1 2 309 310 311
1322 1323
GameResources/GB/SpongebobSquarepantsLegendOfTheLostSpatula (r2) adelikat replace module with link to .wch file (Minor edit) 10:25 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/KirbysDreamLand2 (r12) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file (Minor edit) 10:24 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/BatmanReturnOfTheJoker (r3) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file (Minor edit) 10:23 PM Diff
7600S (r2) Fortranm (Minor edit) 10:23 PM Diff
7600S (r1) Fortranm Auto-generated from Submission #7600 10:19 PM Diff
GameResources/DS/Dementium (r12) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file (Minor edit) 10:12 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/Wolfenstein3D (r20) adelikat replace module with hardcoded table, dropping support for the address module (Minor edit) 10:11 PM Diff
1806S (r10) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file (Minor edit) 9:58 PM Diff
7561S (r14) ktwo (Minor edit) 8:02 PM Diff
7568S (r4) MrTASer 2:08 PM Diff
7595S (r5) ThunderAxe31 2:05 PM Diff
7595S (r4) ThunderAxe31 2:04 PM Diff
Bizhawk (r109) YoshiRulz Replace core roadmap link (Minor edit) 1:09 PM Diff
Bizhawk/CoreRoadMap (r25) YoshiRulz Replace the whole page with a link to the GitHub Wiki now that all these are listed there 1:07 PM Diff
4771M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #4771 12:08 PM Diff
HomePages/MarbleousDave (r4) MarbleousDave 11:45 AM Diff
7551S (r5) despoa (Minor edit) 10:09 AM Diff
Bizhawk/CoreRoadMap (r24) YoshiRulz Remove systems EmuHawk emulates as of 2.8 9:54 AM Diff
7485S (r6) ThunderAxe31 (Minor edit) 9:28 AM Diff
7595S (r3) ThunderAxe31 woops (Minor edit) 9:15 AM Diff
7595S (r2) ThunderAxe31 9:15 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r323) despoa (Minor edit) 9:11 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r322) despoa I'll probably elaborate on these in-page later. 9:10 AM Diff
7599S (r1) Cephla Auto-generated from Submission #7599 9:09 AM Diff
7551S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 9:02 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r66) Spikestuff Rolling back Revision 65 "So Atari++ doesn't really share their license and you have to ask to use it if it was to be ported, so like... no..." 8:20 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r65) Spikestuff So Atari++ doesn't really share their license and you have to ask to use it if it was to be ported, so like... no... 8:11 AM Diff
7597S (r2) Clicher 3:24 AM Diff
HomePages/ikuyo (r10) ikuyo 2:03 AM Diff
7598S (r1) SFan Auto-generated from Submission #7598 11:02 PM Diff
2446M (r8) Alyosha Add console verification encode (Minor edit) 7:49 PM Diff
7593S (r4) Clicher 7:33 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/AddamsFamily (r7) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file 7:13 PM Diff
6111S (r12) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file 7:12 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r131) adelikat replace address module with link to .wch file 6:48 PM Diff
7593S (r3) Clicher 5:55 PM Diff
7593S (r2) Clicher 5:55 PM Diff
7597S (r1) Clicher Auto-generated from Submission #7597 5:55 PM Diff
7596S (r1) NinjaCocktail Auto-generated from Submission #7596 3:56 PM Diff
7595S (r1) ThunderAxe31 Auto-generated from Submission #7595 2:12 PM Diff
7594S (r1) lapogne36 Auto-generated from Submission #7594 2:10 PM Diff
AdminGuidelines (r27) feos (Minor edit) 12:37 PM Diff
AdminGuidelines (r26) feos we spent many years trying to protect ourselves from evolving reality that could invalidate our rules, so we overworked while trying to make them maximum future proof. and it was not fun at all, and they would still be invalidated by reality. so instead we need to learn keeping things simple. "don't try to be the best, try to be better". 12:36 PM Diff
