Referrers for MovieRules


is TAS passes the '[MovieRules#GameMustBeAcceptable|triviality rule]'. I will present m
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#MovieShouldNotBePainfulToWatch|The movie should not be painful to watch]__ %%% If a movie h
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#MaximumPoints|Maximum points]__ %%% * Saturation
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|Games without clear ending]__ %%% * All unique
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#MovieSTechnicalQualityMustBeAcceptable|The movie's technical quality must be acceptable]__ %%% Don't be laz
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#MustBeClearlyDefinableAsAGameWhichHasAchievableGoals|Must be clearly definable as a game, which has achievable goals]__ %%% The game-pla
mally a fan of the [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|notability clause] in our rules, the n
is just feels like [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|it breaks the "No Cheats" rule], as it makes the ga
ly has 729. The [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|rules on ROM hacks] require that hacks
もの)は受け付けていません。 ** [=MovieRules.html#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|前述]のVBA固有ルールをお読みください!
! Ergebnis * [Movie Rules|Film Regeln] - Ob es dein Film w
ell as reading our [MovieRules|movie rules] so you can better u
ld contain __one__ [MovieRules|valid] movie file and noth
te, as told in the [MovieRules]. ----
. According to our [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|endless game rules], if there is a set
e breaks the rule, [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|that doesn't make it acceptable for runs going forward]. As such, reject
ne important rule: [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|a speed-oriented movie must beat all existing records]. This rule is stric
te game option, so [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|by the rules], they can be played
d to TV framerate, [MovieRules#NtscVsPalUsaJapanVsEurope|it is allowed] to publish European
s. Please read the [MovieRules|rules] and [Guidelines|gui
unique content as [MovieRules#Standard|separate Standard branches], so accepting. ---
movie violates our [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Movie Rules]. Cheats are not all
:feos]: Movie with [MovieRules#PostCompletionInput|name entry] at the end, for enc
carefully read our [MovieRules|Movie Rules] (Japanese version [
ind of movies, the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] and [LegacyPages/Va
n doesn't meet our [MovieRules|rules and regulations]. Specifically, *
s explained in the [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|rules]. There are conceiva
en is specifically [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|listed] as a bad reason to
отклонен. Читайте [Movie Rules|правила для мувиков]. Исследуйте Ин
de acordo com as __[movie rules|regras para movies]__ e com as __[guide
之前 # 确保您的录像符合 __[Movie Rules|录像规则(英文)]__ 与 __[Guidelines|指
movie file) 我们的 [Movie Rules|录像规则] 列出了所有允许的按键输入录像文件格式。
。) 假如提交失败,请细阅 __[Movie Rules|录像规则]__ 寻找答案。如果找不出,请在 [=f
的录像的候选。 我们不发表违反 [Movie Rules|录像规则] 的录像。%%% 我们青睐遵从我们 [
Nossa página de [Movie Rules|regras de movies] lista todas os form
eça um link para o [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|o movie de verificação]. ** Não aplicável
s disso, leia as __[movie rules|regras de submissão]__ e se elas não res
l be rejected. See [Movie Rules]. Search Internet
que quebram nossas [Movie Rules|regras].%%% Preferimos ''m
t meets the site's [MovieRules|quality standards] (these were relaxed
e sure to read the [Movie Rules] before [Subs-List|s
st-timer. However, [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|TASVideos submissions need to beat already existing records]. This submission's
more recently the [MovieRules|rules regarding that have changed], meaning games such
* Movie file with [MovieRules#PostCompletionInput|name entry] at the end for enco
s have to meet the [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|requirements we have for ROM hacks]. A good explanation
anged the relative [MovieRules#Alternative|rule] and we now allow th
тветствует нашим __[movie rules|правилам для мувиков]__, а также __[guide
ком На странице [Movie Rules|правил для мувиков] перечислены все доп
осьба предоставить [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|проверочный мувик]. **Касается не все
того перечитайте __[movie rules|правила для мувиков]__, и если это не ре
мувики, нарушающие [Movie Rules|правилам для мувиков].%%% Мы предпочитае
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|Game Choice in General]__ ROM hacks must
Quote from the [MovieRules|Rules]: Use the (U) versi
r requirements for [MovieRules#Alternative|Alternative] than just entertain
the staff finally [MovieRules#ExtractedGames|decided], that it's acceptab
d not have met the [MovieRules#Alternative|Alt requirements], and would have bee
- [user:Samsara]: [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|We do not allow runs with Game Genie codes]. Cancelling. As Spi
y allowed; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] for more on this.
ot be accepted per [MovieRules#UseAnOfficialEmulatorVersion|rules on using official emulator versions]. But more import
ago, the rules on [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|game completion (for endless games)] have been [Forum/To
e sure to read the [MovieRules|movie rules] and [Guidelines|gui
Keep in mind our [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|rules on emulation accuracy]. If the game has em
ere should be no ''[MovieRules#1|significant glitches]'' caused by poor em
AQ]:よくある質問への回答。 * [MovieRules|ムービーのルール]:投稿された作品は通常はこれらのルールに
eller forumet. * [Movie Rules|Filmregler]: Inspelningar som l
ay back correctly, [Movie Rules|TASVideos cannot accept your movie]. ! You changed t
ally agreed on the [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|new rules for hacks], the gist is that i
ent utilisés. * [Movie Rules|Règles des TAS]: Les runs soumises
d. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules] say: > __The movie
lly began allowing [MovieRules#ForgoingMajorSkipGlitch|runs that forego major skips] as a standard branc
e goal needs to be [MovieRules#Alternative_2|clear and objectively definible]. *The movie conten
. According to the [MovieRules#Standard|rules], we can have separa
f]. Quoting our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules]: > If you're aim
s, we have certain [MovieRules#Moons|Moons class requirements]. In addition to bei
tilizziamo qui. * [Movie Rules|Regole per i filmati]: i filmati presenta
er, per the site's [MovieRules|movie rules], time gained throug
e it's said in our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules]: > Your submission
to learn TASing * [Movie Rules]: Runs submitted her
wed — refer to the [MovieRules|rules] to see the reasons.
