Tool-assisted game movies
When human skills are just not enough
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Submissions that were Rejected for reason: Optimization
#8: ScouSin's NES Super C in 13:15.95
#9: Cherry's Genesis Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie in 19:51.32
#15: Jackic's NES Star Wars (Namco) in 19:55.75
#20: Blublu's NES Ufouria: The Saga in 30:05.78
#29: Cherry's Genesis Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon in 30:41.27
#36: Walker_Boh's NES Gun.Smoke in 22:45.07
#37: JakeRyansDad's NES Disney's The Little Mermaid in 08:31.70
#38: Yy's NES Zanac in 49:54.20
#41: aroduc's NES Snake Rattle 'n' Roll in 07:09.85
#42: ScouSin's NES Super C in 13:15.95
#43: Cheez's NES Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight in 19:22.92
#46: Jackic's Genesis Splatterhouse 2 in 16:02.12
#53: Baxter's NES Adventures of Lolo in 23:53.00
#59: krieg747's NES Yo! Noid in 23:11.05
#60: Andy's SNES Vegas Stakes in 07:09.77
#65: terrarising's SNES Vegas Stakes in 07:32.85
#66: terrarising's SNES Vegas Stakes in 05:19.45
#70: Cheez's NES Power Blade in 19:43.20
#73: Morimoto's NES Dragon's Lair (Japan) in 08:02.95
#76: Goofyman's SNES Disney's Aladdin in 18:51.48
#85: Frenom's SNES Mega Man X in 35:43.63
#88: DJ_Skull's NES Wheel of Fortune in 02:50.75
#91: alexis_neuhaus's SNES Super Mario World in 10:59.97
#92: Invoker's SNES Mega Man X in 45:58.95
#101: alexis_neuhaus's SNES Super Mario World in 10:51.88
#104: Cheez's NES Power Blade in 19:05.65
#107: videogamefreak's SNES Super Punch-Out!! in 17:23.13
#127: Nightcom's SNES Pocky & Rocky in 24:52.85
#129: Contendo's NES Bram Stoker's Dracula in 14:50.75
#228: the_nightrider's Genesis Bonanza Bros. in 13:42.77
#229: nji9's SNES Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts in 41:32.18
#240: nji9's SNES Donkey Kong Country in 30:44.22
#255: Frenom's Genesis Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist in 25:24.40
#276: Zurreco's SNES Castlevania: Dracula X in 19:35.63
#278: videogamefreak's SNES Ganbare Goemon 2 in 42:42.85
#286: chis's Genesis Thunder Force III in 23:44.83
#291: Frenom's NES Darkwing Duck in 11:58.65
#301: aaa2's NES Donkey Kong in 01:28.70
#304: Zurreco's SNES ActRaiser 2 in 55:47.73
#306: nifboy's Genesis Cadash in 22:45.95
#312: Neofix's Genesis Strider in 08:42.90
#322: Walker_Boh's NES The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! in 16:15.00
#334: Goofyman's SNES Super Metroid in 1:40:49.00
#341: Ersatz's SNES Kid Klown in Crazy Chase in 13:22.87
#355: Kuja's SNES Super Mario World in 11:54.82
#362: Viewer's SNES Hook in 17:15.37
#366: Mart's NES Ring King in 01:04.20
#373: Vegetable's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. in 05:23.90
#376: -ziplock-'s NES Metroid in 21:50.97
#393: sliverjazz's SNES We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story in 25:03.50
#394: -ziplock-'s NES Metroid "1-item" in 18:47.57
#398: sliverjazz's NES Silver Surfer in 30:29.02
#411: Alorxiel's SNES Pocky & Rocky in 37:42.86
#417: -ziplock-'s NES Dr. Mario in 03:26.00
#421: hopper's NES Where's Waldo? in 02:28.93
#426: lordofvt's NES Monopoly in 01:37.98
#427: Acmlm's NES Monopoly in 01:10.12
#428: BiroZombie's NES Track & Field in 08:52.55
#430: lordofvt's NES Monopoly in 01:05.93
#439: Alorxiel's SNES Ninja Gaiden Trilogy in 13:53.68
#452: Ferret_Warlord's NES Cheetahmen II in 02:22.95
#493: Haze_Rever's NES Metal Storm in 12:38.95
#497: Ferret_Warlord's NES Front Line in 02:40.93
#505: adelikat's NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! in 19:57.60
#510: Radz's NES Shinobi in 14:03.15
#513: Radz's NES Shinobi in 12:05.22
#514: Mr._Kelly_R._Flewin's NES Shinobi in 08:42.88
#515: Frenom's NES Shinobi in 07:57.53
