Posts for zvsp

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Since I also have no problem with reset now, I'll be able to do 100% run if I have time. Though I may need someone's help because it'll be a hard work...
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Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (767)
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It seems you really worked hard to reduce lags. I wonder why you selected Japanese version. Do you know any advantage? (Though I like better the voices of it...)
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (767)
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I'm looking forward to your work. Have you already resolved graphical problems?
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At least I don't have any plan to make that... : Mainly the graphic plugin is incomplete, I wanna use glide Napalm because of accurate transparency but credit movie isn't shown correctly at all with it. Also, if recording from reset, it'll black out. It may be hard that runs are published.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (767)
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Glad to receive replies from you TASers, thanks. How to treat number of eggs is not enough, I hope it would be a reference.. I forgot to say about 6-8 door: Just because all TASVideos' runs will never select any other door. My interesting :P
Carl Sagan wrote:
Super baby mario walljumps in 6-2 would've been a bit faster I think, even with getting the red coin.
Yes, I overlooked some things since I made to middle of 6-3 before seeing your submission. Any idea about enemy gatehacking? (´・ω・`)
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Yes, as noted before. It seems the finishing point don't become clear.., I'll have some freedom because my run is just an inferior one. I didn't noticed start&select is available to exit 6-8 instead of reset, umm...
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (767)
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Testrun updated. World6 I did use 6-7 gatehacking with an enemy which Carl suggested in his any%run Submission, but I can't manipulate this. In this run it worked out luckily. Is the method shared?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (767)
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Freeruns of some planets tased by tesusu are available. Link Making x99 in Hotted(ヒートヘッズ) is entertaining and useful. She reached 9,999,999 within 3 minutes on Mekks as a freerun, so maybe it's not so difficult to stop counter more faster on Hotted, Forte, or Megadom as speedrun.
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I modified the previous run just because..., it seems that improvement hit a peak. You may know I made the same mistake in Tetris Attack run but it may be possible to improve by constructing another chaining form (actually luck manipulation isn't perfect) so I may retry it after current work. And, Brandon, the video in Submission page is my previous one. (thanks encoding)
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Written in submission. It's a failure
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Thanks all. I wonder how often such matters occur but anyway I'm sorry about this.
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Carl Sagan wrote:
There is a red coin that looks like it was probably blocking optimally using that strategy in 5-4, but I could probably have landed at least a little bit sooner using that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Zvsp :)
No problem, I don't do anything :P Ah, unfortunately it have been unshared. I wish there would be any medium.
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2-8: A first-frame jump on the vertical platforms lets Yoshi jump much higher than normal, skipping the goal ring without having to flutter slowly under it.
Let me mention a small thing, maybe it's not goal but middle. Btw..., at the breakable spike zones in 3-4 and 5-4, I guess it's possible to reduce fluttering and run through faster by breaking spike blocks. But I also guess you've already watched nono's run so maybe there are some problems (concerned with spitting shy guy or avoiding red coin?)
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I was much entertained throughout. There were so many unknown tricks... Of course yes, congrats on the completion.
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I must apologize for my failure... I've forgot that the character select is able to skip. Here is improved one I modified by hex editing (79F saved) : Surely Baxter used this, it's indefensible. Is it allowed to make another submission?
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Romi wrote:
- In the 5-7, there's a 6th flower, and you are actually able to collect it by an egg even though the display won't scroll into there. Since this will make it unnecessary to enter the extra bonus room, this may save some time.
Thank you, Romi. This is completely new for me. I just made sure of getting the hidden flower. Other things are maybe a little more familiar, especially 6-4 Slime skip is famous among the real time attack players. Anyway, I can more look forward to this 100% run.
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Brandon wrote:
Please look into Pokemon Puzzle League 3D.
I don't know about PPL... I wish I'd do. Now I think I'll improve LightBlueYoshi's run but I'm afraid of being unaccepted as he says.
Baxter wrote:
Very nice improvement. Nice to see the optimal version for quick input ending finally submitted. When I made the run, I only focussed on getting the 3 combo's as fast as possible.
Thanks much. I remember I was surprised to see your very fast combo, that's also a great run.
Derakon wrote:
Baxter wrote:
There are still some unused blocks left in the end, but it would probably be quite hard to use the blocks even more efficient.
Especially since all that's required to max out the score is to make 3 32+ combos; extra blocks don't really contribute meaningfully unless they could somehow cut that down to only 2 combos, which seems improbable.
Yes, I wish the amount of remaining blocks would be lower but it was too limited to improve that.
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Thanks! For anyone who can't watch, here is my encoding (on Nicovideo).
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Uhh... It's difficult to comment. I can't understand half of what you say. I can only say I certainly did the same way as the former TASer, Acmlm.
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Invariel wrote:
I would vote 'yes' if I didn't have lurker status. I spent many hours being good at Tetris Attack, and it's nice to see what the game would be like if I were a superhuman cyborg with frame-perfect reflexes. A question that could offer improvement in the future: is it actually faster to clear the screen of all blocks with x1 score before L/Ring the board back to the top to x13 it again? It seems to me like it would be better to flatten the screen optimally and use the remaining blocks in another x13. Since L/R cancels STOP time, the board should raise itself immediately, and it would let you fill the screen faster for more multiplied clears.
Thanks for your comment. However, did you have a look through my description? I seem you're maybe wrong. I wrote this,
This game have a glitch, when you are doing chain you can get extra points (same with chain bonus) by erasing other blocks. So more points can be gained by reducing starting explosion.
That many blocks give me the x12 or x13 bonus scores, not x1.
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Brandon wrote:
Well, why not try to match it, then? If the author has been given ample time to submit to TASVideos, and you create the input independently, then there's no reason why not to submit your version (Pokemon Yellow is precedent for this, and this game is far less trivial than Pokemon Yellow as far as input goes).
Hmm, I see. I want to do other tases also, so need to consider.
Baxter wrote:
Glad to see you finally submitted this!
Really thank you, Baxter. I could just make a decision.
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Brandon wrote:
Nice improvement, zvsp. Thank you for doing this, as I wanted this to be improved and felt unable to do so both for time and skill reasons. Yes vote. Please improve Panel de Pon as well. Also, have you ever put any thought into doing a TAS of Pokemon Puzzle League's 3D mode? I was interested in giving that a shot.
Thanks much! However I don't know if I can optimize the present run of Panel de Pon. You may know also this movie, I feel it's nearly completely optimized. But I think there's possibility, I may try someday. About Pokemon Puzzle League, I have the ROM but I remember it don't work on Mupen. I've also wanted to watch the TAS of PPL, but there is no information about working it on this forum and other sites. The 3D mode is also contained in "Nintendo Puzzle Collection" which is on GameCube and brought out only in Japan. So once I thought I'm going to do this but it don't work enough to tas. If there is any idea, I want to know.
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Baxter wrote:
We made a TAS that completed level 3-2. Then walljumping was discovered and we decided to redo the TAS from 1-6. We are currently are 2-2 again. The WIP we uploaded up to 2-4 was our old WIP, which did not include the walljumping. At the time, entering flippers from the opposite side was also unknown. We only knew how to do it by using an enemy. In the new version we are currently working on, we will enter the second flipper from the other side.
Oh sorry, I forgot that the unknown trick wasn't only walljumping. I should have noticed that in seeing the first flipper entering.
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Thank you for comments. And I'm also looking forward to watching your run! However, I have a question about that current WIP. In 2-4, why didn't you enter the second flipper from opposite? Am I overlooking any decision?