: According to the [MovieRules|site rules], switching from U v
ed without hacking [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|the rules against interim builds]. He's busy right no
entemente aqui. * [Movie Rules|Regras dos movies]: corridas submetida
ваемые вопросы. * [Movie Rules|Правила для мувиков]: отправляемые на са
ser:feos]: Trimmed [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|blank input at the end]. [user:feos]: [M
]. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules about optimality] say: > If you're
hich was clarified [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|here]. It was established
r new branches are [MovieRules#Moons_2|here]. This movie aims
We have additional [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|rules] for movies made wit
ovie must meet our [Movie Rules]. The submission for
e all new content. [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|The rules] have been updated t
wed — refer to the [MovieRules|rules] to see the reasons.
ceptable ending by [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|our definition for games without an ending].
kind of game, our [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|Movie Rules] require to complete
be noted that our [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|Movie Rules] are applied even if
ent changes to the [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|rule for endless games], I un-reject this s
ng to the recently [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|revised rule] for endless games,
yourself with our [movie rules] before submitting a
ossly violates our [MovieRules#GameChoice|Movie Rules on game choice], therefore submissi
Please read the [MovieRules|movie rules] before making anoth
m. According to [Movierules|GameChoiceInGeneral], unofficial games n
the RTA rules, but [MovieRules|our rules] are stricter, becau
t a major flaw, it [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|should have also been avoided in the first place], because that recor
guarantee it'd be [MovieRules#Moons_2|entertaining enough for Moons]. And if it isn't, w
ot allow movies to [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|skip to the end of the game with a password]. Also, as shown by
f it is faster. [MovieRules#NoRandomizedOrUnverifiedCustomInitialRamState|Our rules currently allow default ram initialization states set by the emulator, defaults set by other emulators, and initialization states proven to occur.] Note that these emu
e according to the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules]. But there are quit
ere. The fact that [MovieRules#WeAllowPlayingUnlockableContentUsingInGamePasswords|we only allow unlockable content] in branches that ar
taining and get to [MovieRules#Moons_2|Moons]. The question is
cking them against [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|the rule that forbids skipping to the end with a password], I figured out that
on for this game's [MovieRules#Moons_2|side branch] in terms of rules,
on fastest time at [MovieRules|any legitimate cost], it should use all
phone audio input, [MovieRules#DesmumeMovies|all the required audio data must be embedded into the movie]. For that purpose,
n the site we have [MovieRules|movie rules]. Important for this
owed; refer to the [MovieRules|rules] to see why.
s addressed by our [MovieRules#WeAllowPlayingUnlockableContentUsingInGamePasswords|Movie Rules]. They say that if o
, because it is an [MovieRules|unauthorized hack] at this site.
. Our rules are at [MovieRules], and are not that o
time speedrunners, [MovieRules#MovieGoals|we don't allow] forgoing time-savin
debes de leer las [Movie Rules|Reglas de películas] si planeas enviar t
to move away from [MovieRules#Obsoletion|superseding]. While for fastest
re you've read the [Movie Rules] before submitting.
musst außerdem die [Movie Rules|Filmregeln] lesen, bevor du pla
if available. See: [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Movie Rules - Use the correct version] * The movie also h
eaks the rule that [MovieRules#RegionSettingsMustBeCorrect|the region settings must be correct] * This game can be
e disk swapping to [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeIntegral|insert external images] that may not belong
the various [FAQ], [MovieRules|Rules], [Guidelines] and o
n violation of the [MovieRules|rules], specifically the s
the section about [MovieRules#UeTheCorrectVerion|using the correct version]. Runs should prefer
at. Please see the [MovieRules|rules], under the heading
records. And the [MovieRules|Rules]: > A speed-oriente
records. And the [MovieRules|Rules]: > A speed-oriente
ubmissions need to [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|complete the game], not just perform s
me time due to the [Movie Rules] page not being upda
ersion change, the [MovieRules#the_rom_must_be_good_|Rules] page states the fol
ning to watch, see [MovieRules#Moons_2|Movie Rules]. Excluding TAS-only
un must sync on an [MovieRules#UseAnOfficialEmulatorVersion|official emulator version] or it will not be a
lease don't submit [MovieRules|movies that are slower than existing records] on our site, otherw
y allowed; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] for more on this.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
wed — refer to the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see the reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#2|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#2|rules] to see our reasons.
, which breaks the [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Rules]. Rejecting.
, which breaks the [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Rules]. Rejecting. [use
rd] after reading [MovieRules#toc8|the rules] again.%%% Then you
sman]: Quoting the [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|Rules]: "A speed-oriented
ect this movie for [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeIntegral|breaking the rules] we all agreed on. I
wed — refer to the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
wed — refer to the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
ccordance with the [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|rules]. Accepting to Va
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e exception to the [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersionOfAGame|site's rules]. Further improvemen
h. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
h. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
[user:Samsara]: [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Incomplete runs and WIPs are not allowed for submission]. Please upload them
h. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
g. Please read the [MovieRules|movie rules] for the future.
ducational game by [MovieRules#NoBoardGamesGameShowGamesOrPrimarilyEducationalGames|our rules]. A very minimal amo
score" movie must [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|complete the game]. Playing beyond the
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
ed saves. Read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
ept demo than as a [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rule-conforming] TAS. This beats
oncept demo than a [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rule-conforming] TAS. This beats
y either. Read the [MovieRules#MovieGoals|rules] for further informa
oncept demo than a [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rule-conforming] TAS. This beats
oncept demo than a [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rule-conforming] TAS. This beats
y allowed; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] for more on this.
