pocket Monsters Aka (Japan) - softlock2.bk2
In 01:20.63 (4816 frames), 580 rerecords
Uploaded 4/1/2019 6:16 AM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
BizHawk 2.2.2

#52583671510142535 - Yellow NSC TAS New Pika

In 09:47.92 (35115 frames), 9679 rerecords
3 comments, 506 downloads
Uploaded 1/16/2019 2:28 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
New Yellow NSC TAS shaving 293 frames due to some Pikachu DV manip improvements from MrWint and a much more optimal 76XX encounter manip.

#51591702623692769 - Yellow Pikachu DV manip 7790 frames

In 02:10.43 (7790 frames), 0 rerecords
1 comment, 732 downloads
Uploaded 12/2/2018 10:18 AM by MrWint (see all 8)

#51165201188542650 - Yellow NSC improvement 4

In 09:52.80 (35407 frames), 241462 rerecords
Uploaded 11/13/2018 5:19 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
Took into account the full Gifvex Party Swaps route

#50872871357029851 - Yellow NSC improvement 3

In 10:06.59 (36230 frames), 229790 rerecords
Uploaded 10/31/2018 1:21 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
Took into account improvements suggested by Gifvex

#49243257821982118 - Secondary movie file for 3664M

In 1:36:42.93 (346595 frames), 190555 rerecords
Uploaded 8/18/2018 4:00 PM by feos (see all 197)
This is a resync of the [3664] GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version by TiKevin83 in 1:36:41.68 movie file, adjusted to work on console. The original movie was made on Bizhawk 2.2.2, this movie was made on Bizhawk 2.3 using an improved Gambatte core that comes with that release.
I watched videos of both movies (where the author commentates them on stream) side by side, making sure they have the same gameplay. Then I dumped encounter frame values from the actual movies to ensure both movies are what they are believed to be.
This movie is 75 frames longer, and it contains no gameplay improvements, only adjusted timings for everything that would desync on console otherwise.
This movie was submitted as #6023: TiKevin83's GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version in 1:36:42.94, and the decision was not to accept it as a new publication, since it's the same movie, but to acknowledge the achievement of emulator developers' and the author's by adding this as a secondary for for the current publication, with due explanations and links.
Here's the table I made:
Encounter 5860S 6023S Diff Delta
1 start 3950 3950 0 0
1 end 5019 5019 0 0
2 start 8287 8287 0 0
2 end 9932 9932 0 0
3 start 20513 20513 0 0
3 end 21420 21420 0 0
4 start 22592 22592 0 0
4 end 24071 24071 0 0
5 start 25116 25116 0 0
5 end 27839 27839 0 0
6 start 28652 28652 0 0
6 end 31495 31495 0 0
7 start 31957 31957 0 0
7 end 33094 33094 0 0
8 start 33551 33551 0 0
8 end 35201 35201 0 0
9 start 37228 37228 0 0
9 end 39819 39819 0 0
10 start 40302 40302 0 0
10 end 43676 43676 0 0
11 start 45730 45730 0 0
11 end 48376 48376 0 0
12 start 48584 48584 0 0
12 end 50919 50919 0 0
13 start 51133 51133 0 0
13 end 54145 54145 0 0
14 start 54395 54395 0 0
14 end 56832 56832 0 0
15 start 63453 63453 0 0
15 end 66556 66556 0 0
16 start 67803 67803 0 0
16 end 70464 70464 0 0
17 start 76481 76481 0 0
17 end 78387 78387 0 0
18 start 78810 78810 0 0
18 end 82342 82342 0 0
19 start 85200 85200 0 0
19 end 87989 87989 0 0
20 start 89186 89186 0 0
20 end 90982 90982 0 0
21 start 91155 91155 0 0
21 end 92953 92953 0 0
22 start 93128 93128 0 0
22 end 95608 95608 0 0
23 start 95778 95778 0 0
23 end 97536 97536 0 0
24 start 97711 97711 0 0
24 end 99482 99482 0 0
25 start 100415 100415 0 0
25 end 102288 102288 0 0
26 start 104052 104052 0 0
26 end 105452 105452 0 0
27 start 105737 105737 0 0
27 end 107527 107527 0 0
28 start 107915 107915 0 0
28 end 109786 109786 0 0
29 start 110165 110165 0 0
29 end 112373 112373 0 0
30 start 117656 117656 0 0
30 end 119601 119601 0 0
31 start 122768 122768 0 0
31 end 124975 124975 0 0
32 start 125195 125195 0 0
32 end 127240 127240 0 0
33 start 130619 130619 0 0
33 end 133302 133302 0 0
34 start 141075 141075 0 0
34 end 142918 142918 0 0
35 start 150109 150109 0 0
35 end 152845 152845 0 0
36 start 153344 153344 0 0
36 end 155627 155627 0 0
37 start 156777 156777 0 0
37 end 158585 158587 2 2
38 start 159027 159029 2 0
38 end 160305 160307 2 0
39 start 160551 160553 2 0
39 end 162325 162328 3 1
40 start 163520 163519 -1 -4
40 end 165902 165903 1 2
41 start 166485 166487 2 1
41 end 168650 168653 3 1
42 start 169827 169831 4 1
42 end 171758 171762 4 0
43 start 182402 182418 16 12
43 end 185677 185693 16 0
44 start 187390 187404 14 -2
44 end 189196 189210 14 0
45 start 190974 190989 15 1
45 end 192317 192333 16 1
46 start 192548 192564 16 0
46 end 193906 193922 16 0
47 start 194440 194461 21 5
47 end 195051 195072 21 0
48 start 195996 196015 19 -2
48 end 198570 198589 19 0
49 start 203577 203596 19 0
49 end 204294 204313 19 0
50 start 214012 214039 27 8
50 end 217351 217378 27 0
51 start 218030 218057 27 0
51 end 220672 220699 27 0
52 start 221133 221160 27 0
52 end 224340 224368 28 1
53 start 238006 238032 26 -2
53 end 239408 239434 26 0
54 start 239992 240019 27 1
54 end 242499 242528 29 2
55 start 248482 248511 29 0
55 end 251310 251339 29 0
56 start 255530 255559 29 0
56 end 256862 256893 31 2
57 start 259894 259925 31 0
57 end 263828 263855 27 -4
58 start 265146 265173 27 0
58 end 267566 267594 28 1
59 start 268711 268739 28 0
59 end 271790 271819 29 1
60 start 275027 275056 29 0
60 end 277913 277944 31 2
61 start 280686 280718 32 1
61 end 282143 282175 32 0
62 start 282546 282578 32 0
62 end 284973 285005 32 0
63 start 286663 286697 34 2
63 end 290826 290867 41 7
64 start 294985 295031 46 5
64 end 299607 299654 47 1
65 start 317065 317127 62 15
65 end 320827 320887 60 -2
66 start 321677 321737 60 0
66 end 325323 325393 70 10
67 start 326182 326253 71 1
67 end 330350 330424 74 3
68 start 332228 332302 74 0
68 end 336143 336212 69 -5
69 start 337526 337595 69 0
69 end 343247 343322 75 6