#519: mazzeneko's SNES Cybernator in 18:04.42
#520: prettyBoyRage's Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 1:11:16.33
#522: mazzeneko's SNES Knights of the Round in 19:51.37
#523: Neofix's NES Shinobi in 07:49.03
#526: M.I's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 40:10.85
#530: Ragowit's NES Fire 'n Ice in 1:04:05.50
#531: M.I's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 29:14.67
#534: Tuggummi's SNES Kirby's Avalanche in 09:55.37
#536: Neofix's NES Shadow of the Ninja (USA) in 12:50.63
#537: Neofix's NES Toki in 11:00.97
#541: nesrocks's NES Excitebike in 00:51.92
#548: Tatsuhiko's SNES Contra III: The Alien Wars in 15:38.85
#550: spoonshiro's NES Back to the Future in 18:51.90
#553: spoonshiro's NES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team in 24:45.08
#558: Saturn's SNES SimCity in 1:55:07.33
#565: CtrlAltDestroy's NES Boulder Dash in 1:43:04.72
#598: yagz's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:09.28
#599: OgreSlayeR's SNES Shaq Fu in 07:21.98
#610: CtrlAltDestroy's NES Boulder Dash in 20:49.30
#616: yagz's NES Super Mario Bros. "warpless" in 19:27.68
#627: braceyj's NES Life Force in 26:28.40
#628: braceyj's NES BreakThru in 08:07.53
#630: Zer0's Genesis Vectorman in 13:29.37
#631: braceyj's NES Abadox: The Deadly Inner War in 16:40.53
#635: AlexPh's NES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team in 22:49.65
#638: braceyj's Genesis Splatterhouse 2 in 18:10.28
#642: braceyj's Genesis Barney's Hide & Seek Game in 13:04.82
#646: braceyj's Genesis DJ Boy in 18:54.95
#648: braceyj's Genesis Street Smart in 06:05.95
#652: Iriasu's GBA Rockman Zero 4 in 1:04:55.85
#659: Monthenor's NES Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure! in 13:50.28
#662: KameZa's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:49.55
#677: yagz's GBA Super Monkey Ball Jr. in 05:32.58
#694: Ele's NES Adventures of Lolo 3 in 1:22:08.38
#700: yagz's NES Road Fighter in 04:36.40
#701: Diman & KameZa's NES Popeye in 03:36.90
#702: Diman's NES Donkey Kong in 01:30.13
#703: Diman & KameZa's NES Bad Street Brawler in 20:35.28
#710: Arc's NES Donkey Kong in 01:17.80
#717: Diman's NES RoboCop in 12:02.55
#728: sliverjazz's SNES NBA Hangtime in 14:04.77
#729: Radz's Genesis Midnight Resistance in 11:56.55
#745: GuanoBowl's NES A Boy and His Blob in 03:59.65
#749: GuanoBowl's NES Yo! Noid in 23:47.15
#753: krieg747's NES Contra in 10:08.43
#766: Frenom's Genesis Mega Man - Wily Tower in 13:04.54
#795: Maza's GBA Mega Man & Bass in 42:34.93
#804: Diman's NES Super Mario Bros. 2 in 23:17.75
#807: Tailz's SNES Jurassic Park in 1:03:25.48
#808: DukeNukem007's SNES Super Earth Defense Force in 31:52.55
#816: Animadverto's NES Little Samson in 20:24.78
#835: Highness's Genesis Ghostbusters in 27:00.00
#836: Ginger's NES Spelunker in 06:51.02
#838: ozort's NES Donkey Kong Jr. in 01:34.45
#839: QoiZ's NES Big Nose the Caveman in 26:09.87
#841: fuzi2's SNES On the Ball "Final Plane" in 06:30.85
#842: OmnipotentEntity's NES Donkey Kong Jr. in 01:13.53
#847: Deathray's SNES Castlevania: Dracula X in 17:37.07
#854: choco-mint's NES Dragon Warrior II in 59:15.57
#864: Neofix's Genesis The Revenge of Shinobi in 13:40.83
#869: Sami's NES Adventure Island II in 29:18.47
#871: Diman's NES Super Mario Bros. 2 in 09:14.62
#873: Randil's NES Adventures of Lolo 2 in 03:12.85
#900: MattyXB's GB Castlevania: The Adventure in 18:07.18
#911: SeNn's NES Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lance in 06:47.00
#913: Tailz's NES Cabal in 20:59.07
#920: Slotermeyer's NES Magician in 10:59.95
#924: qqwref's GBA Kururin Paradise in 25:43.70
#929: Brushy's NES Atlantis no Nazo in 02:40.45
#937: hadock's SNES On the Ball "First Plane" in 04:36.85