ble, consult the __[movie rules]__ and the __[guidel
provide a link to [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|the verification movie]. **Not applicable
he game, as stated [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|here]. Additionally, we d
SRAM; refer to the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] for more details.
s] page and in the [Movie Rules]. ! Updating the
ies that break the [movie rules]. * Judge movies in
y dependent on the [MovieRules#GameMustBeAcceptable|game] and on the [MovieRu
e|game] and on the [MovieRules#MovieGoals|goal]. For moons, it’s
should meet the __[Movie Rules]__, even if the publ
ance of the site's [MovieRules] and [Guidelines], t
per oversight, and [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|not a cheat code or a password] that's subtly enter
or movie analysis: [Movie Rules], [Guidelines]. * F
ter timing option, [MovieRules#Standard|those differences need to exist]. Now since only
exactly we want to [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|time the end of the movie]. We've had [Forum/T
way. __Rules on [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|game authenticity] have been clarified
game demo versions [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersionOfAGame|have been changed].__ While we now
itted here need to [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|beat all records] and not have obviou
yourself with the [MovieRules|movie rules in its entirety]. Canceling.
nd you to read our [MovieRules|Movie Rules], in order to unders
:feos]: There is a [MovieRules#NoCosmeticHacks|movie rule] about hacks/homebre
not it follows the [Movie Rules], what [Class] the m
derstanding of the [movie rules], [guidelines], and
difications of the [movie rules]. ** Collecting and
Related Links * [MovieRules] * [JudgeGuidelines
t according to the [Movie Rules#JVsU|rules], we will ignore suc
a Vault run. Under [MovieRules#Vault_2|our current ruleset for Vault]... "A movie that
begin with, as we [MovieRules#Vault_2|explicitly disallow SRAM] and cheats are real
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
rize yourself with [MovieRules|all of our movie rules], and you should not
mulation and tools [MovieRules#PlayGamesThatAreEmulatedWell|work to reasonable extent], movies using the e
r external cheats: [MovieRules#ToolsThatManipulateRomOrRamEGGameGenieCodesAreNotAllowed]. But a cheat code i
t blatantly broken [MovieRules#ToolsThatManipulateRomOrRamEGGameGenieCodesAreNotAllowed|movie] [MovieRules#CheatsD
eNotAllowed|movie] [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|rules] about the usage of
Please read the [Movie Rules] before submitting a
the game which is [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|highly discouraged]. Despite all this,
, and a submission [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|must beat all existing records]. The fastest record
Please review the [MovieRules|movie rules] (particularly "The
it's technically a [MovieRules#NoBoardGamesGameShowGamesOrPrimarilyEducationalGames|board game]. For this reason, r
, why not read the [MovieRules|full movie rules]? Once you're finish
ms fine. In the [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|movie rules] there is a line sta
versions which is [MovieRules#MatchTheBiosRegionToTheGameSRegion|against the movie rules]. Rejecting.
site, a movie must [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|beat the game]. Single level movie
e rules, including [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|no skipping to the end with a password], [MovieRules#Cheats
with a password], [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|cheats are not allowed], and [MovieRules#Mo
not allowed], and [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|the movie must beat the game and not just a single level]. Rejecting. IDK,
rectly follows the [movie rules].
r:Noxxa]: Does not [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|beat existing records] for [3430M|TAS] or
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
e. Please read our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rules] to see our reasons.
ecting in light of [MovieRules|a recent change to the rules]. [user:CasualPok
clear to you that [=MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|European versions of games], while accepted, ar
vie that meets our [Movie Rules]. See the [TasingGui
esn't fit into the [MovieRules#Standard|Standard class], yet it's not enter
to be published to [MovieRules#Moons|Moons]. And it can't go to
on must follow the [MovieRules|movie rules], including the rule
that a submission [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|must beat all existing records] of the same categor
ugh walls is not a [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|high quality hack] and does not fit th
it should feature [MovieRules#ModicumOfEffortIsRequired|actual gameplay improvements]. For the same reaso
ding times. The [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|criteria] for recognizing the
that they meet our [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full-completion rules]. In that regard, I
ing section in our [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|Movie Rules]. For a ROM hack
submit a TAS, see [MovieRules] and [Guidelines].
agrantly break the [movie rules]. The goal of TAS
, which breaks the [MovieRules#UseAnOfficialEmulatorVersion|movie rules]. Thanks, saves me t
most likely has a [MovieRules#RegionSettingsMustBeCorrect|region settings] issue. [user:Nox
ns that this movie [MovieRules#RegionSettingsMustBeCorrect|breaks the rules about recording with the correct region settings], and as such this r
per oversight, and [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|not a cheat code or a password] that's subtly enter
or movie analysis: [Movie Rules], [Guidelines]. * F
submissions should [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|beat or tie all known records at the time of submission]. However, this e
ry important rule: [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|"A speed-oriented movie must beat all existing records"]. Because [=userfile
encouraging us to [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeGood|rethink our rules]. The general staff
it adheres to the [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|movie rules for game ending for endless games], by ending when no
e RTA timing (more [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|here]) [user:Samsara]:
ching it, but with [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|the recent clarifications to games without clear ending], this has been deem
r correctly noted, [MovieRules#Vault_2|Movie Rules for Vault] require for differe
olates the rule to [MovieRules#PlayGamesThatAreEmulatedWell|only play games that are emulated well]), so I'm afraid I'm
ee if this game is [MovieRules#Vault|eligible for Vault tier]. From watching this
d from the current [MovieRules] page. Over time, th
that they meet our [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full-completion rules]. Since the amount o
on the grounds of [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|failing to beat existing records]. However, based on
ails to follow the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeProperlyAttributed|rules on attributing movies] - in particular: ''
asswords, which is [MovieRules#WeAllowPlayingUnlockableContentUsingInGamePasswords|allowed] in this case. Beati
accordance to our [MovieRules#ClearConsensusIsRequiredOnWhatConstitutesFullCompletion|full-completion rules]. For these reasons,
mitted in light of [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|a recent rules change] regarding games whi
ifficulty loops in [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|games without an ending], but this submissio
ing. The easy mode [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|doesn't look like a definitive game completion]. But more import
this run. A record [MovieRules#MovieSTechnicalQualityMustBeAcceptable|should not be trivial to beat] if we want it to ge
derstanding of the [movie rules], [guidelines], and
ge guidelines] and [movie rules], and not be influen
re submitting. The [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|rules state that the movie must be good] and beyond that to
and beyond that to [MovieRules#MovieSTechnicalQualityMustBeAcceptable|not be lazy, for we will try to beat your movie]. [Forum/Posts/47523
this problem, and [MovieRules#PcGameEnvironmentMustBeLegitimate|here's what] our updated Rules s
here is an overdue [Movie Rules] update regarding U
poor reception and [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|the rules regarding password usage], I cannot accept th
d. Please refer to [MovieRules|the rules] for more details.
