My list of movies that skip games through tool-assisted means, with occasional brief annotations.
If you think that I'm wrong, please tell me.

This is probably the ultimate game skip by luck manipulation movie.
Published on 7/20/2008
At TASVideos, even 10 second long movies are improved, and game characters become so powerful they don't even have to move in order to complete the game.
This improvement is a result of the previous movie's author joining forces with the author of a VBA bot used in a glitched-out Pokémon TAS. Together they've managed to shorten the solution by 14 frames with the help of a similarly-designed bot for Gens.
Note that, while input length is 10 seconds long, less than 0.3 seconds of it is actual gameplay!

And this is probably the ultimate game skip by physics/programming/glitch abuse.
Published on 10/13/2011
This is a really, really fast TAS through Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance played with Maxim, who is only available after the game is beaten once. Most of the game is glitched through by being stuck in different walls, so it's hard to explain what happened in this run; see it for yourself.
This is a 1 frame improvement over the previous run by gstick.
If you like this run but have a craving for more Maxim action, be sure to check out the Maxim warpless run.

Note: This movie starts where the main quest movie left off. We do not usually accept movies beginning from a save. Please read our rules to see our reasons.

The most common skip appears in games where item collection and use dictates the player's ability to progress. Oftentimes early collection of items or shortcuts that don't require an item will truncate the movie greatly.
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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/14/2012
At first there were 70 stars because Bowser demanded it. Then there were 16 stars because MIPS the rabbit demanded it. Then there was 1 star because Bowser's Sub demanded it. Now there are none because the viewers are impatient and demanded the game be quicker.
As with many other runs on this site, the goal of pure speed has resulted in the complete breaking of the game. Very little of the game's normal play remains. If you'd like to see more of what Super Mario 64 has to offer, see the "70 Stars, no BLJ" run or the "120 Stars" run.
This movie is 47 frames faster than the previous movie due to new strategies and extreme optimization, as explained in the submission text.
Super Mario 64 has a history of publications on this site. If you wish to see how it unfolded since the beginning, see the page SM64TASHistory. Also, if you have a hankering to see MIPS the rabbit, the 16 stars route has been improved.
Or, if you're looking for a TAS on the Nintendo DS remake, you can watch it here.

The latter encode and torrent provides high quality encodes.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 5/13/2007
Might and Magic, released in 1986, was the first installment in the series that would later evolve into a whole fictional universe, encompassing both the actual M&M games and a multitude of subseries and spin-offs made in their own genres, including King's Bounty, Heroes of Might & Magic, and others.
Normally, this game is rather long. This movie by Dammit skips most of it by using a glitch that allows the player to get all the important items in a matter of a few minutes.

We strongly recommend reading the author's comments for further details and explanations. The YouTube and primary downloadable encodes have the author's commentary as subtitles.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 3/24/2008
Legend of Zelda II glitched heavily.
Most of this run features Link racing across Hyrule so fast that the screen can't keep up, inexplicably warping between places that shouldn't be connected, and collecting just three items, one spell, and one sword technique needed to beat the final palace.
Dark Link, the final boss, takes the same amount of damage no matter what level attack you have. This is especially convenient for the author because he reaches Dark Link without ever leveling, or, indeed, even killing another monster.
This is a 29-second improvement to the author's previous movie due to a different route choice and better manipulation optimization. See the author's comments for details.

There is also additional audio commentary by the author available here.

PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: Many moments in this game contain intense flashing lights, such as during the final boss fight and whenever the player dies. This may cause epileptic seizures to those affected.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 7/20/2008
Metroid completed as fast as possible without holding back, and without concern for the game's sanity.
A wealth of new tricks contribute to this 33 second improvement over the previous movie.
The run uses a game restart sequence (Up+A on the second controller) to save time in backtracking.
See Metroid Tricks for more information about the door glitch as well as other tips and tricks.
Andy Dick has made a video which plays this run on top of the game map. This provides a unique perspective on the door warping glitches.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 6/4/2009
Proving yet again the lengths a TAS can go in destroying a game, this run features a warping glitch that allows for severe sequence breaking. The final boss is reached within a handful of minutes and defeated with minimal weaponry.
In this update, hogehoge61 uses increased frame precision and a further optimized boss fight to shave 75 frames from an already short movie.
There is a movie of this game that does not use the warp glitch.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 2/7/2012
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a classic Game Boy Zelda adventure. Link must travel across the dream world of Koholint Island, collecting the 8 Instruments to wake the Wind Fish and go home after a terrible shipwreck.
bobmario511 (the author), however, decided collecting instruments for a one-man band was a waste of time, so he skipped all of that and went straight to the Wind Fish (with a pesky boss battle in the middle).
The author improved the run by 00:00.17 seconds merely by delaying the third screen warp by one frame. Doing this causes the object on the screen to disappear, reducing the lag by 15 frames. After encountering 5 frames of seemingly unavoidable additional lag, the author produced a run with a net improvement of 10 frames. See the author's notes for more details.
If you liked this, be sure to also check out the Game Boy Color version (DX), which completes all the dungeons.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/3/2010
SNES Zelda completed in a very quick manner by traveling in an alternate dimension through the walls. The basis of the trick is to enter a corridor or staircase by holding left+up+right at the bottom of the stairs.
This movie is just 1 frame faster than the preceding version.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/25/2011
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia (1989) is a popular, whimsical game in which a shapeshifting blob (named Blobert) from the planet Blobolonia teams up with an Earth boy to overcome obstacles on both planets and to defeat Blobolonia's evil emperor.
This movie is 00:14.94 seconds faster than the previous version by Aglar, by using a new route.

