Most recent changes in texts

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740 741 742 878 879
1368M (r6) moozooh this run this run this run this run this run this run this run this run 12:42 PM Diff
1368M (r5) adelikat changed description to credit Hero for the route as suggested by cpadolf 12:42 PM Diff
1368M (r4) Nach Add on completion notes 11:51 AM Diff
1368M (r3) Nach 11:43 AM Diff
1368M (r2) Nach Description of movie 11:39 AM Diff
1368M (r1) Nach 11:36 AM Diff
2429S (r7) Nach 11:23 AM Diff
1367M (r2) FractalFusion +japanese 6:33 AM Diff
2411S (r3) mmbossman Rejected 5:21 AM Diff
Encoders/Logos (r5) Flygon Added my logo, I tried to insert image link but failed: If someone can add that as a link without it ending up as an embedded picture, it'd be wonderful. 1:31 AM Diff
2419S (r4) mmbossman Accepted 11:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r6) Flygon 10:50 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r14) FractalFusion capturing -> encoding 5:40 AM Diff
1367M (r1) adelikat 3:04 PM Diff
1366M (r1) adelikat 2:47 PM Diff
1365M (r1) adelikat 2:29 PM Diff
2429S (r6) Power_Rangers 2:18 PM Diff
2429S (r5) Power_Rangers 6:34 AM Diff
2429S (r4) Power_Rangers 6:33 AM Diff
2429S (r3) Power_Rangers 6:32 AM Diff
2429S (r2) Power_Rangers 1:05 AM Diff
2429S (r1) Power_Rangers 1:03 AM Diff
2421S (r5) adelikat 12:30 AM Diff
2428S (r1) maTO 5:16 PM Diff
2427S (r1) FractalFusion 7:08 PM Diff
2400S (r24) p0rtal_0f_rain 5:48 PM Diff
1364M (r4) moozooh changed a bit 6:39 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r165) Nach Making the staff tab highlight 4:07 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach (r20) Nach 4:06 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach (r19) Nach 4:05 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r130) Bisqwit Rewrite 3:25 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r129) Bisqwit Rewrite 3:23 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r128) Bisqwit Rewrite 3:21 PM Diff
2424S (r3) mmbossman Formatting 5:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r5) Flygon 6:43 AM Diff
2426S (r5) HappyLee 5:21 AM Diff
2426S (r4) HappyLee 4:52 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r4) Flygon 4:43 AM Diff
2426S (r3) HappyLee 11:55 PM Diff
2420S (r2) adelikat 11:49 PM Diff
2426S (r2) HappyLee 11:43 PM Diff
2426S (r1) HappyLee 11:39 PM Diff
1364M (r2) Comicalflop preliminary description 9:01 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach (r18) Nach 8:16 PM Diff
2390S (r6) Raiscan 7:40 PM Diff
1364M (r1) ShinyDoofy 7:31 PM Diff
Helping (r49) adelikat Fix up the donating some more 7:29 PM Diff
Helping (r48) adelikat Fixed the server cost figure. 7:11 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach (r17) Nach More Ads 7:10 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach (r16) Nach 6:52 PM Diff
2425S (r4) maTO 12:13 PM Diff
2425S (r3) maTO 10:31 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/N64 (r15) FractalFusion 5:43 PM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r100) mmbossman Gex run linked 5:11 PM Diff
2425S (r1) maTO 3:35 PM Diff
2392S (r14) ShinyDoofy 3:29 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/N64 (r14) Comicalflop 9:45 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r86) Comicalflop 9:37 AM Diff
2390S (r5) mmbossman 7:02 AM Diff
2424S (r2) mmbossman Finished submission text 6:30 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r85) klmz Crossed out two bugged GBA games. 5:42 AM Diff
2424S (r1) mmbossman 2:22 AM Diff
1363M (r3) ShinyDoofy 1:58 AM Diff
1363M (r2) Comicalflop new description 1:56 AM Diff
1363M (r1) ShinyDoofy 1:51 AM Diff
2306S (r5) alden admitting defeat 12:23 AM Diff
2395S (r3) Raiscan 8:05 PM Diff
1362M (r2) Comicalflop preliminary description. feel free to change 3:57 PM Diff
1362M (r1) ShinyDoofy 3:50 PM Diff
1361M (r1) Raiscan 4:28 PM Diff
2406S (r9) HappyLee 6:55 AM Diff
2423S (r2) mmbossman 3:26 AM Diff
2423S (r1) Fladdermus 9:17 PM Diff
2398S (r7) ShinyDoofy 3:51 PM Diff
Helping (r47) Truncated cleanup 8:31 PM Diff
2183S (r8) ShinyDoofy 2:46 PM Diff
2421S (r4) Kumquat Finished adding my notes. 1:08 PM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r3) Flygon 1. I shoudn't have made this page. 2. I can't figure out how to delete it. 3. Curiosity killed the cat. 4. Flygon became a cat. 5:33 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r2) Flygon 5:32 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r1) Flygon 5:30 AM Diff
2422S (r3) AngerFist Information added 10:10 PM Diff
2422S (r1) AngerFist 7:20 PM Diff
2387S (r11) Raiscan 1:39 PM Diff
2387S (r9) Raiscan 1:36 PM Diff
1360M (r1) Raiscan 10:58 AM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r72) adelikat trying out a youtube imbed 4:13 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r70) adelikat trying out a youtube imbed 4:10 PM Diff
2421S (r2) Kumquat Added YouTube link and a few other notes. 12:27 AM Diff
2421S (r1) Kumquat 4:45 PM Diff
2420S (r1) klmz 8:07 AM Diff
2392S (r13) gocha add RNG mechanisms 7:51 AM Diff
2418S (r4) Sonikkustar 12:51 AM Diff
1359M (r2) Raiscan dummy edit; removed "(100%)" from game name 5:02 PM Diff
1359M (r1) Raiscan 4:58 PM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r97) mmbossman Moderate overhaul 6:12 AM Diff
2419S (r3) FatRatKnight 5:44 AM Diff
2419S (r2) FatRatKnight 2:14 AM Diff
2419S (r1) FatRatKnight 2:03 AM Diff
2416S (r4) mmbossman Replaced submission file 5:08 AM Diff
2416S (r3) marzojr Switching from "overflow" to the more correct "underflow" 4:09 AM Diff
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740 741 742 878 879

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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