もの)は受け付けていません。 ** [=MovieRules.html#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|前述]のVBA固有ルールをお読みください!
n-game, the site's [MovieRules|movie rules] allow non-official
it is subject to a [MovieRules|higher level of scrutiny] than other runs.
BA remake) and our [MovieRules|rules] regarding fan trans
to reject this for [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|suboptimal play]. This would take an
o hit a score cap, [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|which is not considered full completion] and therefore isn't
Videos we like our [MovieRules#Moons|goals to be clear and definite.] Goals like maximum
es in movie files. [MovieRules#DesmumeMovies|We now request runs using microphone use this release from here on.] Accepting to Moo
ted into Moons. [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Our rules state that cheat codes are not allowed.] This is not a stric
e. Please read the [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|rules] to see our reasons.
le points from the [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|movie rules on full completion]. "Some games reward
y allowed; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustPlayTheGameFromTheBeginning|Movie Rules] for more on this.
llows playing to a [=MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|clear ending point].
. According to the [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|Movie Rules], a submission must
, we agreed to add [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|a requirement for user ported games] to Movie Rules: >
s mentioned in the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules]: > Your submissi
itionally read the [Movie Rules]. For a comprehen
ich is against the [MovieRules|rules].
te objectives] and [MovieRules|submission rules] before you submit a
s, that follow the [MovieRules|submission rules]. For test movies, w
mind our rules on [MovieRules#PcGameEnvironmentMustBeLegitimate|the PC game environment]. If the CPU affects
un must sync on an [MovieRules#UseAnOfficialEmulatorVersion|official emulator version] or it will not be a
* Keep in mind our [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|rules on emulation accuracy]. Ruffle is incomple
e rules. Running a [MovieRules#RegionSettingsMustBeCorrect|PAL game in NTSC mode is not allowed]. Therefore I am can
published per the [MovieRules|movie rules].
ot comply with the [MovieRules|submission rules] and has some other
itting a movie ** [Movie Rules] ** [Guidelines] *
hose respecter les [Movie Rules|règles]. Les utilisateurs s
ны соответствовать [Movie Rules|Правилам для мувиков]. Многократные попыт
TASVideos we have [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|a rule that movies must complete the game]. This run does not
nced, it does not. [MovieRules#UseAnOfficialEmulatorVersion|Per the movie rules], rejecting. [use
vies should end on [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|last decisive action]. [user:feos]: So
ut the Vault rules [MovieRules#NoBoardGamesGameShowGamesOrPrimarilyEducationalGames|ban board games]. [Forum/Topics/1636
sn't belong to the [MovieRules#Standard|Standard class], so it'd have to be
so it'd have to be [MovieRules#Alternative|entertaining] to be published, bu
nd! As with the [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersionOfAGame|standard rules on demos ("early access games")], this TAS would be
to learn TASing * [Movie Rules]: Runs submitted her
layers allowed for [MovieRules#Standard|multiplayer] games is either the
E] To quote the [MovieRules|Site Rules]: "When comparing
ished based on our [MovieRules|rules]/[guidelines]. We
% run's goals, and [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|surpass it in them], leading to obsolet
two of the rules: [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|the movie must be complete], and [MovieRules#Pl
Take a look at our [MovieRules|Movie Rules], especially the par
an AI, but we have [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|rule clauses] for games (or modes
be complete], and [MovieRules#PlayGamesThatAreEmulatedWell|play games that are emulated well]. This is extremely
exception from the [MovieRules|rules]. ---- [user:Trunc
Please review the [MovieRules] before submitting a
anese version (the [MovieRules|rules] of the TASvideos si
Instructions] and [Movie Rules] before submitting f
latantly losing to [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|existing records], and you're doing i
Moreover, we have [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|another rule] that says: ''"No sk
at follows all the [movie rules]__, create a [=userf
mposed of%% Rule: [MovieRules#NoTamperingWithTheFilesTheGameIsComposedOf]%%% *Emphasis on
d related%% Rule: [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword] Judge: [Forum/Po
itial RAM%% Rule: [MovieRules#NoRandomizedOrUnverifiedCustomInitialRamState] Platforms/games
ry images%% Rule: [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeIntegral] Platforms and ga
ary audio%% Rule: [MovieRules.html#DesmumeMovies] Platforms/games
of games%% Rule: [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeGood] Platforms/games
onversion%% Rule: [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeGood]%%% Platforms tha
swapping%% Rule: [MovieRules#RomImageMustBeIntegral]%%% Games with mu
%% Relevant rule: [MovieRules#GameMustBeReal] Platforms with a
eat codes%% Rule: [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed] Some games have
the site, there's [MovieRules#WhenTasing|an additional rule]: you must link to o
Does it follow the [MovieRules|Rules]?__ *The rules of t
rary BIOS%% Rule: [MovieRules#BiosMustBeReal] Platforms using
Relevant rule from [MovieRules#Playarounds]: ''Arbitrary code p
ted rule so far__: [MovieRules#NoArbitraryFramerates] ** Examples: [Foru
.. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#GameChoice|Movie Rules] say: > Game choice
rames]. We require [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|speed oriented movies to be technically good], which means it sho
s" can't go to the [MovieRules#Standard|Standard class] unless [MovieTagGui
