1 2 45 46 47
1296 1297
8991S (r18) InfoTeddy Accept to Alternative 5:26 AM Diff
HomePages/CloakTheLurker (r39) CloakTheLurker 12:49 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r482) CoolHandMike Removed Splatterhouse Entry from Arcade 12:16 AM Diff
System/SearchTerms (r5) moozooh (Minor edit) 11:56 PM Diff
System/SearchTerms (r4) moozooh Added the disclaimer about search quality and suggested workarounds 11:47 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r10) CoolHandMike is -> if (Minor edit) 7:12 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r9) feos (Minor edit) 7:03 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r8) feos links 7:01 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules (r87) CoolHandMike Added note on how to add height and width attributes with example 6:42 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r7) feos xml 6:37 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r6) CoolHandMike Added Header Hierarchy, Used "w" and "h" attributes to resize images. Cleanedup stray space. 6:35 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r5) feos toc 6:25 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r4) CoolHandMike Markup Cleanup 6:24 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r3) CoolHandMike (Minor edit) 6:19 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r2) CoolHandMike (Minor edit) 6:18 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME/VideoTutorial (r1) CoolHandMike MAME Video Tutorial Creation 6:15 PM Diff
Bizhawk/MAME (r20) CoolHandMike MAME Video Tutorial Link creation. New page needs content still. 5:26 PM Diff
7464S (r9) p0008874 (Minor edit) 5:02 PM Diff
7373S (r12) p0008874 (Minor edit) 5:00 PM Diff
7757S (r34) p0008874 (Minor edit) 4:58 PM Diff
8966S (r13) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 12:50 PM Diff
8966S (r12) ViGadeomes Re-Accepted. (Minor edit) 12:42 PM Diff
8966S (r11) ViGadeomes 12:38 PM Diff
8980S (r6) eien86 10:00 AM Diff
8980S (r5) eien86 10:00 AM Diff
8980S (r4) eien86 8:08 AM Diff
5625M (r2) CloakTheLurker 3:46 AM Diff
3825M (r2) CloakTheLurker 3:44 AM Diff
3622M (r3) CloakTheLurker 3:43 AM Diff
2096M (r2) CloakTheLurker 3:42 AM Diff
4647M (r2) CloakTheLurker 3:00 AM Diff
1922M (r8) CloakTheLurker 2:43 AM Diff
2613M (r8) CloakTheLurker 2:39 AM Diff
2938M (r5) CloakTheLurker 2:39 AM Diff
5735M (r3) Alyosha Add console verification video (Minor edit) 8:57 PM Diff
HomePages/Masterjun/NewSiteMagic (r5) Masterjun bootstrap classes, nice 4:23 PM Diff
System/WelcomeText (r14) Masterjun prevent banner blindness by including a big personalized title for new users 3:52 PM Diff
8966S (r10) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 3:07 PM Diff
6821S (r17) ViGadeomes 3:00 PM Diff
8966S (r9) ViGadeomes Accepted. (Minor edit) 2:42 PM Diff
9036S (r1) Winslinator Auto-generated from Submission #9036 2:09 PM Diff
9000S (r7) despoa Claimed for publication 2:03 PM Diff
5923M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5923 2:02 PM Diff
HomePages/eien86 (r50) eien86 (Minor edit) 1:56 PM Diff
5922M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5922 8:15 AM Diff
9035S (r2) DrD2k9 Added info on the password system. 4:09 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/Logo (r46) CloakTheLurker added Atari Lynx resolution 3:26 AM Diff
9035S (r1) DrD2k9 Auto-generated from Submission #9035 9:57 PM Diff
9034S (r1) Alyosha Auto-generated from Submission #9034 9:55 PM Diff
5921M (r2) despoa 4:01 PM Diff
8929S (r5) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 11:23 AM Diff
9021S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 7:12 AM Diff
8959S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 7:12 AM Diff
5921M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5921 7:03 AM Diff
9033S (r1) Alyosha Auto-generated from Submission #9033 1:25 AM Diff
9030S (r2) nymx Claimed for judging 12:31 AM Diff
9021S (r3) nymx 12:28 AM Diff
8972S (r2) ViGadeomes Claimed for judging 10:19 PM Diff
5239S (r8) ViGadeomes Rejudge looking the SRAM acceptance of Standard ! 10:17 PM Diff
8959S (r3) ViGadeomes Accepted. 10:09 PM Diff
8929S (r4) ViGadeomes Accepted. (Minor edit) 9:58 PM Diff
8669S (r4) CasualPokePlayer Claimed for judging 8:48 PM Diff
8991S (r17) OnehundredthCoin Small correction inside the ASM code for the Bad Apple Loop (Minor edit) 6:33 PM Diff
9000S (r6) Darkman425 6:33 PM Diff
5997S (r6) Darkman425 Revisiting since it was requested in the "submission revisiting" due to rule changes thread 6:01 PM Diff
7153S (r16) DrD2k9 4:49 PM Diff
5920M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #5920 2:22 PM Diff
5449S (r22) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 7:02 AM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r65) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 6:53 AM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r64) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 6:52 AM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r63) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 6:51 AM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r62) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 6:45 AM Diff
HomePages/scrimpeh (r61) scrimpeh (Minor edit) 6:44 AM Diff
9032S (r1) Spikestuff Auto-generated from Submission #9032 6:02 AM Diff
1362M (r3) EZGames69 (Minor edit) 4:42 AM Diff
9017S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 1:29 AM Diff
5919M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5919 12:59 AM Diff
9031S (r1) Winslinator Auto-generated from Submission #9031 12:54 AM Diff
9029S (r2) nymx Claimed for judging 10:29 PM Diff
9017S (r3) nymx 10:28 PM Diff
HomePages/Randomno/UserStatistics (r9) Randomno update APC table 7:49 PM Diff
HomePages/somyeol (r11) somyeol (Minor edit) 7:02 PM Diff
5918M (r2) Alyosha Add console verification video (Minor edit) 3:54 PM Diff
HomePages/Darkman425/SpeedBump (r6) Darkman425 Added Psycutlery results (Minor edit) 5:25 PM Diff
7757S (r33) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:54 AM Diff
7757S (r32) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:54 AM Diff
7757S (r31) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:54 AM Diff
7757S (r30) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:54 AM Diff
7757S (r29) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:49 AM Diff
7757S (r28) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:41 AM Diff
7757S (r27) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:40 AM Diff
7757S (r26) p0008874 (Minor edit) 11:32 AM Diff
5918M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5918 1:46 AM Diff
9012S (r10) despoa Claimed for publication 1:11 AM Diff
9012S (r9) nymx 12:50 AM Diff
9030S (r1) juef Auto-generated from Submission #9030 11:43 PM Diff
9000S (r5) Darkman425 Claimed for judging 8:10 PM Diff
HomePages/CloakTheLurker/ZXHawk (r10) CloakTheLurker 5:44 PM Diff
9014S (r5) ninespaces More time saves thanks to Challenger's suggestions. Encode embed link updated, and revised .bk2 uploaded and linked in the discussion thread. 4:14 PM Diff
7249S (r14) feos 4:05 PM Diff
1 2 45 46 47
1296 1297
Unknown module rolemaintlog
User Search (Can view and edit users)

AdminPanel last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:08 PM
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