7589S (r3) Cephla 12:24 PM Diff
7560S (r6) fsvgm777 12:15 PM Diff
7560S (r5) fsvgm777 12:14 PM Diff
4770M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #4770 12:13 PM Diff
MovieRules (r21) feos separated score attack visually into its own standard goal 7:46 AM Diff
MovieRules (r20) feos link Glossary#CodeModification 7:37 AM Diff
Standard (r16) feos link Glossary#CodeModification 7:36 AM Diff
7400S (r8) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 11:37 PM Diff
7400S (r7) InfoTeddy Add PCem info 9:55 PM Diff
7592S (r3) NinjaCocktail 2:44 PM Diff
4769M (r2) despoa (Minor edit) 1:45 PM Diff
4769M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4769 11:28 AM Diff
7590S (r8) PoochyEXE 10:01 AM Diff
6837S (r10) Samsara 9:03 AM Diff
7546S (r6) Spikestuff Example. (Minor edit) 6:52 AM Diff
7570S (r5) InfoTeddy 6:44 AM Diff
7570S (r4) InfoTeddy Fix author linking (Minor edit) 6:39 AM Diff
7570S (r3) InfoTeddy 6:38 AM Diff
7552S (r5) InfoTeddy 6:34 AM Diff
7590S (r7) PoochyEXE 6:08 AM Diff
7590S (r6) PoochyEXE 6:04 AM Diff
7551S (r3) InfoTeddy 5:59 AM Diff
7590S (r5) PoochyEXE 5:59 AM Diff
4768M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4768 5:53 AM Diff
7546S (r5) InfoTeddy 5:28 AM Diff
7400S (r6) InfoTeddy 4:54 AM Diff
7593S (r1) Clicher Auto-generated from Submission #7593 4:18 AM Diff
7485S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 1:47 AM Diff
7464S (r8) despoa Claimed for publication 1:47 AM Diff
Reviews (r20) Samsara 2048 done 12:47 AM Diff
7464S (r7) Samsara 12:47 AM Diff
Standard (r15) Samsara max score/score attack update 12:28 AM Diff
MovieRules/History (r20) Samsara max score update 12:27 AM Diff
MovieRules (r19) Samsara max score update 12:26 AM Diff
7587S (r4) Memory Claimed for judging 12:23 AM Diff
7592S (r2) Memory (Minor edit) 12:19 AM Diff
4767M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #4767 11:31 PM Diff
7584S (r5) Samsara what if this judgement... was good? 9:50 PM Diff
7582S (r3) ShesChardcore Will revisit in the future 9:13 PM Diff
7592S (r1) NinjaCocktail Auto-generated from Submission #7592 8:32 PM Diff
7485S (r4) slamo 5:05 PM Diff
MovieRules/History (r19) feos there's a ton of headers, and they are all yelling 4:18 PM Diff
MovieRules/History (r18) feos In-game codes that add gameplay are allowed for Standard 4:15 PM Diff
Standard (r14) feos In-Game Codes! 4:12 PM Diff
MovieRules (r18) feos new Standard goal - In-Game Codes! 4:10 PM Diff
7591S (r1) Cephla Auto-generated from Submission #7591 11:49 AM Diff
7590S (r4) PoochyEXE 10:54 AM Diff
7590S (r3) PoochyEXE 10:53 AM Diff
7590S (r2) PoochyEXE 10:47 AM Diff
7590S (r1) PoochyEXE Auto-generated from Submission #7590 10:45 AM Diff
1663M (r7) Spikestuff 2:25 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r64) Spikestuff scummVM removed TASes using the program exist via libTAS now with Backyard Baseball and Myst. Need to go over PCSX2 since upstream has rr issues but dedicated builds did not (also dumping issues in x64 builds).. 2:10 PM Diff
7585S (r4) Darkman425 (Minor edit) 7:20 PM Diff
7585S (r3) Darkman425 Blue orb mechanics, section comments, and improvements added 7:19 PM Diff
7581S (r8) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 5:16 PM Diff
7585S (r2) slamo Claimed for judging 4:56 PM Diff
7581S (r7) slamo 4:55 PM Diff
1 2 309 310 311
1322 1323
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AdminPanel last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:08 PM
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