These skips involve tricking the game into allowing you to continue from the level that the demo was last playing:
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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 11/2/2007
This run exploits a programming error that allows the author to start playing from level 23. If you notice that there's nothing meaningful going on in the first minute of the movie, this is normal: the actual gameplay takes place only after triggering the "game over" screen.
See the author's comments for more information on this glitch.
This improves the author's previous movie by about 5 seconds.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 2/3/2012
'Densetsu no Stafy' ("The Legendary Starfy") is a Japanese game that features a cute little star named Starfy.
This run uses several glitches involving the demo reel that allows the author to skip almost immediately to partway through the final boss (much in the fashion of the published Arkanoid run). Since it's not necessary to play through the final stage, this shaves 03:02.15 from the run.

This movie abuses a glitch that allows the player to complete earlier and shorter levels multiple times instead of playing all the levels:
Published on 9/10/2007
In this game, you're an armor-clad knight with a big sword. You collect gems to bribe a red knight, kill evil beasts and rescue several "distressed damsels".
This movie, an improvement of 76 seconds over the previous, takes advantage of a glitch that allows you to re-enter the first map and substitute the last few levels with the first levels. There is also a slightly longer movie that does not use this trick.

Do you want to see more adventures of the iron-clad hero of this game, Kuros?
Read the Knights of the Old Coding online comic. It's hilarious.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.

These movies exploit a strange warping glitch:
Published on 4/5/2008
This movie completes the PAL version of Rygar with only one item, the grappling hook. It also uses a warp glitch to skip forward in the game as well as many smaller tricks.
This is an improvement of 65.58 seconds to the previous movie by Walker_Boh – this time played by Lord_Tom.
Although the route in this movie is almost exactly the same, time was saved mostly by accumulating the tone points (for Rygar's strength) a lot faster. There were other improvements as well. We recommend reading the author's comments for more details.

Note: If you are watching the FCM, don't forget to enable PAL emulation in FCEU! It's under the Config menu.

Published on 5/25/2010
In this special episode of Looney Tunes, Bugs, Daffy, Tweety, Porky, Taz, Speedy Gonzales, and the Road Runner decide to rip off popular games such as Atomic Runner, Sonic the Hedgehog & Gradius. They do this by going through this Sunsoft classic as fast as possible so that they don't die from all of the ripoffs.
This has led to even stranger results than the other run, clearing five and a half minutes thanks to a glitch that allows for skipping several levels.

Watch a resync of this run being played back on a real console.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 9/12/2010
This game is about two bumbling idiots fighting over the fate of the earth: Daffy Duck, savior of mankind, and Marvin the Martian, hero of Mars.
In this TAS, MUGG helps Daffy Duck fight Marvin by leading him through the parallel galaxy of Glitch-on, cutting Marvin off before he can reach Earth in only two minutes! If you're looking for a glitch festival, you'll definitely want to watch this movie!
If you're looking for more Duck Dodgers action, see the run of the SNES version.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 9/19/2010
This is the JPN version of EarthBound Beginnings (also known as Mother (マザー) ). As the first version of the game, it has a number of useful glitches; this run abuses the way the game handles the "Bread crumbs" item to warp off the edge of reality and casually walk straight into the final boss's lair two and a half minutes faster than the previous run.
We also have a more normal run of the localized version, which doesn't include this glitch.

