Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 244 245 246
878 879
7178S (r6) Samsara 2:35 PM Diff
7178S (r5) Memory 2:28 PM Diff
7205S (r8) Samsara expounding 1:11 PM Diff
7205S (r6) Samsara 12:56 PM Diff
HomePages/Samsara/SMB1 (r33) Samsara <_< 12:34 PM Diff
7205S (r3) MrTASer 11:20 AM Diff
7205S (r2) fsvgm777 11:17 AM Diff
7205S (r1) MrTASer 11:12 AM Diff
7200S (r5) feos 12:37 PM Diff
7199S (r5) feos 12:36 PM Diff
7203S (r2) feos 12:22 PM Diff
4512M (r2) Bigbass Added console verification link 12:44 AM Diff
2831M (r3) Bigbass Added console verification link 12:44 AM Diff
7204S (r1) Alyosha 11:42 PM Diff
7203S (r1) slamo 10:38 PM Diff
7202S (r1) Samtastic 8:37 PM Diff
HomePages/Zinfidel/SyncScripts (r2) Zinfidel Update with improved scripts. Move scripts to userfiles/gist instead of in a source block. Re-arrange instructions to make them less intimidating. 7:55 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r450) feos document rom hashes 10:21 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r51) feos link rules 8:48 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r50) feos move another chapter. we don't want people to casually mess around unless they have to 8:39 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r10) feos move another chapter 8:38 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r449) feos move sync notes 8:34 AM Diff
4513M (r1) Zinfidel Donkey Kong 64 8:11 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r448) feos document your alt setup 6:16 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r447) feos link instructions for running PCem+DOS in libTAS 6:12 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r446) feos link our config movies 6:08 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r445) feos draft rules for DOS in PCem in libTAS 6:03 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r9) feos link new movies 4:17 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r7) feos host freedos pics 11:12 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r6) feos host late90s pics 11:09 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r4) feos host early90s pics 11:03 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r3) feos host late80s pics 10:55 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r47) feos link 10:42 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r46) feos move things 10:37 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS/Configurations (r1) feos move things 10:36 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r44) feos highlight some internal options 6:47 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r43) feos spell out the 3 floppy disk names since we tell the user what names they will have anyway 6:36 AM Diff
7186S (r10) feos 6:02 AM Diff
7186S (r8) feos 6:01 AM Diff
7186S (r7) feos 5:06 AM Diff
7200S (r4) LeHulk 8:24 PM Diff
7201S (r1) Alyosha 8:10 PM Diff
7199S (r3) Randomno 6:04 PM Diff
7200S (r1) LeHulk 3:59 PM Diff
7199S (r2) Randomno 2:03 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r444) feos treat custom levels as hacks, per decision 12:38 PM Diff
7181S (r7) feos 12:33 PM Diff
7181S (r5) feos 12:31 PM Diff
7199S (r1) Randomno 4:44 AM Diff
7186S (r4) feos 4:38 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r375) Noxxa update btt table 3:57 PM Diff
7198S (r2) Samsara 3:07 PM Diff
7198S (r1) DancemaniaLover 3:05 PM Diff
4511M (r2) fsvgm777 1:39 PM Diff
4511M (r1) fsvgm777 Normy's Beach Babe-o-Rama 9:04 AM Diff
7197S (r1) naruko 5:33 AM Diff
System/TagEditingHelp (r1) feos 9:08 PM Diff
System/ClassEditingHelp (r5) feos tags 9:02 PM Diff
7189S (r4) EZGames69 2:42 PM Diff
4510M (r2) EZGames69 wording 2:41 PM Diff
7189S (r3) Samsara 2:39 PM Diff
4510M (r1) EZGames69 Hagane: The Final Conflict 2:29 PM Diff
7196S (r4) Samsara 2:21 PM Diff
7195S (r2) GoddessMaria 12:35 AM Diff
4509M (r1) EZGames69 Contra 5:17 PM Diff
7196S (r3) Samsara 1:00 PM Diff
7196S (r1) PP_Unknown 12:43 PM Diff
4508M (r1) Zinfidel Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles 4:46 AM Diff
7195S (r1) adelikat 9:27 PM Diff
Judging/NotableJudgments (r24) Memory 8:48 PM Diff
7193S (r5) fsvgm777 8:37 PM Diff
7193S (r4) Memory 8:32 PM Diff
4260M (r2) TiKevin83 Add info on console verification and flag 12:40 AM Diff
7194S (r1) g0goTBC 4:21 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r239) feos hires on laptops for dolphin 1:32 PM Diff
4507M (r1) EZGames69 Batman: The Animated Series 12:23 PM Diff
3211M (r2) Bigbass Added console verification link 11:41 PM Diff
7182S (r12) EZGames69 7:52 PM Diff
7182S (r10) feos 6:33 PM Diff
7191S (r5) ikuyo 1:10 AM Diff
7191S (r4) ikuyo 1:07 AM Diff
7187S (r5) EZGames69 2:50 PM Diff
System/ClassEditingHelp (r4) feos fix link 1:19 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r238) feos dolphin aspect ratio and res changes 12:36 PM Diff
7187S (r4) Memory 12:16 PM Diff
4506M (r1) fsvgm777 Mega Man X6 10:41 AM Diff
7193S (r3) Memory 11:15 PM Diff
7193S (r1) Jules 10:30 PM Diff
4505M (r1) EZGames69 Super Smash Bros. Melee 9:25 PM Diff
GamenamesEditorHowTo (r19) Memory "Untasable games" shouldn't be repurposed 5:08 PM Diff
HomePages/arkiandruski (r7) feos headers 5:01 PM Diff
HomePages/arkiandruski (r5) arkiandruski 4:48 PM Diff
JudgeGuidelines/Legacy (r133) Memory updating as part of tier revamp 4:11 PM Diff
JudgeGuidelines/Legacy (r132) Memory updating as part of tier revamp 4:09 PM Diff
LegacyPages/FastestCompletion (r48) Memory removing references to vaults and tiers 2:35 PM Diff
HomePages/Memory (r40) Memory 2:25 PM Diff
PlayerPointsAndRanks (r25) Memory changes to player point formula 2:06 PM Diff
NewStandardMovies (r2) Memory Page moved from NewVaultMovies to New Standard Movies 1:51 PM Diff
NewStandardMovies (r1) CasualPokePlayer 1:51 PM Diff
7192S (r5) Spikestuff Dropping to Hawk 2.6.1 since that's actually not causing problems comapred to 2.6.2 (for some reason) and adding other stuff that the author gave an all clear to. 9:53 AM Diff
1 2 244 245 246
878 879

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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