Tool-assisted game movies
When human skills are just not enough
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Submissions that were Rejected for reason: Game choice
#34: Remy_B.'s NES Aussie Rules Footy in 17:58.12
#409: sliverjazz's NES Fisher Price's Perfect Fit in 04:01.62
#614: GeminiSaint's NES Dikki Painguin in: TKO for the Third Reich in 00:47.48
#655: slash_star_dash's GBC Metal Gear Solid in 1:27:34.62
#744: MattyXB's GB Balloon Kid in 29:10.60
#914: Diman's NES Balloon Fight in 01:32.93
#1013: Diman's SNES Street Fighter II in 10:18.12
#1090: Diman's NES Urban Champion in 01:23.12
#1105: josh_l.'s NES Kid Niki: Radical Ninja in 10:33.85
#1504: curtmack's NES NES Test Cart in 01:31.68
#1574: MikeRS's GBC Who Wants to Be a Millionaire in 04:16.38
#1600: TheRandomPie_IV's Genesis Micro Machines: Turbo Tournament '96 in 09:26.78
#2269: nineko's Arcade OverTop in 05:14.90
#2515: MrOmicron's NES Mario Evolution in 16:46.34
#2601: woabclf's NES Rockman L in 26:25.12
#2603: woabclf's NES Rockman 2 Dash in 26:55.00
#2625: sergio89's Genesis Columns "Flash Doubles" in 00:22.92
#2631: Frenom's Genesis Mega Man: The Wily Wars "Rockman 1" in 20:11.30
#2634: woabclf's NES Rockman 2 Minimum in 28:03.57
#2716: NitroGenesis's Genesis Sonic Eraser in 02:31.50
#2770: turbofa's DS Deal or No Deal "max score (€500000)" in 02:18.95
#2775: adelikat & Weirwindle's NES Battle Chess "Fastest Mate Without Cheating" in 00:44.58
#2809: Fladdermus's DS Point Blank DS "highest score" in 05:35.84
#2931: GabCM's NES Dian Shi Ma Li "PUSH START TO RICH" in 00:38.27
#2947: TheKoopaPatrol's DS Deal or No Deal "all games" in 15:39.64
#3156: Master_of_Pigs's NES Big Nose the Caveman "Best Score" in 24:37.80
#3167: Aqfaq's Genesis A Q Lián Huán Pào "Shrine" in 05:07.93
#3178: Aqfaq's Genesis Action 52: Alien Attack "Alien Attack" in 06:01.35
#3179: Aqfaq's Genesis Action 52: Ninja "Ninja" in 05:46.97
#3231: DennisBalow & ReneBalow's N64 Super Mario 74 in 03:58.28
#3233: Mr_Sweed's NES Parallel Air in 02:45.52
#3518: theenglishman's Genesis Sonic - Omochao (S1 Hack) "PURAYAROUND" in 13:56.02
#3543: adelikat's NES Color a Dinosaur "100%" in 07:15.12
#3760: Abahbob's Windows Ings Adventure in 03:04.02
#3771: Abahbob's Windows Ings Adventure "No OoB" in 06:57.23
#3920: NitroGenesis's NES Megaman V Fly "flying hack" in 32:54.71
#3937: DarkMoon's SNES Xka Shack Demo by Smallhacker (SMW1 Hack) "107%" in 03:29.67
#4079: MarbleousDave's NES Wheel of Fortune in 02:21.57
#4136: WST & got4n's Genesis Sonic Boom in 03:03.99
#4170: NhatNM's NES Street Fighter II - The World Warrior in 02:48.74
#4550: Jigwally's NES Othello in 00:26.42
#4551: Jigwally's GBC Scrabble in 00:15.39
#4628: Dessyreqt's SNES Super Metroid: HISHE "0%" in 03:43.78
#4635: slamo's DOS Commander Keen: Episode 4 - Secret of the Oracle "paddle war" in 00:01.66
#4655: jlun2's DS Jenga World Tour in 02:38.53
#4659: MarioUniverseZone's NES Super Mario Forever in 02:31.20
#4662: CoolKirby's Windows BomBun in 01:46.28
#4967: MarbleousDave's NES Top Gun: The Second Mission "VS. CPU" in 05:59.51
#5070: tormented's Genesis Street Fucker in 01:16.25
#5153: Pixiuchu's GBA Dora the Explorer: Dora's World Adventure! in 12:21.48
#5312: Spikestuff's GB Ichi Ni San in 00:33.54
#5332: SnowySideofTown's DS Victorious: Taking the Lead "100%" in 44:29.04
#5657: Nothembur's Genesis Super Mario Bros (Unlicensed) in 17:04.07
#5755: Nobodycallsmetubby's NES All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:26.71
#5764: Meerkov's Genesis Clue in 00:27.90
#5907: ViGadeomes's SNES Super Caesars Palace in 00:27.29
#5935: Jigwally's NES Family Computer - Othello in 00:25.03
#5936: Zekann's Genesis Lose Tails or Else "100%" in 05:43.14
#6319: Darkdevil's SNES 2 Player Co-op Quest! "small only, all normal levels" in 04:21.90
#6321: Spikestuff's A2600 Bowling "perfect game" in 01:25.71
#6322: Spikestuff's A2600 Skee-Ball "max score" in 00:29.24
#6337: Asumeh's SNES MARIO in 03:53.38
#6341: Oshisaure's NES Tetris "square%" in 20:47.15
#6348: link_7777's NES Stack-Up "Direct Max Points" in 01:54.31
#6816: LucianoTheWindowsFan's SNES SNES Test Program in 01:46.26
#7061: endrift's GBA Game Boy Advance Video: Shrek "credits warp" in 00:25.52
#7066: DJ_Incendration's NES Punch-Out!! no TKO in 26:01.13
#7086: Dacicus's DOS Sorry Ass in 05:07.73
#7210: Natetheman223's Wii Spider-Man 4 in 02:41.32
#7260: SMBistic & tdiogo_gamer's NES Super Mario Bros. - Two Players Hack in 04:54.71
#7278: Fortranm's PCECD Castlevania: Rondo of Blood in 00:16.10
#7426: p0008874's Flash The Maze in 00:00.17
#7669: enderpal7's GB The Binding of Isaac in 00:03.65
#8357: LoganTheTASer's Uzebox Castlevania: Vengeance in 01:10.90
#8802: TateTF20230623's Genesis Sonic 1 Powers (Demo) in 02:01.32