1 2
1059 1060 1061 1322 1323
2883S (r10) Greenalink Improved grammar and typos and replaced Megaupload link with a Youtube video showing the discovery of the fake death glitch. 5:31 PM Diff
1651M (r1) GabCM 5:14 PM Diff
2885S (r6) sparky 5:09 PM Diff
2885S (r5) sparky 4:40 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/FinalFantasyLegend (r8) Bobo_the_King Corrected a number and clarified (Minor edit) 4:37 PM Diff
2885S (r4) sparky 4:30 PM Diff
2885S (r3) sparky 4:07 PM Diff
2885S (r2) sparky 4:05 PM Diff
2885S (r1) sparky 4:01 PM Diff
2839S (r17) knbnitkr 3:38 PM Diff
2839S (r16) knbnitkr 3:35 PM Diff
2839S (r15) knbnitkr 3:29 PM Diff
2839S (r14) knbnitkr 3:26 PM Diff
1650M (r1) sgrunt 3:09 PM Diff
2880S (r5) Flygon 10:54 AM Diff
GameResources/GB/FinalFantasyLegend (r7) Bobo_the_King Added hex format table 10:26 AM Diff
GameResources/GB/FinalFantasyLegend (r6) Bobo_the_King Updated RNG address table with more info 10:01 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC/MovieDumpingR11 (r6) Ilari Add errata section 9:42 AM Diff
GameResources/DOS/Nethack (r8) Personman 9:02 AM Diff
GameResources/GB/FinalFantasyLegend (r5) Bobo_the_King Added RNG table and updated RNG mechanics 8:40 AM Diff
2883S (r9) sgrunt 7:36 AM Diff
2883S (r8) Nach 7:31 AM Diff
2875S (r6) GabCM Encoding in SD and HQx. It will take some time before I publish it. 11:15 PM Diff
2839S (r13) knbnitkr 9:54 PM Diff
2839S (r12) knbnitkr 9:27 PM Diff
2879S (r3) Mukki Submission File Update. 5:17 PM Diff
1629M (r2) Comicalflop Needed a lot of rewording and new info 4:17 PM Diff
2839S (r11) knbnitkr 8:35 AM Diff
2837S (r21) knbnitkr 8:09 AM Diff
2837S (r20) knbnitkr 7:58 AM Diff
2839S (r10) knbnitkr 7:55 AM Diff
2839S (r9) knbnitkr 7:54 AM Diff
2876S (r5) Tompa 7:50 AM Diff
2837S (r19) knbnitkr 7:49 AM Diff
2837S (r18) knbnitkr 7:44 AM Diff
2837S (r17) knbnitkr 7:42 AM Diff
2837S (r16) knbnitkr 7:04 AM Diff
2837S (r15) knbnitkr 7:02 AM Diff
2875S (r5) mmbossman 4:38 AM Diff
2883S (r7) GabCM Removed my YouTube module. Since the encode is broken... again... 2:34 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/Logo (r28) Ilari Add DOS resolution 10:43 PM Diff
1649M (r2) NitroGenesis 9:59 PM Diff
HomePages/p4wn3r (r5) p4wn3r 9:48 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r118) Sonikkustar 9:27 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r117) Sonikkustar 7:26 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r116) Sonikkustar 7:16 PM Diff
630M (r4) Dacicus Changed to proper TKO time of 1:17.xx (Minor edit) 7:13 PM Diff
1208M (r5) mklip2001 make a link more recent 5:48 PM Diff
493M (r3) Mukki (Minor edit) 3:26 PM Diff
1646M (r2) Mukki Added Description 1:44 PM Diff
2882S (r5) Nach 9:53 AM Diff
GameResources/GB/FinalFantasyLegend (r4) Bobo_the_King Added Steward 8:14 AM Diff
1649M (r1) sgrunt 6:03 AM Diff
2877S (r9) OmnipotentEntity 5:20 AM Diff
2877S (r8) OmnipotentEntity 5:18 AM Diff
2826S (r9) mmarks 4:42 AM Diff
1648M (r1) sgrunt 4:14 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r44) Ilari Add text for openmsx line (Minor edit) 3:45 AM Diff
Encoders (r38) GabCM Moved a platform from possible to published (Minor edit) 3:31 AM Diff
1647M (r1) sgrunt 1:44 AM Diff
2868S (r5) adelikat 1:37 AM Diff
2881S (r7) Nach 1:34 AM Diff
2883S (r6) GabCM Added another YouTube module 1:28 AM Diff
1646M (r1) Velitha 10:17 PM Diff
2838S (r9) Velitha 10:11 PM Diff
2837S (r14) mmbossman 8:53 PM Diff
2839S (r8) mmbossman 8:45 PM Diff
2883S (r5) Flygon (Minor edit) 8:24 PM Diff
2884S (r5) Vampier 7:56 PM Diff
2884S (r4) adelikat 7:10 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r43) Ilari Add openMSX 6:59 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r34) Ilari OpenMSX is approved now 6:56 PM Diff
2866S (r37) sgrunt 6:36 PM Diff
2884S (r3) adelikat 5:50 PM Diff
2884S (r2) sgrunt 4:42 PM Diff
2884S (r1) Vampier 3:55 PM Diff
2866S (r36) Mukki Accepting 1:39 PM Diff
2882S (r4) Cardboard Added link to feos' encode 10:07 AM Diff
2883S (r4) Greenalink (Minor edit) 11:19 PM Diff
2883S (r3) adelikat 9:58 PM Diff
2883S (r2) Nach 9:53 PM Diff
2883S (r1) Greenalink 9:52 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r4) Ilari TNT exit trick 7:16 PM Diff
MovieTagGuidelines (r26) Ilari 5 players category exists 5:19 PM Diff
2877S (r7) Nach 5:17 PM Diff
2878S (r9) Nach 5:11 PM Diff
2880S (r4) klmz 5:08 PM Diff
1644M (r3) Sonikkustar 3:53 PM Diff
2880S (r3) klmz 1:39 PM Diff
1644M (r2) Mukki Small Fix (Minor edit) 12:33 PM Diff
1645M (r3) DarkKobold 6:42 AM Diff
HomePages/DarkKobold (r7) DarkKobold 5:59 AM Diff
1645M (r2) DarkKobold 5:50 AM Diff
1645M (r1) sgrunt 5:29 AM Diff
1644M (r1) Toothache 5:19 AM Diff
2837S (r13) knbnitkr 12:55 AM Diff
2837S (r12) knbnitkr 12:53 AM Diff
2837S (r11) knbnitkr 12:51 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC/MovieDumpingR11 (r5) Ilari Remove errata note, nobody should be using affected versions anymore 12:29 AM Diff
1350M (r3) GabCM Added HD encode 11:41 PM Diff
1 2
1059 1060 1061 1322 1323
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AdminPanel last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:08 PM
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