is run can't go to [MovieRules#Moons|Moons] either. I have t
ally can't justify [MovieRules#MovieMustPlayTheGameFromTheBeginning|breaking a rule for it.] The decision to sta
quired to read the [Movie Rules]. You will note that
eos]: As listed in [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules on movie ending], one doesn't need t
which case there's [MovieRules#Standard|another rule]: > For games that
the current rules [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|don't allow save-anchored movies in Standard] (doesn't sound all
g. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#RomHacks|Movie Rules on romhacks] say: %%QUOTE RO
un must sync on an [MovieRules#BeforeStarting|official emulator version] or it will not be a
therwise it may be [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|too poorly reproduced to accept]. * __Make sure y
cases addressed by [MovieRules#PcGameEnvironmentMustBeLegitimate|this rule]. Example: * [38
ired to follow the [Movie Rules]. Users attempting t
censed port, which [MovieRules#GameChoice|we do allow on the condition that there's transformative or unique gameplay], such as demakes. I
a published movie, [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|must beat all known records]. This run fails to
his hack counts as [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|overly obscure]. There's no informa
ially compromising [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|gameplay legitimacy]. Some tweaks onl
: 1) It breaks the [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Rules], as it uses the PAL
e time to read our [MovieRules|Rules] and [FAQ|FAQs].
meet the rules on [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full completion] because it is merel
o make it meet the [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|criteria for games without clear endings]. The other modes ar
ptimality. We have [Movie Rules], and [Movie Rules#M
[Movie Rules], and [Movie Rules#MovieMustBeGood|there we say]: ''"Don't be lazy.
in Vault, we have [MovieRules#SportsGamesAreAllowedUnderRestrictions|restrictions for sports games]. The one directly a
- Rejecting due to [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|clear violation of site rules] (no skipping to the
hich violates this [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|rule]. This rule is also
s is stated in the [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|rules], since this movie d
irty SRAM; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustPlayTheGameFromTheBeginning|rules] for more details.
rule is also cited [MovieRules#BeforeStarting|here]. I wasn't 100% s
[user:DrD2k9]: [Movierules#Standard|Rules] now allow for multi
fy here: Normally, [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersionOfAGame|regional differences aren't taken into account when judging movies]. This allows for th
the [Guidelines], [MovieRules|Rules] and other stuff in
s site is about on [MovieRules|Rules] and [Guidelines] an
Nach]: We now have [MovieRules|Rules] regarding BIOSes, a
evice (USB Gecko). [=MovieRules#ToolsThatManipulateRomOrRamEGGameGenieCodesAreNotAllowed|The site rules] strictly forbid the
n used. [feos]: [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|Movie Rules] say: > Outside m
ng hard times with [MovieRules#GamesMustBeReal|random SMB hacks]. ---- [user:ade
OTE Movie Rules __[MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|Game Choice in General]__ ROM hacks must
Recent Changes] [Movie Rules] [Judge Guideline
sionInstructions], [MovieRules|Rules], and [Guidelines] t
ed ROM? Sorry, the [MovieRules|rules] don't allow hacked
he very top of our [Movie Rules]. We already have a
TAS respecte les __[movie rules|règles]__ et les __[guideli
movie file) Nos [Movie Rules|règles] listent tous les fo
issez un lien vers [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|le TAS de vérification]. ** Ne s'applique
place, lisez les __[movie rules|règles]__ et si cela ne rés
respèctent pas nos [Movie Rules|règles].%%% Nous préférons
rom looking at the [MovieRules#NtscVsPalUsaJapanVsEurope|rules] and from [6141S|pre
icts the intent of [Movie Rules #GameChoiceInGeneral]. While this hack is
e [guidelines] and [MovieRules|rules] if you want to know
read carefully our [MovieRules|Movie Rules]. If you're unsure t
his Movie Rule: * [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|The movie must be good] ** [MovieRules#Spe
ring the different [=MovieRules|rule systems].%%% ((Another thin
tant pages such as [MovieRules].%%% This is one of
cause it fails the [MovieRules|rule] about being faster
SRAM'd movies (see [MovieRules|Rules]). (Even if it were
that you read the [MovieRules|rules] and the [guidelines
records. And the [MovieRules|Rules]: > A speed-oriente
You also failed at [MovieRules|Rules]: This movie is much
of movie violates [=MovieRules#CheatKeyAndDebuggingCodeAreNotAllowed|this rule]. If we were to view
!!! Result * [Movie Rules] - Whether your movi
p state, and using [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|emulator defaults] in that regard is 1
especificas de VBA [MovieRules#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|más adelante en esta página]! ! Game Boy Adva
específicas de VBA [MovieRules#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|más adelante en esta página]! ! Nintendo DS
il) release, it is [MovieRules#NtscVsPalUsaJapanVsEurope|acceptable] to play this game w
must be good] ** [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|A speed-oriented movie must beat all existing records] This movie only
s rule as well: * [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|The movie must be complete] ** ''"Single-level
relevant rule: * [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|Non-official games (hacks, homebrews, etc...) and prototypes] ** ''"Non-official
unlikely to get to [MovieRules#Moons_2|Moons] if we look at the v
e about cheats: * [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Cheats, debugging codes, and arcade continues are not allowed]. If you submit a t
hly recommended by [MovieRules|the rules of the site]. Here is a VBA-r
e at that. See the [MovieRules|Rules] for allowed hacks.