#48254824506649688 - Console Accurate Yellow TAS 2

Console Accurate Yellow Glitchless TAS 2.bk2
In 1:36:42.93 (346595 frames), 190555 rerecords
Uploaded 7/5/2018 3:39 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
Truncated for submission

#47198446645943325 - Console Accurate Yellow TAS

Console Accurate Yellow Glitchless TAS.bk2
In 1:39:06.29 (355157 frames), 190555 rerecords
Uploaded 5/18/2018 1:52 PM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
This bk2 made in BizHawk with the Gambatte core fully syncs on console.

#47098121238689520 - Yellow Tower Desync

In 1:36:22.63 (345382 frames), 5890 rerecords
Uploaded 5/14/2018 1:26 AM by TiKevin83 (see all 21)
A bk2 of a yellow glitchless TAS through HM03 that desyncs from console when using Horn Drill on Eevee in Lavender Tower. Needs to re

#37946152225969986 - Pokemon Gen 1 Datafile

Uploaded 3/27/2017 9:33 PM by Pokota (see all 10)
a lua file containing data for G1 pokemon games.

#37623572775222375 - Graystripe's Pokémon: Red Version LightSpike

In 12:27.80 (44665 frames), 19051 rerecords
Uploaded 3/13/2017 8:53 AM by Spikestuff (see all 290)

#35720561741541073 - Pocket Monsters Aka (Japan) - 3599.bk2

Pocket Monsters Aka (Japan) - 3599.bk2
In 01:00.26 (3599 frames), 659 rerecords
Uploaded 12/17/2016 4:01 PM by ThunderAxe31 (see all 111)
Improvement of the movie uploaded by FractalFusion

#35595312275440046 - Pocket Monsters Red (rev A) in 3628 frames

In 01:00.74 (3628 frames), 497 rerecords
Uploaded 12/12/2016 12:39 AM by ThunderAxe31 (see all 111)
improvement of the current file submission, based of using a different opcode from the trainer name bytes.

