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687 688 689 845 846
Page Author Message Time Diff
870M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
572M (r2) Kyrsimys description + screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
629M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
844M (r3) Kyrsimys link to MetroidTricks 12:39 AM Diff
696M (r2) JXQ Initial description 12:39 AM Diff
633M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
469M (r5) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
385M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
348M (r3) Phil Screenshot added 12:39 AM Diff
762M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
827M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
438M (r2) Kyrsimys Changed text to better describe the movie 12:39 AM Diff
540M (r4) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
758M (r2) Maza Added description 12:39 AM Diff
321M (r3) adelikat Fix broken link 12:39 AM Diff
784M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
593M (r2) Truncated finally a description 12:39 AM Diff
710M (r6) Arc expanded description of game 12:39 AM Diff
557M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
834M (r2) adelikat updated. 12:39 AM Diff
573M (r3) FractalFusion more description 12:39 AM Diff
429M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
787M (r1) DeHackEd 12:39 AM Diff
766M (r3) Truncated fixed tabs for the times 12:39 AM Diff
661M (r4) adelikat Date is verified 12:39 AM Diff
611M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
635M (r2) Baxter described 12:39 AM Diff
645M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
618M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
631M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
634M (r2) adelikat described, basically 12:39 AM Diff
644M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
640M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
648M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
638M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
649M (r2) adelikat described, I guess 12:39 AM Diff
628M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
650M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
646M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
655M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
654M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
626M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
647M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
676M (r5) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
677M (r3) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
637M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
622M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
643M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
624M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
632M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
620M (r2) adelikat desribed 12:39 AM Diff
621M (r2) adelikat described 12:39 AM Diff
444M (r3) Kirkq 12:39 AM Diff
362M (r4) Sp00ky updated link to latest warped run 12:39 AM Diff
863M (r6) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
576M (r13) adelikat Re-adding this :| 12:39 AM Diff
336M (r5) FractalFusion removed pov 12:39 AM Diff
363M (r10) Nach Removing old note 12:39 AM Diff
809M (r5) Nach Cross linking runs 12:39 AM Diff
568M (r9) Nach Lets use more exact files sizes 12:39 AM Diff
442M (r4) Nach Reword 12:39 AM Diff
545M (r5) Nach Hey, here's a history lesson for you! 12:39 AM Diff
561M (r9) Brushy Fixed the link 12:39 AM Diff
836M (r1) DeHackEd speeling 12:39 AM Diff
733M (r1) adelikat Text & screenshot added 12:39 AM Diff
808M (r2) BoltR Touching to log screenshot change. 12:39 AM Diff
730M (r1) Nach Initial Description 12:39 AM Diff
837M (r2) DeHackEd Replaced due to changed submission before publication. My bad. 12:39 AM Diff
485M (r4) Warp 12:39 AM Diff
729M (r1) Nach Initial Description 12:39 AM Diff
764M (r4) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
799M (r2) mmbossman This description had been bugging me forever for using "apparently" twice in quick succession. Now I'm not bugged. 12:39 AM Diff
627M (r2) adelikat Added movie description 12:39 AM Diff
630M (r2) adelikat Added movie description 12:39 AM Diff
404M (r2) Kyrsimys Wrote a description 12:39 AM Diff
722M (r1) Nach Initial Description 12:39 AM Diff
879M (r2) moozooh corrected a million mistakes, then rewrote the description. 12:39 AM Diff
797M (r4) Truncated mentioning bare-chested once is enough (unless it's a female) 12:39 AM Diff
717M (r1) DeHackEd Silly initial description. 12:39 AM Diff
702M (r4) Truncated dummy edit: added class "speed/entertainment tradeoffs" 12:39 AM Diff
701M (r6) Truncated added categories 12:39 AM Diff
716M (r3) Truncated new description 12:39 AM Diff
512M (r6) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
807M (r2) FractalFusion added description 12:39 AM Diff
379M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
535M (r2) Zurreco 12:39 AM Diff
464M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
872M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
798M (r2) Zurreco 12:39 AM Diff
820M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
803M (r2) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
847M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
504M (r2) Bisqwit A note about SGB border and cropping 12:39 AM Diff
841M (r4) Mitjitsu I've decided to remove the group credit for this movie for a few reasons. 1. this is not fair on other movies which have more complex engines and has been extensively studied by a large number of people. 2. Contributions in this instance are largely meaningless 3. Makes the text too long 12:39 AM Diff
789M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
522M (r4) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
895M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
706M (r3) JXQ screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
356M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
516M (r2) flagitious 12:39 AM Diff
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687 688 689 845 846

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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