t! Please read the [=MovieRules|rules] and [guidelines] to
s hack in Vault is [MovieRules#UnofficialGamesAreAllowedUnderRestrictions|outright impossible]. Rejecting. _
viously breaks the [Movie Rules], you will lose subm
e sure to read the [MovieRules|Rules] before beginning a
anything else: * [MovieRules|Rules] * [Submission inst
n. Please read the [MovieRules|Rules] and the [Guidelines
Please read the * [MovieRules|Rules] * [Guidelines] mo
ion, in most cases [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|the NTSC-USA version is preferred] as per the movie ru
t, please read the [MovieRules] and [Guidelines] ag
s a whole bunch of [movie rules] that are linked fro
spécifiques à VBA [MovieRules#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|plus haut] ! ! Game Boy Adv
spécifiques à VBA [MovieRules#GameboySeriesUseTheBestMode|plus haut] ! ! Nintendo DS
ion in our policy, [MovieRules#PlayGamesThatAreEmulatedWell|Play Games That Are Emulated Well]. And indeed, bot
ately require that [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|our movies match/beat existing records], including non-TAS
. Please read our [MovieRules|rules] to see our reasons.
ainly visited): * [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|A speed-oriented movie must beat all existing records]: Your run of that s
ord for Tails]. * [MovieRules#MovieSTechnicalQualityMustBeAcceptable|The movie's technical quality must be acceptable]: You seem to be usi
rd is so fast). * [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Cheats, debugging codes, and arcade continues are not allowed]: You use a cheat to
el Select menu. * [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|The movie must be complete]: You only beat one
тва в память игры, [Movie Rules|сообщество TASVideos может не принять его]. ! Вы изменили н
thread], this run [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|doesn't beat] an existing [4471M|
he rules regarding [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|completion criteria of endless games], unrejecting and re
s. Please read the [MovieRules#2|rules] to see our reasons.
that regulates the [=MovieRules.html#PcGameEnvironmentMustBeLegitimate|PC game environment] (DOS, Windows, Linu
eos] | Resulted in [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|allowing "maximum points" for Vault] as a replacement fo
awk 2.8 so luckily [MovieRules#BeforeStarting|emulator version] isn't a problem.
ation for the run. [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|A TAS must beat all known records] to be acceptable fo
mely the one about [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|skipping ahead via in-game codes]. So I agree that it
ecently introduced [MovieRules|rule], and thus this movi
s questionable. [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|We do accept ROM hacks] if they are of dece
cceptable goal for [MovieRules#Standard|Standard] (because it's not a
in its nature) or [MovieRules#Moons|Moons] (because it doesn't
ation of this TAS, [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtc|we already had a rule saying]: ''The hack or home
are not allowed.'' [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|That rule is there right now as well]. And you're blatant
ion that meets our [Movie Rules] and [Guidelines], u
Per update to the [MovieRules#AlternateEndings|movie rules], sending this run t
t takes” '' ~ The [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] !! Goal * Testi
is actually easy. [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|The rule] says > If there's
fiable, this movie [MovieRules|cannot be submitted at TASVideos]. !! Status *
upport, which is a [MovieRules#Moons_2|basic requirement] for extra branches
all unique content [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|counts as an ending]. [user:feos]: "F
nt in Standard. [MovieRules#Standard|The current rules] don't dictate how d
e states. See the [MovieRules|Rules] for more informatio
ar the one about [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|skipping ahead via in-game codes]. Only taking the fi
os]: While we have [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|requirements about technical qualities of movies] in our Rules, it's
on, it needs to be [MovieRules#Moons|entertaining to the audience]. And [Forum/Posts/5
glish translation, [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|which we don't allow]. [Forum/Posts/51655
l need to meet our [Movie Rules], which include [Mov
es], which include [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|optimality requirements]: > If you're aim
rtaining TASes. * [MovieRules#Alternative|Applicable Movie Rules]. !! Entertainmen
ce table. Reflects [MovieRules|movie rules] active prior to the
n rejeté. Voir les [Movie Rules|règles des TAS]. Cherchez sur in
s unapplicable for [=MovieRules.html#Vault_2|Vault] tier. The relative
The relative movie [=MovieRules.html#WeAllowPlayingUnlockableContentUsingInGamePasswords|rule] was soon clarified
rough the built-in [MovieRules#WhenTasing|level select]. The relative rule
f the movie rules: [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Use the Correct Version] and [MovieRules#Nts
rrect Version] and [MovieRules#NtscVsPalUsaJapanVsEurope|NTSC vs. PAL]. Unfortunately,
ead this rule too: [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|Movie Must Be Good]. For those reaso
id these walls. [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|We do not accept TASes with many mistakes present in them.] I encourage that
second controller. [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Debug commands are not allowed]. Rejecting.
lay. Just like our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeTechnicallySound|Movie Rules] say, ''"Judges will
with the file that [MovieRules#DesmumeMovies|includes the mic sample]. DeSmuME 0.9.9a is
s. In that regard, [MovieRules#Standard|the movie rules for this flag] are the same as for
d, though limited. [MovieRules#GameChoice|Here are the rules imposed for games]. For games with
MaintenanceLog] * [MovieRules] * [Movies] * [New
is not affected, I [MovieRules#JpcRrMoviesDosCpuFrequencyRestrictions|set the CPU Divider to 1 to speed up loading times and reduce unnecessary delay]. ---- [user:
ary factor when we [MovieRules#Moons_2|judge movies] that are neither "f
a submission must [=MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|beat all existing records]. Your movie miss
o work nicely as a [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full-completion] definition, making
un must sync on an [MovieRules#BeforeStarting|official emulator version] or it will not be a
n mind though that [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|PC game environment must be legitimate]. If your modific
may be argued that [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|we don't even care] about non-gameplay
irty SRAM; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustPlayTheGameFromTheBeginning|rules] for more details.