#952: Diman's NES Donkey Kong 3 in 00:51.00
#960: daisukejigen's Genesis Batman in 15:32.48
#961: daisukejigen's Genesis Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair in 20:32.20
#992: Acmlm's NES Monopoly in 00:32.32
#1006: Acmlm's NES Monopoly in 00:31.12
#1029: KP9000's NES Pin-Bot in 03:30.32
#1033: LAVOS5's GBA WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! in 50:44.65
#1044: Pasky13's SNES Super Turrican 2 in 30:34.28
#1052: architorture's NES Contra in 09:13.78
#1054: Diman's NES Super Mario Bros. 2 "princess only" in 09:01.93
#1056: chupapi's NES A Nightmare on Elm Street "4 player" in 19:01.72
#1066: Heisanevilgenius's NES Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six in 07:24.53
#1074: theenglishman's Genesis Astérix and the Great Rescue in 33:26.90
#1079: Callmewoof's NES Adventures in the Magic Kingdom in 10:34.22
#1089: RetroHolo's Genesis Ghouls 'n Ghosts in 19:20.47
#1091: macK's NES Rescue: The Embassy Mission in 02:06.37
#1094: Lollybomb's Genesis Zero Wing in 33:33.43
#1100: Lollybomb's Genesis Vectorman in 17:25.07
#1106: macK's NES Disney's TaleSpin in 17:26.05
#1108: wonamik's SNES The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie in 24:11.00
#1111: totoro's NES Adventure Island in 40:34.65
#1117: macK's NES Little Samson in 20:20.10
#1121: Josh's NES The Legend of Zelda in 36:33.52
#1152: TheSwordUser's NES Rad Racer II in 20:15.67
#1158: TheSwordUser's NES Contra in 10:30.85
#1171: OmegaForce's SNES Gokujou Parodius! in 33:24.48
#1182: Dark_Fulgore's Genesis Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure in 21:38.25
#1195: SHADOW_538's N64 Super Smash Bros. in 14:47.48
#1201: Neofix's Genesis Side Pocket in 03:17.55
#1299: Remafer's NES Insector X in 17:44.68
#1307: kirbymuncher's NES Kirby's Adventure in 42:47.17
#1309: S@G's GBA Naruto: Ninja Council in 14:16.68
#1311: AGGRESSiON's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, walkathon" in 07:02.20
#1323: theenglishman's GBC Alice in Wonderland in 03:56.43
#1332: AOi's Genesis Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine in 27:04.48
#1333: Vector188's GBA Mega Man Zero 4 in 59:24.45
#1339: INfintido's NES Felix the Cat in 25:29.90
#1351: theenglishman's NES Widget in 10:37.67
#1359: LSK's GBC Wario Land II in 09:25.70
#1361: macK's NES Tom & Jerry in 10:24.13
#1371: jaysmad's SNES Disney's Aladdin in 17:31.70
#1399: Bleh's GBA Kuru Kuru Kururin in 11:33.82
#1404: macK's NES Tom & Jerry in 10:07.37
#1408: S@G's GB Max in 07:49.35
#1412: Maximus's NES Strider in 05:51.10
#1414: Goldude's NES Where's Waldo? in 02:27.47
#1419: Mitjitsu's N64 Super Mario 64 in 15:26.98
#1429: Xipo's NES Captain America and the Avengers in 15:12.68
#1430: Xipo's NES Captain America and the Avengers in 14:51.85
#1449: Mitjitsu's N64 Duke Nukem 64 in 15:49.98
#1455: Mr_Sweed's NES Air in 05:13.62
#1460: ECCO's NES Code Name: Viper in 11:06.48
#1472: airman2's NES Rockman Exile in 29:40.60
#1480: Alter's GB Metroid II: Return of Samus in 57:29.48
#1526: Ketsueki's SNES Street Fighter II in 20:44.54
#1533: Weatherton's N64 Mario Kart 64 "Any%" in 06:43.23
#1559: motogiri's SNES Whirlo in 43:19.50
#1606: mushroom's SNES Animaniacs in 23:17.28
#1646: alpha1233's GBC Wario Land II in 47:36.03
#1661: wazkatango's N64 Super Smash Bros. in 11:29.98
#1672: DaShiznawz's N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 1:56:04.98
#1674: nfq's N64 Turok: Dinosaur Hunter in 38:47.37
#1704: Bisqwit's NES Igo: Kyuu Roban Taikyoku in 04:50.33
#1711: max12187566's NES Snow Bros. in 13:27.92
#1722: max12187566's NES Alien 3 in 22:29.33
#1732: Yunshui's NES Cross Fire in 06:01.25
#1741: max12187566's NES Saiyuuki World in 15:56.77
#1746: Xipo's NES Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom in 11:25.80
