Most recent changes in texts

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1 2
433 434 435
845 846
Page Author Message Time Diff
4648S (r2) Noxxa 7:13 PM Diff
4627S (r3) Tompa 5:26 PM Diff
4609S (r13) Truncated level times, delayed again 12:48 PM Diff
4649S (r4) CoolKirby encode, fixed some formatting and spelling 4:46 AM Diff
4650S (r1) Alyosha 12:29 AM Diff
4649S (r2) mamuuuut 9:01 PM Diff
4649S (r1) mamuuuut 8:59 PM Diff
4648S (r1) Lord_Tom 8:03 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r201) hegyak 6:12 PM Diff
4632S (r3) Tompa 6:38 AM Diff
4647S (r1) The_Brookman 11:09 PM Diff
4645S (r4) The_Brookman 10:53 PM Diff
4315S (r8) Masterjun this is no minor edit! 9:05 PM Diff
HomePages/GabCM (r128) GabCM 5:54 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r94) Noxxa 4:25 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r93) Noxxa 4:24 PM Diff
4624S (r4) Spikestuff Or not. 4:03 PM Diff
4625S (r5) Guga 3:57 PM Diff
4625S (r3) Guga 3:56 PM Diff
4625S (r2) Noxxa 3:55 PM Diff
4624S (r3) Spikestuff 3:38 PM Diff
4624S (r2) Noxxa 3:33 PM Diff
Movies/ObsoletelyFabulous (r33) CoolKirby added PokeGold54min and PokeBlue28min 5:41 AM Diff
2565M (r6) CoolKirby no current Blue runs, changed "click here" 4:56 AM Diff
4644S (r2) Noxxa 9:44 PM Diff
4646S (r2) Alyosha 8:36 PM Diff
4646S (r1) Alyosha 8:30 PM Diff
4642S (r2) Noxxa 7:32 PM Diff
4639S (r2) Noxxa 6:54 PM Diff
4622S (r5) Tompa 6:23 PM Diff
4636S (r3) Noxxa 12:53 PM Diff
4636S (r2) Noxxa 12:52 PM Diff
4635S (r3) Noxxa 10:06 AM Diff
4634S (r2) Noxxa 9:52 AM Diff
4631S (r5) Noxxa 9:47 AM Diff
4630S (r2) Noxxa 9:47 AM Diff
4628S (r2) Noxxa 9:45 AM Diff
GameResources/DS/ClubPenguinElitePenguinForce (r18) dekutony 3:00 AM Diff
HomePages/dekutony (r34) dekutony 2:37 AM Diff
HomePages/dekutony (r33) dekutony 2:32 AM Diff
HomePages/GoddessMaria (r16) GoddessMaria 12:18 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r200) adelikat added release notes to upcoming 1.9.4 release 11:46 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r199) adelikat 1.9.3 release notes that were never added 10:32 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r198) hegyak 10:24 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r197) hegyak 9:33 PM Diff
4626S (r14) Noxxa 8:06 PM Diff
4626S (r13) Noxxa 8:04 PM Diff
4641S (r3) Scepheo Claiming for judgement. 4:59 PM Diff
HomePages/Spikestuff (r114) Spikestuff Random Picked it up. So I might drop it. 4:40 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r151) MUGG event 46 19.01 realtime (old was 19.73 TAS) 3:08 PM Diff
4645S (r3) The_Brookman formatting edit 9:35 AM Diff
4631S (r4) Aqfaq 5:14 AM Diff
4631S (r3) Aqfaq APRIL FOOL! 12:26 PM Diff
4633S (r2) fsvgm777 8:27 AM Diff
4632S (r2) Tompa 7:58 AM Diff
4622S (r4) Tompa 7:53 AM Diff
4645S (r1) The_Brookman 3:32 AM Diff
4622S (r3) Spikestuff This one is legit. 11:00 PM Diff
4623S (r2) Spikestuff This one is fake. 11:00 PM Diff
4644S (r1) adelikat 8:42 PM Diff
4643S (r1) KDEuserX 6:46 PM Diff
4642S (r1) Fortranm 6:30 PM Diff
4641S (r1) negative_seven 6:04 PM Diff
2617M (r5) Tompa 3:20 PM Diff
1482M (r5) Tompa 2:49 PM Diff
4640S (r1) DwainiumB 2:40 PM Diff
4638S (r2) Masterjun NO IT DOESN'T 1:48 PM Diff
4638S (r1) Masterjun 1:45 PM Diff
4639S (r1) TASeditor 1:45 PM Diff
4637S (r2) Spikestuff 1:08 PM Diff
4636S (r1) got4n 11:13 AM Diff
4629S (r3) arandomgameTASer 9:20 AM Diff
4635S (r1) slamo 5:30 AM Diff
4634S (r1) EgixBacon 5:15 AM Diff
4633S (r1) fsvgm777 4:56 AM Diff
4632S (r1) NitroGenesis 2:15 AM Diff
4631S (r1) Aqfaq 2:13 AM Diff
4629S (r2) arandomgameTASer 2:05 AM Diff
4630S (r1) Fortranm 1:37 AM Diff
4629S (r1) arandomgameTASer 1:28 AM Diff
4628S (r1) Dessyreqt 12:52 AM Diff
4626S (r9) Noxxa 12:44 AM Diff
4626S (r8) Noxxa 12:40 AM Diff
4626S (r6) Noxxa 12:35 AM Diff
4626S (r4) Noxxa 12:30 AM Diff
4627S (r2) Noxxa 12:28 AM Diff
4626S (r3) Noxxa 12:11 AM Diff
4626S (r2) Noxxa 12:04 AM Diff
4627S (r1) Noxxa 12:03 AM Diff
4626S (r1) Noxxa 12:00 AM Diff
4625S (r1) jlun2 12:00 AM Diff
4624S (r1) jlun2 12:00 AM Diff
4623S (r1) Spikestuff 12:00 AM Diff
4622S (r1) Spikestuff 12:00 AM Diff
4592S (r5) turska 8:43 PM Diff
2331M (r3) Tompa 6:39 PM Diff
4621S (r2) Truncated judging 4:46 PM Diff
4620S (r4) fsvgm777 Added YouTube module. 4:34 PM Diff
GameResources/DS/MarioKartDS (r3) Suuper Lua script 3:18 PM Diff
GameResources/DS/MarioKartDS (r1) Suuper Creating Page 7:30 AM Diff
1 2
433 434 435
845 846

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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