#35593301208919904 - Pocket Monsters Red in 3602 frames

Pocket Monsters Aka (Japan) - 3602.bk2
In 01:00.31 (3602 frames), 881 rerecords
Uploaded 12/11/2016 10:28 PM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
ROM name: "Pocket Monsters - Red Version (J) (V1.0) [S].gb" (also known as "Pocket Monsters Aka (Japan)")
Must set GB -> Settings -> Equal Length Frames to be FALSE.

#35573467782282346 - 5320S Pocket Monsters Red improvement

In 01:00.94 (3640 frames), 471 rerecords
Uploaded 12/11/2016 1:02 AM by Noxxa (see all 118)

#27736909518903421 - File test for Pokemon Red

In 04:17.16 (15455 frames), 1542 rerecords
Uploaded 12/24/2015 2:55 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is pretty evil; I'm uploading with the wrong gametype to get past the not-yet-complete lsmv file check. To play this movie in an appropriate lsnes emulator with an SGB core, open the .lsmv file, edit gametype, and add the word gambatte_ at the front, to change "sgb_ntsc" to "gambatte_sgb_ntsc".

#26941437923505036 - Final Pokemon Red payload from AGDQ 2015

In 02:09.66 (7780 frames), 253 rerecords
Uploaded 11/18/2015 7:08 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is the final Pokemon Red movie file that was presented at AGDQ 2015. This version includes the full Twitch chat payload as well as other content that is accessible when specific buttons are sent after the payload has completed.
Or rather, this *would* be that movie, but it's in such a strange format because of the use of SGB that it can't be uploaded here, so I've uploaded the actual movie file to:
(Yes, it took 31 tests before we reached the final payload, but that's 31 tests *after* we got the exploit working.)

#26125842661840561 - New try

In 12:35.05 (45098 frames), 24592869 rerecords
Uploaded 10/12/2015 1:36 PM by leopo89 (see all 2)

#24613860617921988 - Pokemon Blue faster

In 12:58.03 (46470 frames), 41497 rerecords
Uploaded 8/5/2015 11:22 AM by leopo89 (see all 2)
Maybe this run need a fix again

#24590853411778889 - leopo89 Pokemon Blue Fix

In 13:02.55 (46740 frames), 39398 rerecords
5 comments, 966 downloads
Uploaded 8/4/2015 10:30 AM by Spikestuff (see all 290)
Maybe it's Magic.

#18727497575660169 - Gambatte SGB core Pokemon Red to trainer ID

In 01:50.88 (6664 frames), 533 rerecords
Uploaded 11/13/2014 9:07 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
IMPORTANT NOTE: the file that is uploaded here is the wrong file and is simply a placeholder (because the parser does not understand the as-of-yet unreleased Gambatte core). The correct file can be found at:
This is a comparison movie that completes Pokemon Red up to identifying the trainer ID using the new Gambatte SGB core in lsnes. I tried to always do everything on the very first frame possible. As was somewhat expected, this move does not synchronize on real hardware without some twiddling because the core or the process of handoff from SNES to SGB is somewhat inaccurate (by about 1 frame). Raw data dump from my testing sequence:
There's exactly 1 frame off at the beginning of the movie (i.e. I had to add 1 frame in order to allow the start button press to be recognized when playing back the dumped run on real hardware). The base movie trainer ID is 25143 per emulator; adding 1 frame before first button press causes the emulator to desync, manually playing through anyway changes trainer ID to 40964. I got it to sync further on real console by adding one frame at the very start and adding another immediately after acknowledging the grandson's name; that allowed the real console to sync until meeting Prof. Oak, late enough that the Trainer ID should have already been decided. I played through the rest manually and got trainer ID 18765.
Late in my testing, I replayed the exact same file I had tested before and for whatever reason the timing is was wrong at the very beginning. I'm not sure if I mangled the .r16m replay file somehow or if there is other saved data impacting the real hardware startup - if it's the latter it is far more concerning. Additional testing is required.
(Again, the file in this upload is the wrong one, please download the correct file from instead.)

