Tool-assisted movies (3)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 9/26/2008
In accordance with standard procedure, Samus discarded all of the items she collected on previous adventures before embarking on this one.
This run aims for 100% item collection in the fastest time, and it does so 2 minutes and 34 seconds faster than the previous movie by JXQ, thanks to various new tricks, route changes, and general optimization. The in-game completion time is 36 minutes and 3 seconds.
Super Metroid has a wide variety of time-saving glitches to exploit, many of which are explained on the Super Metroid Tricks page. Be sure to check it, as well as the author's comments, for more information on the improvements.
If you prefer to watch the fastest completion without getting all the items, check out Super Metroid in 38:41 by Taco & Kriole.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/8/2009
This movie features a perfect example of what can occur when TASers will go to any extreme to sequence break a long game. Very little that is recognizable remains. Cpadolf forgoes key items, yet bothers to collect the X-Ray scope, an item normally useless to an experienced Super Metroid player.
With the use of X-Ray Scope to get out of the rooms' bounds, some non-trivial physics abuse, and esoteric RAM data manipulation via dying in a certain room, the amount of tasks Samus usually has to do on Zebes has been cut to almost nothing. No boss is ever fought in this TAS, and even Mother Brain is skipped completely. The in-game completion time is 00:12. Only 6% of the items are collected.
This is an improvement of 00:25.62 seconds real-time, or 00:22.98 seconds in-game, over the previous glitched any% run. The main improvement comes from a new method of skipping the cutscene with the big metroid, although the author found many other improvements along the way.

The peculiar effects of the Space/Time Beam, if properly utilized, can cut this run's time further in half. The movie will have to begin from a savestate, but Samus will start the game fully powered-up, so item collection and all detours associated with it are no longer required.
Such a movie, also made by Cpadolf, can be found here; its completion time is 12:46 (00:06 by the in-game timer).
If you want to see up-to-date low percentage movies completed without using the out-of-bounds glitch, see these:

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 10/25/2009
Although newcomers to TASVideos's player list, Taco and Kriole are both experienced TASers in regards to Super Metroid, this time having teamed up in a mission to perfect one of the most contested games in the site's history.
Using a new route and taking advantage of several techniques, never demonstrated before in other Super Metroid runs outside of waiting areas, they made short work of Mother Brain and her space pirates. The in-game completion time is 23 minutes 29 seconds, and 18% of the items have been collected. Thus, both the realtime and the in-game any% movies were obsoleted. (The in-game time category has since been improved to beat this run in in-game time, although not real time.)
Note: The actual rerecord count in this run is unknown. Please read the authors' submission notes and the discussion thread for more information.

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
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