Published on 3/9/2011
Final Fantasy Adventure is the first game of the Seiken Densetsu (聖剣伝説) series, but it does contain some classic Final Fantasy elements. The series is probably best known for the SNES game Secret of Mana. This game was later remade on the Game Boy Advance as Sword of Mana. Its gameplay resembles that of a The Legend of Zelda game, but with level building.
In this run, Touch-me utilizes a glitch to warp across the map, cutting down the completion time by a lot compared to the warpless run. He also improves the previous run in this category by 51:22.57 minutes thanks to a big new warp glitch that allows him to reach the top of the Tower of Gemma early.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 1/9/2012
EarthBound, also known as Mother 2, is a great RPG, designed by Shigesato Itoi in 1994-1995. It is best described as "random," but in a good way. The game has a great emphasis on humor; indeed, many things in the game are almost caricatured, from subplots to characters. It also has a versatile soundtrack.
MUGG and pirohiko improved their previous TAS by 21:40.35 by finding a faster and more reliable method to access the debug menu and using it to skip most of the game, including the credits.

Emulator Replay:

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 5/4/2012
Keitai Denjū Telefang (携帯電獣テレファング) is a series of video games produced by Natsume and published by Smilesoft. The games are monster-battling games, where the player contacts various creatures using a cell phone-like device called a D-Shot in order to get them to battle the foes he or she will encounter. The name of the series derives from Keitai, which is Japanese for "cell phone," since phoning creatures is an integral part of the game, and "fang," to symbolise the various beasts involved.
This movie is about half as long as its predecessor. Significant glitching is used; you will likely have to read the authors' comments to understand what's going on.

And even stranger glitches:
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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 5/10/2009
While Chrono Trigger (1995) usually takes days to complete, inichi decided he'd rather not have to sit through all the unnecessary stuff, like long cutscenes, unskippable boss fights and key plot events, so he did it in 21 minutes instead. "Big deal!", you might say — until you realize he didn't use NewGame+. Pick your jaw up off the floor!
As Bisqwit puts it: Who needs strategy when you can just blast yourself through the wafers of the universe?
Reading the author's comments is a requirement if you want so much as a clue to what's going on.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 10/10/2010
This game (along with Pocket Monsters: Red) is the Japanese version of the first generation of Pokémon games and the first ever Pokémon game.
This run, a ten frame improvement over the previous version, abuses a glitch that was fixed in later releases of Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) that allows a player to warp freely through the world. Victory is achieved in a matter of minutes with this route. Normally, the game takes well over an hour at the fastest to finish.
To see a more substantial run of the first generation of Pokémon, watch this movie. For a less substantial run (which also demonstrates that they didn't fix all the glitches in later versions), watch this one.

Note: This movie requires VBA rerecording v20, as it does not sync on any other version.

Published on 12/18/2010
Survival Kids is a game about a boy or girl who gets trapped on an island and tries to survive and escape. There are multiple endings in the game.
The author aims for the fastest ending: ED 1. It is 00:35.65 seconds faster than the cancelled submission by Aqfaq due to new tricks, shortcuts and overall better precision.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/15/2011
Ash reveals his dark side, using save corruption and direct memory manipulation to catch 152 Pokémon in the blink of an eye. Then he beats the game in less than a minute (in-game time) – without ever leaving his own room, bypassing Professor Oak's speech by walking through a television, bumping into a wall, and having the game inform him about 1 error.
This run is so glitchy that it's near impossible to follow what's going on without help; reading the author's notes is highly recommended.
To see a run of the first generation of Pokémon that doesn't take advantage of save data corruption, watch the movie of the Blue Version.

Note: This movie requires VBA rerecording v19, v21 or v22.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 10/1/2011
This is the second and last true Mario game for the Game Boy. It features unique power-ups like carrots and bubbles, and allows the player to go through each of the worlds in any order. It also meant the first appearance of Wario, who would become a staple character for Nintendo.
This run triggers the game ending by corrupting the memory and putting the "credits" value into the "next level" address.
This run improves the previous movie by 00:19.08 seconds, mostly by finishing the first level quicker by taking a shell and performing the pipe glitch death.

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Obsoleting Movie
Published on 1/10/2012
Kirby's Adventure is a colorful game that's very long for a NES title. Normal gameplay forbids taking the UFO from level to level, but exploiting a bug discovered by kirbymuncher enables mugg to keep the UFO, allowing him to blaze through much of the TAS using it.
This movie is 30 minutes and 57 seconds faster than the other Kirby run from JXQ by using a new glitch. Read the author's notes for more details.

HomePages/alden/Exhibitions/SkippedGames last edited by Zeupar on 5/10/2012 9:39 PM
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