Hello. Morimoto, Bisqwit, I are the three 'Founding Fathers' of TASing. Here are some things I've done:

Active movies

Published on 7/25/2015
Super Pitfall is a rather poorly programmed platforming game offering many opportunities for glitch abuse. In order to beat the game (the first quest, at least), Pitfall Harry must accomplish 6 tasks:
  1. obtain the Raj Diamond
  2. find the key to Quickclaw the Lion's cage
  3. rescue Quickclaw the Lion
  4. find the flask of medicine, which can heal Rhonda
  5. rescue Rhonda
  6. return to the starting point after completing the previous 5 tasks
This is an improvement of 1 minute and 38.18 seconds over the previous movie, thanks to a lot of wall clipping.
Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.2.2

Published on 5/29/2016
Whoever said cats can't fly needs to watch this movie. Rockin' Kats is a nice platformer with tricky gameplay similar to Bionic Commando and Ninja Five-O.
This little movie represents the hardest part of the game – Channel X, which normally appears as a secret bonus stage after the normal ending. This TAS however does not play through the entire game, but inputs a password in the beginning to access Channel X right away.
This movie improves the previous run by 0.55 seconds with tighter movement optimization and lag reduction.
If you liked this movie, be sure to also check out the movie that beats the actual game.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/10/2016
Ghosts 'n Goblins (1986) begins with a normal scene: a half-naked knight is on a date in a graveyard with a princess. Suddenly, a demon appears and abducts the princess! The knight quickly suits up and makes rapid progres (sic) through the demon world in an attempt to rescue his royal girlfriend.
Arc and newcomer Koh1fds manage to improve the previous run by 10.48 seconds, thanks to recently discovered strategies in Stages 5 and 6. See the authors' comments for more details.
In Japan, this game is known as 魔界村 (Makaimura or "Demon World Village").
Watch this run get played back on a real NES!

Published on 11/8/2016
Here is a warpless run of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1988), which introduced RPG elements and a side-scrolling view instead of the traditional Zelda overhead view. An evil magician has cast a sleep spell on Princess Zelda. Link must place 6 crystals in palaces throughout Hyrule in order to release the binding force that protects the Triforce of Courage hidden in the Great Palace.
This movie is an improvement of 00:09.32 seconds compared to the previous run. Most of the new time saved is from getting almost impossible fairy spawns at overworld traps. Please read the authors' comments for details.
This movie avoids using the extremely gamebreaking hyperspeed and scroll-lock glitches seen in the warp glitch branch. This movie also avoids all of the minorly gamebreaking wrong warps in order to significantly increase the technical skill required to create the movie; we also have a movie which does use these "glitched warps," which allows a rather different route through the game.
This movie was a part of a two-hour Zelda II TAS showcase with audio commentary by Arc, Inzult, Jackimus, Mithical9, and Feasel.
PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: Many moments in this game contain intense flashing lights, including during boss fights and whenever the player dies. This may cause epileptic seizures to those affected.

You can watch the complete run being played back on a console.

Published on 2/14/2017
The Battle of Olympus (オリュンポスの戦い) is set in ancient Greece. A mortal man named Orpheus receives help from the gods and nymphs in his quest to save his lover Helene from Hades. People often compare this game with Zelda 2 because of its similar gameplay.
This is an improvement of 6.06 seconds over the previous movie, mainly thanks to the jump-turn technique and better olive farming. Please read the authors' comments for more details.

Published on 7/17/2020
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is quite different from most of the early games in the Legend of Zelda series. It combines an overworld view with side-scrolling platform stages. In addition, the character can gain experience and levels, visit towns, and earn spells and items which are needed to proceed.
However, the game also has a large glitch which produces massive speed when both Left and Right are pressed at the same time; due to the use of this and other glitches, most of this run features Link racing across Hyrule so fast that the screen can't keep up, and inexplicably warping between places that shouldn't be connected. Only a few items and one spell are collected, and the only enemy ever fought is the final boss. Luckily, he takes the same amount of damage no matter what level attack you have.
In this run, EZGames69 improves on the previous efforts by 0.03 seconds (2 frames), thanks to an earlier first hit in fight against Dark Link.
We also have a run that completes the six palaces without using the Left + Right glitch to turn the game into a barely comprehensible mess (but does allow the use of glitched warps) and another run that disallows both the Left + Right glitch and the use of glitched warps.
PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: Many moments in this game contain intense flashing lights, including during boss fights and whenever the player dies. This may cause epileptic seizures to those affected.

You can watch the complete run being played back on a console.

Published on 7/21/2020
The Wing of Madoola (マドゥーラの翼, Madoola no Tsubasa) is a fast-paced platform-adventure game by Sunsoft. Players take control of Lucia throughout 16 side-scrolling stages. Her goal in each stage is to locate and beat a boss enemy and collect the crystal ball in its possession. The crystal ball is needed to unlock the exit of each stage.
Arc goes through the 16 stages in record time.

Published on 8/1/2020
Heroes of the Lance is based on the first Dragonlance campaign and novel. The party journeys through the ruined city of Xak Tsaroth, face the ancient dragon Khisanth and retrieve the Disks of Mishakal. The interface is setup as a side scroller and only one member of the party is controlled at once.
Arc and ktwo improve the previous movie by 16.33 seconds, thanks to a newly found trick, where jumping into an exit can save up to 35 frames per screen.