e, it doesn't meet [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|Movie Rules on unofficial games], because unlike [13
[Judge Guidelines] [MovieRules] [Guidelines] [/Home
with this run. The [MovieRules#NoRandomizedOrUnverifiedCustomInitialRamState|movie rules] state that there ar
thin the bounds of [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full completion rules], of course). With t
y stands, the site [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|requires runs of game hacks to qualify for the Moons tier] in order to be publ
Please consult our [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|movie rules] for more informatio
nly be accepted to [MovieRules#Vault|Vault] if it meets the cri
dered to represent [MovieRules#Vault_2|vaultable goals], and if they really
and if they really [MovieRules#MustBeClearlyDefinableAsAGameWhichHasAchievableGoals|stand out from unassisted play], they might be acce
er:slamo]: We have [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|special rules] for games without a
e movie rule about [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|beating all existing records] explicitly says: ''
ly, the rule about [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|movies that should be complete] addresses this game
an archive of the [Movie Rules] as it existed prior
ding to the rules, [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|difficulty doesn't count as content only if it rises indefinitely]. Most people seemed
ging in light of a [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|rule change regarding difficulty in looping games]. [user:Samsara]:
learly against the [MovieRules|rules], and no justificati
follow all of the [Movie Rules]. ** See [Playgroun
e acceptable under [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|Movie Rules on game choice]. * The run must be
o be optimized. * [MovieRules#MovieMustBeProperlyAttributed|The movie must be properly attributed]. !! Workflow Th
if it breaks some [Movie Rules], but meets the requ
BA remake) and our [MovieRules|rules] regarding fan trans
the final level. [MovieRules#WhenTasing|This is against the rules.] Rejecting for th
idered complete by [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|our rules for games without clear endings]. This submission
anged the relative [MovieRules#Alternative|rule] and we now allow th
to re-evaluate our [MovieRules]. This is in no way
l TASes, we have a [MovieRules#Obsoletion|clause in the rules that handles how to treat these runs], namely that they w
linked to it from [Movie Rules #MovieMustBeTechnicallySound]. We also used to ha
t meet some of our [Movie Rules]. Its purpose is to
oduction page] and [=MovieRules.html#GamesMustBeReal|parts of the Movie Rules], our runs are inten
z-vous de lire les [Movie Rules|règles] avant de [Subs-List
о прочитайте также [Movie Rules|Правила для мувиков]. * Можете сделат
ire the authors to [MovieRules#UseMovieAnnotationsToProvideInstallationInstructions|provide installation instructions]. Since inbuilt movi
cord, which breaks [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|another one of our Movie Rules]. This could have be
movie is mentioned [MovieRules#Moons_2|in the Rules], how goals relate t
rly be against the [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|movie rules which bans cheats and debug codes]. But let's dig a bi
e, which means the [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|existing record] hasn't even been ch
ing run, and can't [MovieRules#Vault_2|go to Vault] either, since it's
ASen zu lernen. * [Movie Rules|Regeln für Filme]: Eingereichte Runs
aultable rules for [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|max score]. ---- DrD2k9: Can
n, please read the [Movie Rules] and [Guidelines] fo
rejected. Read the [movie rules] for more details.
in why exactly. [MovieRules#MovieGoals|Movie Rules on Alternative goals] say: %%QUOTE Goal
notability. Our [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtc|movie rules] are much more stric
ectly applying the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] or the [JudgeGuidel
ectly applying the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] or the [JudgeGuidel
L hardware. The [MovieRules#RegionSettingsMustBeCorrect|rules clearly state] that the emulator a
r violation of our [MovieRules|rules]__. The emulator act
ectly applying the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] or the [JudgeGuidel
oms could count as [MovieRules#FullCompletionRules|full completion]. If nothing else is
else is possible, [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|maximum score] is an option. Th
er:adelikat]: The [Movie Rules] say: «« Movies of
ied exception from [MovieRules#NoTamperingWithTheFilesTheGameIsComposedOf|this rule]: ''"no renaming/cop
evise out rules on [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|Maximum points], so now this goal i
s run is not up to [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|our standard], and I personally f
from new users. * [Movie Rules] - When making movie
o strictly limited [MovieRules#MovieGoals|goal choices] to be published: it
les in the future: [=MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|Movie must be good], [=MovieRules#Movie
vie must be good], [=MovieRules#MovieGoals|Movie Goals] In addition, pleas
ere as follows: [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|Obsoleting a published movie] ''When comparing
be accepted.'' [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersion|Use the correct version] ''The US ((U)) v
d it's not knowing [MovieRules|our rules]. Unfortunately, thi
ted out]... !!! [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|The movie must be complete] ''"It must beat
t again]... !!! [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Cheats, debugging codes, and arcade continues are not allowed] ''"This includes
acceptable. !!! [MovieRules#MovieGoals|Movie goals] ''"Esoteric and
oal choice. !!! [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|The movie must be good] I've left this s
d. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|Movie Rules on unofficial games] currently say: '
n Movie Rules that [MovieRules#ObsoletingAPublishedMovie|past mistakes don't justify repeating them]. So by the curre
option, we use the [MovieRules#Vault_2|50% cutoff], where 50% or more
game options.'' [MovieRules#Vault_2|Here's some background] behind that limit.
