Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 71 72 73
888 889
8501S (r12) Takz15x 8:02 PM Diff
8639S (r5) feos Disable ''Configure Options -> Miscellaneous Options -> Skip imperfect emulation warnings'' 6:31 PM Diff
8591S (r7) LAze added new patch link for proper playback 5:48 PM Diff
8690S (r1) Merl_ Auto-generated from Submission #8690 5:40 PM Diff
8639S (r4) feos Claimed for judging 4:23 PM Diff
8638S (r11) Samtastic 3:53 PM Diff
8673S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 1:12 PM Diff
8617S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 1:12 PM Diff
5620M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #5620 12:33 PM Diff
8617S (r4) ThunderAxe31 12:29 PM Diff
8626S (r6) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 12:02 PM Diff
8626S (r5) ThunderAxe31 11:41 AM Diff
8689S (r1) Technickle Auto-generated from Submission #8689 2:44 AM Diff
8646S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 12:47 AM Diff
8673S (r5) nymx 12:37 AM Diff
8673S (r4) nymx 12:30 AM Diff
8673S (r3) nymx Claimed for judging 11:50 PM Diff
5110S (r14) adelikat remove some now dead links 3:54 PM Diff
8688S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #8688 3:03 PM Diff
8687S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #8687 3:03 PM Diff
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs (r19) RetroEdit Wario Land 4: new resync 2:45 PM Diff
8686S (r2) DrD2k9 Claimed for judging 2:22 AM Diff
8686S (r1) nymx Auto-generated from Submission #8686 2:21 AM Diff
8624S (r12) feos 6:35 PM Diff
8639S (r3) feos 6:23 PM Diff
3895S (r10) adelikat move nico embed to the embed field, that now supports nico video links 4:19 PM Diff
5428M (r2) Spikestuff RTA time adde. Something mentioned in the Video and Submission, missing from Publication. Consistency comes from Super Mario Bros. 3:25 PM Diff
8685S (r2) CasualPokePlayer Claimed for judging 2:05 PM Diff
8685S (r1) TheKDX7 Auto-generated from Submission #8685 2:02 PM Diff
8649S (r4) nymx 9:41 PM Diff
8684S (r1) nymx Auto-generated from Submission #8684 9:15 PM Diff
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs (r14) RetroEdit TMC resync! 7:45 PM Diff
8683S (r1) inconsistent Auto-generated from Submission #8683 6:20 PM Diff
8610S (r4) Technoturnovers 4:53 PM Diff
LegacyPages/FastestCompletion (r57) feos If "fastest completion" movies of different versions of the same game are considered different enough to be published side-by-side, they all need the flags. 4:48 PM Diff
LegacyPages/FastestCompletion (r56) feos (level sets, episodes, etc.) 4:37 PM Diff
LegacyPages/FastestCompletion (r55) feos updated 4:33 PM Diff
ModGuidelines (r3) moozooh Added a new section: "Be firm and fair" 4:32 PM Diff
8641S (r3) ViGadeomes Claimed for judging 3:56 PM Diff
8634S (r3) ViGadeomes Claimed for judging 3:56 PM Diff
8535S (r5) RetroEdit Fill in missing emu version. 1:50 PM Diff
8636S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 1:46 PM Diff
MovieRules (r85) feos hack obscurity can sometimes be helped, we shouldn't outright reject the less known ones unless they are also poorly done 12:57 PM Diff
SandBox (r48) feos turns out our new forum doesn't recognize framerate argument for the frames tag 10:51 AM Diff
8582S (r12) Suru486 7:08 AM Diff
8681S (r4) NEVERDOORS 5:00 AM Diff
8681S (r3) NEVERDOORS changed encode link to a fixed version 4:58 AM Diff
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs (r11) RetroEdit Add DKC1. 9:02 PM Diff
5619M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5619 6:44 PM Diff
System/SubmissionDefaultMessage (r2) adelikat fix formatting bug in prefill text that's been there since day 1 5:42 PM Diff
4641S (r5) adelikat upload script to user files, change rejection reason to goal 4:09 PM Diff
8682S (r1) Merl_ Auto-generated from Submission #8682 2:00 AM Diff
8681S (r2) NEVERDOORS 1:24 AM Diff
8681S (r1) NEVERDOORS Auto-generated from Submission #8681 12:10 AM Diff
8662S (r6) arkiandruski Claimed for judging 11:47 PM Diff
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs (r10) RetroEdit Add useful related links. 8:33 PM Diff
8671S (r9) despoa Claimed for publication 8:07 AM Diff
8680S (r1) TaoTao Auto-generated from Submission #8680 7:55 AM Diff
8679S (r1) TaoTao Auto-generated from Submission #8679 7:47 AM Diff
5605M (r5) Truncated added atlas map encode 6:06 AM Diff
8671S (r8) Darkman425 3:03 AM Diff
5575M (r3) Bigbass Added console verification link 2:56 AM Diff
5557M (r2) Bigbass Added console verification link 2:56 AM Diff
8603S (r4) ikuyo 2:05 AM Diff
8624S (r11) ikuyo Claimed for judging 12:56 AM Diff
8632S (r2) ikuyo Claimed for judging 12:56 AM Diff
8619S (r3) ikuyo Claimed for judging 12:56 AM Diff
8677S (r2) SheriffPunchy 10:40 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCSX (r18) feos v013f 4:00 PM Diff
8665S (r16) LoganTheTASer 3:28 PM Diff
8678S (r1) LoganTheTASer Auto-generated from Submission #8678 3:11 PM Diff
HomePages/LoganTheTASer (r95) LoganTheTASer added WIP to Sunday Drive 2:04 PM Diff
8677S (r1) SheriffPunchy Auto-generated from Submission #8677 10:24 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/BattleOfOlympus (r22) Sand RNG is an LFSR. 1:21 AM Diff
8649S (r3) DrD2k9 12:14 AM Diff
8629S (r9) arkiandruski 6:57 PM Diff
8655S (r13) arkiandruski Claimed for judging 6:52 PM Diff
8647S (r4) arkiandruski Claimed for judging 6:51 PM Diff
8676S (r1) LoganTheTASer Auto-generated from Submission #8676 2:53 PM Diff
8675S (r1) LoganTheTASer Auto-generated from Submission #8675 2:34 PM Diff
5618M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5618 11:15 AM Diff
8633S (r2) Samsara 7:42 AM Diff
8621S (r12) Samsara 7:41 AM Diff
8621S (r11) Samsara 7:41 AM Diff
8618S (r7) Samsara 7:41 AM Diff
8674S (r1) lazycurler Auto-generated from Submission #8674 2:48 AM Diff
8654S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 2:18 AM Diff
5617M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5617 1:22 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem (r67) feos link reproducible iso script instead of mkisofs command 4:05 PM Diff
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs (r9) RetroEdit Reorganize, alphabetize. Add GBA The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer. 3:44 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/Windows/Configurations/XP (r54) feos new utils iso 3:27 PM Diff
8673S (r1) LoganTheTASer Auto-generated from Submission #8673 3:26 PM Diff
8671S (r7) NemoRuby 12:14 PM Diff
5616M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5616 8:10 AM Diff
8638S (r10) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 3:47 AM Diff
8665S (r13) nymx Claimed for judging 3:42 AM Diff
8638S (r9) nymx 3:40 AM Diff
8638S (r8) nymx 3:38 AM Diff
8671S (r6) Darkman425 Added a flashing lights warning 3:36 AM Diff
8652S (r5) nymx Claimed for judging 3:23 AM Diff
1 2 71 72 73
888 889

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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