Referrers for Staff


rôle approprié sur [Staff|cette page]. Le rang Encoder pe
el rol adecuado en [Staff|esta] página. El rango de
autoras], miles de [Staff|usuarios] registrados y alred
eguro, pregunte al [Staff|personal del sitio] para más detalles.
out in 2009 to new [Staff|owners] elected from within
!! 结果 最终,会有一名 [Staff|裁判(Judge)] 对您提交的录像作出判决。基本上,判决结
[Permissions|权限] 的 [Staff|用户] 请求更新提交的文件,而不必撤销后再提交
Eventualmente, um [Staff|juiz] vai decidir o que f
pessoalmente a um [Staff|juiz]. Essa chance é poss
uiera puede ser un [Staff|editor] a pedido. Para hace
yone can become an [Staff|editor] upon request. To do
do so, contact an [Staff|admin assistant or site admin]. Please mention if
pages. Anyone with [Staff|Editor] privileges can crea
rlo, contacta a un [Staff|administrador o asistente de administración] y por favor mencion
con privilegios de [Staff|Editor] pueden crear nuevas
dia]. Contacta un [Staff|publicador] para mas informació
phans|Orphans]%%% [Staff]
cación, contacta a [Staff|un publicador o administrador] para volverte un pu
e my alias? PM an [Staff|Administrator]. !! TASing !
%%TAB Miembros * [Staff|Usuarios] - Lista del persona
ременем, кто-то из [Staff|судей] примет решение по в
направляются лично [Staff|судьям]. Такое возможно лиш
で書いてはいけません。わからなければ、[Staff|サイトスタッフ]に詳細を聞いてください。 ----
ntals registrerade [Staff|användare], och ungefär 100 00
u är osäker, fråga [Staff|sidpersonalen] för detaljer. ----
urs], nos milliers [Staff|d'utilisateurs] enregistrés, et nos
s sûr, demandez au [Staff|staff du site] pour plus de détail
ores], milhares de [Staff|usuários] registrados, e cerc
tori], migliaia di [Staff|utenti] registrati, e circa
certo, chiedi allo [Staff|staff del sito] per dettagli. ----
ands of registered [Staff|users], and hundreds of th
If unsure, ask the [Staff|site staff] for details. ----
dúvida, pergunte à [Staff|equipe do site] para detalhes. ---
ors|авторы], тысяч [Staff|пользователей] и ~100000 ежемесячн
рос кому-нибудь из [Staff|команды сайта]. !! Разное * [h
as a PNG and have [Staff|the senior publisher or a site admin] look at it for appr
one of our present [Staff|publishers] or [encoders], eith
an be published by [Staff|certain people]. [=submissions.r
n your movie. A [Staff|Judge] will claim your mov
ivate message to a [Staff|judge or a senior], containing your us
pectations. Fellow [staff] members will help y
re approuvé par un [Staff|Senior Publisher]. %%TAB Upload Yo
r with the rest of [staff] to provide the best
ently, consult the [Staff] page; for specific
discretion of the [Staff|senior publisher or admin-level staff]; for approval, a lo
to edit pages? See [Staff] to find out how.[en
tor? Simply ask a [Staff|site admin or admin assistant] (either by forum PM
permissions by an [Staff|admin or admin assistant]. When editing pa
!! See also * [Staff] * [Permissions]
second most active [Staff#Editors|editor] (not counting judge
t be approved by a [Staff|Senior Publisher]. ---- !! YouT
%%TAB Members * [Staff] - A list of site st
more information, [Staff|please contact us]. ---- [TODO]: U
t. Do not do this. [Staff|Contact an Administrator] if you would like s
t. Do not do this. [Staff|Contact an Administrator] if you would like s
ease the work our [Staff|encoders and judges] have to do, so it i
and productivity, [Staff|staff members] require certain ski
ut d'un moment, un [Staff|juge] décidera quoi faire
t être faites à un [Staff|juge]. Cela n'est possibl
al choices. Our [Staff|judges], based on the feedb
rlaubnis von einem [Staff|Administrator oder Administratorassistenten] kann diese Seiten b
n account just ask [Staff|an admin assistant or site admin] for editor permiss
---- See also: * [Staff], listing current ed
] librarians, aka. [Staff|Editors]. !!! Wiki orphan
You need to be an [Staff|editor] to do it (if you ar
re not, contact an [Staff|admin assistant or site admin]). !! Do you want
ty, you can either [Staff|e-mail] or PM a specific me
If unsure, ask the [Staff|site staff] for details. %%%
metas. Nuestros [Staff|jueces], basados en la retr
issions granted by [Staff|an admin or senior staff member], may edit these pag
* [SiteRules] * [Staff] * [Submissions] *
--- [Admin Panel] [Staff] [Movie Statistics]
discretion of the [Staff|senior publisher or admin-level staff]; for approval, a lo
t 2010, I became a [Staff|Admin assistant], overseeing the sit
coders|encoder] or [Staff|publisher] for advice or move
as a PNG and have [Staff|the senior publisher or a site admin] look at it for appr
roduction I was a [Staff|publisher] at TASVideos from 2
t in mind, contact [Staff|an admin assistant or site admin] with details and yo
supported, contact [Staff] regarding adding th
e service. Contact [Staff] regarding making an
(1 if user is an ''[Staff|editor]'') ** UserHasHomep
r Staff See the [Staff] page. ---- !!!
goal choices. Our [Staff|judges] accept submissions
ect to approval by [Staff|the senior publisher]. Some examples o
that you consult a [Staff|publisher or admin] before doing so.
] site. Contact a [Staff|publisher] for more informatio
n process, contact [Staff|a senior publisher or administrator] about becoming a pu
e a Judge. Contact [Staff|a senior judge or administrator]. Judges decide t
de peut devenir un [Staff|éditeur] sur demande. Pour c
aire, contactez un [Staff|admin assistant ou site admin]. Veuillez préciser
ing]. Contactez un [Staff|publisher] pour plus d'informa
TAS, contactez un [Staff|senior publisher ou administrateur]. %%TAB Juger%%
лючить его в число [Staff|редакторов (эдиторов)]. Чтобы сделать это,
это, обратитесь к [Staff|администратору сайта, либо к его помощникам]. Просьба сразу указ
к одному из наших [Staff|паблишеров]. __Кодирование в
елом, обратитесь к [Staff|старшему паблишеру или администратору сайта] %%TAB Судейство%
nd, fragen Sie das [Staff|Seitenpersonal] nach Details. ----
[user:feos]) or an [Staff|Administrator]. Since these thr
elikat, and I’m an [Staff|administrator] of TASVideos. I’m a
e have a number of [Staff|user roles] such as publishers,
[user:feos]) or an [Staff|Administrator]. Since these thr
[user:feos]) or an [Staff|Administrator]. Since these thr
, please contact a [Staff|Judge]. Your submission
%%TAB Members * [Staff] - A list of site st