to overhauling the [Movie Rules]. Currently, for pro
ypes such as this, [MovieRules#GameChoice|they do need to have significantly different gameplay to their release counterparts]. As I stated in the
ule that a movie __[MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|must beat all existing records]__. Also, the goa
requirement that __[MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|a movie must be complete]__. As you can see f
y go against basic [MovieRules|movie rules] (such as that a mov
ch as that a movie [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|must beat the game], and [MovieRules#Sp
eat the game], and [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|must beat existing records]). There's a gene
ional. Here's what [MovieRules#ClearConsensusIsRequiredOnWhatConstitutesFullCompletion|the rules say]: %%QUOTE * Full c
e thing in one go. [MovieRules#NoSkippingToTheEndWithAPassword|We don't allow skipping ahead via passwords]. But we allow game
t ending point for [MovieRules#GamesWithoutClearEnding|games with no clear ending]. [Forum/Posts/37
option was allowed [MovieRules|in 2018], and [2599M|the cur
OM hacks should be [MovieRules#Moons|acceptable to Moons] to be published, an
g. [user:feos]: [MovieRules#UseTheCorrectVersionOfAGame|Movie Rules] say: > __Use the c
and it might give [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|unintended speed advantages] to a TAS. So in a T
y allowed; see the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|Movie Rules] for more on this.
though we normally [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|don't allow save anchored movies], it's acceptable if
to even match it. [MovieRules#SpeedOrientedMovieMustBeatAllExistingRecords|Speed oriented submissions must beat all existing records]. You have clearly n
ry]: Rejudging per [MovieRules|A recent change to the rules]. FREE MATH BLAST
[user:Memory]: [MovieRules|Changes in the movie rules] resulted in revisit
: According to the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] specific for Game B
der Melee to be an [MovieRules#GamesWithAdditionalLevelSetsOrGames|individual game] because it's indepe
hese choices to be [MovieRules#Vault_2|separate game modes] because the opponen
not allowed in our [MovieRules|Movie Rules]. However, for compa
this post]. Since [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|we don't allow using debug codes], this movie has to
aks several of our [MovieRules|movie rules]: 1) [MovieRules#
ovie rules]: 1) [MovieRules#ToolsThatManipulateRomOrRamEGGameGenieCodesAreNotAllowed|ROM/RAM Manipulation are not allowed] Any external too
s as a hack. 2) [MovieRules#MovieMustBeReproducible|The movie is not reproducible] Even if we allow
ithout them. 3) [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtc|The hack is not of high quality] Because of the u
given game image, [MovieRules#GameplayMustBeAccurateToHardware|TASvideos generally allows] submissions of C64
ich is not allowed [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|by the rules]. Arguably, such
There was an old ([MovieRules|2005]) rule that excused
e was removed from [Movie Rules], because it doesn't
which breaks this [MovieRules#GameMustBeAcceptable|important rule]. Rejecting.
you understand our [MovieRules|Movie Rules].
more information: [MovieRules#GameMustBeReal|Game Must Be Real]. Cancelling.
ed. As said in our [MovieRules#NtscVsPalUsaJapanVsEurope|game version rules], PAL versions are '
ed run, it's still [MovieRules#MovieMustBeGood|rather sub-optimal], as shown by anothe
s site. __Read the [MovieRules|Movie Rules]__ if you haven't al
TAS literature. * [MovieRules#Standard|Applicable Movie Rules]. !! Technical re
ame, without using [MovieRules#FullCompletionCriteriaMustBeReachedThroughInGameActionsOnly|glitches that trivialize this]. * __[MovieTagGuid
onus, we have some [MovieRules|nice rules] on this [/|nice sit
ce site]. It has a [MovieRules#SportsGamesAreAllowedUnderRestrictions|nice section] specifically dedica
s forbidden by the [MovieRules#CheatsDebuggingCodesAndArcadeContinuesAreNotAllowed|Movie Rules]. I also have to not
n violation of the [MovieRules#WeDoNotAllowSaveAnchoredMovies|various] [MovieRules#NoRando
redMovies|various] [MovieRules#NoRandomizedOrUnverifiedCustomInitialRamState|rules]. Rejecting.
more thorough: * [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete] Since this game
for this game was [MovieRules#SportsGamesAreAllowedUnderRestrictions|this rule]: %%QUOTE Sports
on. However, since [MovieRules#MaximumPoints|max score has been allowed for Vault] for some cases, and
e doesn't count as [MovieRules#NoBoardGamesGameShowGamesOrPrimarilyEducationalGames|a board game being in Vault]. Accepting. [use
seems contrary to [MovieRules#FullCompletionCriteriaMustBeReachedThroughInGameActionsOnly|the rules on full completion]. Personally, I do n
ple agreed too. [MovieRules#SportsGamesAreAllowedUnderRestrictions|The movie rule in question] didn't cover the si
ant changes to the [MovieRules|Movie Rules] over the course of
urther. Here's the [MovieRules#MovieMustBeComplete|full list of available ending options]. ! Triviality is
game are judged as [MovieRules#GameChoiceInGeneral|unofficial games] if modifications ar
goal to Standard: [MovieRules#ForgoingMajorSkipGlitch|Forgoes Major Skip Glitch]. If a run fits the
Standard if it's a [MovieRules#WeAllowPlayingUnlockableContentUsingInGamePasswords|built-in hard mode]. * If the game has
ie Guidelines] and [MovieRules|Movie Rules] which I hope will b
homebrew games, we [MovieRules#NonOfficialGamesHacksHomebrewsEtcAndPrototypes|require] the game chosen to
n to this rule: [MovieRules#MustBeClearlyDefinableAsAGameWhichHasAchievableGoals|Must be clearly definable as a game, which has achievable goals] * ''"The game-play
hanged to Accepted|[Movierules#Standard|Standard rules] now allow for minim
limitations on the [MovieRules#GoalChoice|type of goals allowed for publication]. Mainly, we general
ublished under the [MovieRules#Alternative|Alternative] class, and why we d
itting a movie ** [Movie Rules] ** [Guidelines] *