Published on 11/22/2020
The game retells the legend of a muscular fire-spitting man called Karnov, employed by Scottish villagers to eat gypsies' babies and pillage their settlements. Except in this particular case, Karnov's full name is Jinborov Karnovski, he looks like an old-school Ukrainian, turns blue when hit, and his goal here is to take some kind of treasures from feeble, unsuspecting enemies. Later in the game he also grows a pair of wings and flies. In doing so, he strongly defies laws of physics, common sense, and notions of subtle Kid Icarus mockery.
This new version of Karnov TAS by Arc is a 00:19.58 second improvement over the previous movie by adelikat. Improvements come from better resource planning, routing changes, and optimization.

Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.2.3

Published on 12/29/2020
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is quite different from most of the early games in the Legend of Zelda series. It combines an overworld view with side-scrolling platform stages. In addition, the character can gain experience and levels, visit towns, and earn spells and items which are needed to proceed.
Arc and Inzult improve the previous movie by 3 minutes and 39.71 seconds, thanks to a newly discovered glitch. Read the authors' comments for details. For a "warpless" run, see here. For a run that abuses the warp glitch, see here.
PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: Many moments in this game contain intense flashing lights, including during boss fights and whenever the player dies. This may cause epileptic seizures to those affected.

You can watch the complete run being played back on a console.

Published on 4/2/2021
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is quite different from most of the early games in the Legend of Zelda series. It combines an overworld view with side-scrolling platform stages. In addition, the character can gain experience and levels, visit towns, and earn spells and items which are needed to proceed.
Instead of aiming purely for speed, Arc and Inzult take a more comfortable journey through Hyrule in this movie, collecting every item, visiting every palace, and more along the way. Don't confuse "comfortable" with "slow" however, as the authors' extensive understanding of the game (seriously, check out the submission notes!) helps Link finish his quest at top speed.
If you'd like to watch a movie focusing entirely on speed, check out the authors' any% run: [4367] NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link by Arc & Inzult in 34:58.74
PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: Many moments in this game contain intense flashing lights, including during boss fights and whenever the player dies. This may cause epileptic seizures to those affected.

You can watch the complete run being played back on a console.

Published on 4/9/2022
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is an action-adventure video game created for the NES by Rare in 1989. The game loosely follows the movie as the player wanders around Hollywood collecting items and figuring out Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Aloysha and Arc improve the previous TAS by 1.25 seconds thanks to better optimization of the final boss fight. For more details, read the authors' comments here and here.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.

Published on 3/18/2023
Tecmo Super Bowl is an American Football video game developed by Tecmo. It was the first American Football video game to have official licensing by the National Football League and the National Football League Players association, allowing the game to use real NFL teams as well as real player names (taken from the 1990-1991 NFL season).
In this TAS, Arc attempts to play the shortest game of football by wasting the clock in every quarter, which is not that easy to do. Especially at the start of the 3rd quarter where the player has to hang on to a fumble recovery with a defensive player that cannot easily dodge tackles.
Tecmo Super Bowl

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.6.4

Published on 7/5/2024
Maniac Mansion (1990) is a unique game by LucasArts that has some weird humor and, in the NES version, cool music. It features cutscenes, multiple ways to win, useless items (like Chuck the Plant), and microwavable hamsters. In the storyline, Dave and two of his friends infiltrate the Edison family's mansion in order to rescue Dave's girlfriend. To save her, the teens must get access to the inner lab, deal with Purple Tentacle, shut down the ZOM-B-MATIC, and defeat the evil Meteor.
This is an improvement by authors Arc and ShesChardcore to save 154 frames over the previous movie.
Maniac Mansion

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.6.6

Obsoleted movies

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/9/2004
This is an improvement to the previous version - 68 seconds faster, mainly due to the usage of special attacks to defeat bosses, and more efficient play in the waterfall section.
This game has a quite functional soundtrack.
The timeattack might be a little long, but it's more polished than the previous version and quite relaxing to watch and listen to.
Note: The MP4 file has sections in which the status bar wiggles. This is due to emulation errors in Famtasia.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 12/4/2004
This movie doesn't aim to run up the score; instead it plays an entertaining game of American football by keeping the score close for drama and by utilizing a variety of wild plays with interceptions, fumbles, etc. Thus, the movie manipulates luck often.
Arc: [I] chose Colts vs. Patriots because in recent years the two teams have played many intense, high-stakes games in which the Pats always escape with a victory[1]. :-(

[1]: That is, before Jan. 21, 2007.
Tecmo Super Bowl

Game Version:
Tecmo Super Bowl
Video Downloads:
Emulator Replay:
Famtasia 5.1

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 1/2/2005
From the author's comments:
This movie attempts to complete Metroid as fast as possible without fighting either one of the minibosses. I use the door glitch twice and Up+A once. I collect the Maru Mari, 30 Missiles, and Ice Beam (no Bombs.)
The older playthrough by the same author doesn't completely avoid the minibosses.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 3/12/2006
In this game, two jovial brightly-colored soliders infiltrate enemy forces. Everyone here runs around menacingly, and bullets are a bit slower than a housecat.
This movie is about a 4 second improvement to the previous version.
Note: The name of this game is Rush’n Attack. The 'n does not stand alone as a contraction of and, unlike Ghosts ’n Goblins. Given the theme of the game, the pun on “Russian Attack” is quite obvious.
Emulator Replay:
FCEU 0.98.12

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 9/5/2015
Kid Icarus is a classic NES platformer where the player is Pit the angel who is on a quest to defeat Medusa.
This is an improvement of 01:12.60 over the previous movie, thanks to new zipping glitches, even skipping a boss in the process.

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