#18690238763777360 - Original SGB core Pokemon Red to trainer ID

In 01:50.88 (6664 frames), 533 rerecords
Uploaded 11/11/2014 4:51 PM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is a comparison movie that completes Pokemon Red up to identifying the trainer ID using the original SGB core in lsnes. I tried to always do everything on the very first frame possible. As expected, this move does not synchronize on real hardware because the core is not very accurate (likely 14 lag frames would be needed at the beginning based on past experience). I'll be doing this again on the new Gambatte core implemented by Ilari to compare the differences (loosely - I didn't actually intend to make this movie, all of this work was supposed to have happened on the new core).

#18167655901372637 - Pokemon Yellow SGB test version

In 01:09.99 (4206 frames), 449 rerecords
Uploaded 10/19/2014 4:01 AM by dwangoAC (see all 47)
This is an instance of Pokemon Yellow for SGB for use with lsnes for console verification. This is supposed to get to the point of asking if you want to save the game (but doesn't hit yes). Initial console verification tests show that this is not console sync-stable, likely due to emulator inaccuracies in lsnes.

#17319790281107650 - Pocket Monsters - Red Version (J) (V1.0) [S]

Pocket Monsters - Red Version (J) (V1.0) [S].vbm
In 01:00.51 (3614 frames), 457 rerecords
Uploaded 9/10/2014 11:36 PM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Emulator: VBA v22

#17318584383593842 - Pokemon Red save corruption by MrWint

In 01:09.95 (4178 frames), 122215 rerecords
Uploaded 9/10/2014 10:18 PM by FractalFusion (see all 87)
Converted from BK2 to BKM.

#17114579571944002 - Pokémon: Red Version; submission #4416 bkm version

In 22:02.94 (79016 frames), 24572286 rerecords
Uploaded 9/1/2014 5:48 PM by MrWint (see all 8)

#17016552579724203 - Pokemon Blue - Brock Through Walls Test

Pokemon Blue - Deathwarp Underflow Route.bkm
In 10:36.98 (38045 frames), 5903 rerecords
Uploaded 8/28/2014 7:51 AM by Chamale (see all 7)
Unfortunately, the currently planned Bulbasaur/Pidgey route runs into this problem in the Saffron City Pokemon Center - the game must be reset before healing or talking to other NPCs. Recorded in Bizhawk 1.6

#16601478891443891 - Pokémon: Red Version; Brock skip walk through walls demo

In 08:19.32 (29823 frames), 421984 rerecords
Uploaded 8/9/2014 3:13 PM by MrWint (see all 8)
This is an unoptimized proof-of-concept showing that using the Brock Skip glitch to enable walking through walls is possible in UE.

#12951555061300408 - Pokemon Blue - Junk Text Glitch

In 07:54.30 (28329 frames), 2338 rerecords
Uploaded 2/26/2014 6:12 AM by Chamale (see all 7)
A new glitch in Pokemon Blue (and presumably Red) that involves using the black-out variant of the Trainer-Fly glitch and then talking to the old man of Missingno. fame. Recorded in Bizhawk 1.5.3. If someone can find the source of the junk data and turn it into something useful, as with MrWint's current glitched run, this could lead to a substantial improvement. The gameplay itself is far from optimized, Squirtle should be able to knock out Charmander with 3 Critical Hits and a wild Pikachu could knock out Charmander with 2 Critical Hits.

#8907813378020795 - Pokémon: Blue Version any%

In 28:07.28 (100777 frames), 36309683 rerecords
Uploaded 8/28/2013 3:32 AM by MrWint (see all 8)
updated version that fixes routing mistake

#7368426136178417 -

In 01:11.02 (4242 frames), 6288 rerecords
Uploaded 6/19/2013 7:41 PM by Masterjun (see all 19)

#2241589680305031 - Pokemon Yellow "Low Glitch" WIP

Pokemon Yellow Version English.vbm
In 05:35.43 (20126 frames), 2478 rerecords
Uploaded 10/31/2012 10:22 PM by MarbleousDave (see all 31)
VBA 1.7.2 rerecording 19.4
A run to use no time saving glitches, except the Poke Doll glitch.
Plays to Viridian Pokemon Mart after buying Poke Balls.

#1139930041899447 - SGB Pocket Monsters: Green "Glitchfest" WIP

In 01:25.31 (5119 frames), 824 rerecords
Uploaded 9/12/2012 7:38 AM by Cloudragonz (see all 4)

no special thing

  • Takes a potion
  • Oak's (intro) event activated