All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
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1085 1086 1087 1295 1296
1135M (r6) klmz (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
921M (r2) JXQ description and screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
947M (r2) JXQ small description 12:39 AM Diff
959M (r4) moozooh it -> the plot (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
960M (r2) JXQ NesVideoAgent does not use Pngout to compress its screenshots :o 12:39 AM Diff
1427M (r1) sgrunt (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1392M (r1) Nach 12:39 AM Diff
954M (r3) JXQ New screenshot (special edition with flair!) 12:39 AM Diff
1397M (r1) Flygon 12:39 AM Diff
1129M (r9) klmz fixed the description accordingly 12:39 AM Diff
1396M (r1) Nach 12:39 AM Diff
1162M (r4) klmz (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1435M (r2) sgrunt 12:39 AM Diff
1433M (r2) sgrunt rework opening to draw comparison to SNES version 12:39 AM Diff
1008M (r4) Flygon Updated with a more 1337 movie link, 1337M 12:39 AM Diff
955M (r3) Warp Typo fix 12:39 AM Diff
956M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
951M (r2) moozooh new description get! 12:39 AM Diff
948M (r2) Truncated grammar fix (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1437M (r5) moozooh your wish is granted 12:39 AM Diff
929M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
1447M (r4) sgrunt copyediting (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
926M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
923M (r2) FractalFusion changed screenshot, edited description; we don't have that many movies 12:39 AM Diff
910M (r2) FractalFusion added description, categories, and screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
1019M (r3) klmz fun link (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
908M (r3) P.JBoy updated link 12:39 AM Diff
917M (r1) Bisqwit 12:39 AM Diff
915M (r3) moozooh specify that it's ported. (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
914M (r1) Deign 12:39 AM Diff
1446M (r4) Aktan 12:39 AM Diff
903M (r2) adelikat Movie Description added. 12:39 AM Diff
905M (r2) adelikat Crappy Description added (change me!) 12:39 AM Diff
1408M (r2) BioSpark (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
902M (r2) adelikat Description added 12:39 AM Diff
1420M (r5) sgrunt slightly better description 12:39 AM Diff
1072M (r1) ccfreak2k 12:39 AM Diff
1210M (r2) FractalFusion obsolete version info 12:39 AM Diff
1126M (r3) FractalFusion 12:39 AM Diff
1084M (r3) FractalFusion (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1440M (r2) Flygon (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1221M (r8) Truncated fixed broken sentence 12:39 AM Diff
1207M (r2) klmz simple description 12:39 AM Diff
1415M (r1) sgrunt 12:39 AM Diff
1037M (r7) arukAdo 12:39 AM Diff
971M (r3) DeHackEd It's a bug. 12:39 AM Diff
999M (r3) moozooh improvement information; also, movies usually don't lag, games do 12:39 AM Diff
1442M (r1) Flygon 12:39 AM Diff
1134M (r5) sgrunt (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1395M (r3) mmbossman Torrent replaced 12:39 AM Diff
1443M (r2) Nach Adding more notes about the commentary 12:39 AM Diff
1419M (r3) sgrunt copyedit (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1199M (r4) FractalFusion this -> certain death 12:39 AM Diff
1087M (r2) moozooh expanded/reworded description 12:39 AM Diff
969M (r2) Lord_Tom spelling correction: morale --> moral (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1422M (r1) sgrunt 12:39 AM Diff
1115M (r3) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
1448M (r2) Aktan 12:39 AM Diff
1122M (r4) sgrunt point at latest DX run (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
984M (r2) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
1096M (r6) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
1053M (r5) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
991M (r6) moozooh m (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1101M (r3) FractalFusion screenshot added 12:39 AM Diff
1462M (r3) sgrunt mirrors updated 12:39 AM Diff
1190M (r2) alden Added description and link to reject 12:39 AM Diff
1460M (r5) arukAdo 12:39 AM Diff
1188M (r3) Raiscan forgot to add link to submission notes 12:39 AM Diff
1195M (r2) moozooh touch-up 12:39 AM Diff
1104M (r3) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
1164M (r4) FractalFusion changed screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
1001M (r2) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
1128M (r4) FractalFusion description and screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
1186M (r3) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
1110M (r3) FractalFusion and screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
1182M (r2) mmbossman I'm sure someone else can write a better description 12:39 AM Diff
1028M (r3) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
1140M (r5) FractalFusion 12:39 AM Diff
1197M (r3) Johannes Spelling. (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1107M (r2) Mitjitsu 1.2 seconds is quite a large improvement for this game 12:39 AM Diff
1032M (r2) Bisqwit -typo 12:39 AM Diff
904M (r3) FractalFusion screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
927M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
1123M (r7) FractalFusion 12:39 AM Diff
993M (r1) adelikat Move Description Added 12:39 AM Diff
1170M (r1) Raiscan 12:39 AM Diff
1444M (r2) Nach Correcting oversight of not noticing other careless editors 12:39 AM Diff
966M (r3) moozooh (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1166M (r2) alden Added description provided by author 12:39 AM Diff
1219M (r5) klmz (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
1200M (r2) alden added description (Minor edit) 12:39 AM Diff
936M (r6) FractalFusion 12:39 AM Diff
1111M (r3) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
1224M (r2) Rick TODO cleanup. 12:39 AM Diff
1154M (r2) FractalFusion description 12:39 AM Diff
1100M (r3) ccfreak2k Added screenshot. 12:39 AM Diff
1099M (r3) ccfreak2k Screenshot added - TODO placeholder removed. 12:39 AM Diff
1054M (r1) adelikat 12:39 AM Diff
1125M (r2) FractalFusion changed screenshot 12:39 AM Diff
972M (r3) FractalFusion rewording (I don't get the joke) 12:39 AM Diff
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1085 1086 1087 1295 1296

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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