#1769: Wyster's N64 GoldenEye 007 in 21:52.18
#1782: Flygon's Genesis Battle Squadron in 18:10.65
#1794: kchrules's Genesis The Terminator in 07:16.27
#1808: Flip's Genesis Sonic Spinball in 08:24.63
#1815: kchrules's Genesis The Terminator in 06:09.63
#1843: carretero's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog in 16:50.73
#1861: BigBoct's SNES Run Saber in 15:16.00
#1867: max12187566's NES Saiyuuki World in 15:03.58
#1871: max12187566's NES Snow Bros. in 12:58.20
#1881: Shiru's NES Bram Stoker's Dracula in 14:20.17
#1892: VolcanoStormWind's Genesis Gods in 20:16.42
#1894: Marik the Gamer's NES The Legend of Zelda in 17:59.70
#1905: Ferret_Warlord's NES Super Mario Bros. "fastest death" in 00:05.35
#1929: Daniel_Maroto's SNES Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in 38:20.12
#1936: Daniel_Maroto's SMS E-SWAT in 11:33.90
#1937: Daniel_Maroto's NES Toki in 15:45.98
#1945: VolcanoStormWind's Genesis Gods in 19:23.10
#1951: umekor's GB Balloon Kid in 28:49.23
#1964: NDS_Emil's SNES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team in 12:08.88
#2002: kchrules's Genesis The Terminator in 05:57.82
#2005: Espyo's Genesis Columns in 00:43.55
#2006: SmashFiles's N64 Super Mario 64 in 24:48.47
#2010: max12187566's NES Little Nemo: The Dream Master in 23:18.15
#2012: jnx's N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 1:12:36.18
#2013: jnx's N64 Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness in 54:20.87
#2055: Uintathere's Genesis Shadow of the Beast in 12:30.23
#2072: Bisqwit's NES Karateka in 08:42.87
#2086: Bisqwit's NES Nuts & Milk in 15:47.87
#2107: nineko's GB Daedalian Opus in 11:05.30
#2111: nineko's GB BurgerTime Deluxe in 22:04.23
#2125: Bag of Magic Food & PreddY's GB Mega Man IV in 35:23.12
#2168: nineko's Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "competition levels" in 02:57.75
#2179: Lord_of_Olympia's NES Contra in 09:32.87
#2191: Ele's SNES Spindizzy Worlds in 08:08.93
#2195: Fladdermus's SNES Ys III: Wanderers from Ys in 1:07:31.62
#2211: alden's SegaCD Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors: Desert Bus "maximum score" in 41:17:15:05.68
#2212: Ferret_Warlord's NES Front Line in 02:40.40
#2213: BigBoct's NES Balloon Fight in 01:00.47
#2230: arukAdo's SGX Madou King Granzort in 09:18.15
#2232: feasel & Oguz's SNES Clue in 00:30.73
#2234: feasel & Oguz's SNES Clue in 00:27.07
#2242: wicked's SNES The Blues Brothers in 20:13.15
#2243: BackwardLongJump's N64 Star Fox 64 in 39:26.30
#2267: Xipo's Arcade Mega Man: The Power Battle in 02:21.63
#2297: NhatNM's NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! in 04:14.56
#2303: GTimeKiller's Genesis Gunstar Heroes in 41:03.90
#2304: GTimeKiller's Genesis Akumajo Dracula: Vampire Killer in 34:30.33
#2313: kchrules's Genesis Mortal Kombat in 13:48.05
#2315: sonicmason's N64 Super Mario 64 in 05:39.43
#2323: arykado's SNES Sunset Riders in 18:55.52
#2324: dantynbelmont's SNES Aero Fighters in 13:40.45
#2332: GTimeKiller's SNES Hagane in 15:47.73
#2340: Vlass14's NES Super Mario Forever in 03:08.49
#2341: mky's SNES Super Bomberman in 15:40.95
#2345: Vlass14's NES Road Fighter in 04:49.42
#2355: sonicmason's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:49.94
#2358: sonicmason's NES Super Mario Bros. 2 in 09:32.22
#2364: GTimeKiller's Genesis Alien Soldier in 21:36.17
#2368: Nomade's SNES Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 in 10:08.33
#2374: ZENEO9's NES Super Mario Bros. "PAL" in 05:42.83
#2375: mvpetri's Genesis B.O.B. in 58:08.40
#2378: Vlass14's NES Road Fighter in 04:36.99
#2379: Vlass14's NES Super Mario Forever in 02:53.31
#2382: Pikachu's Genesis Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics! in 09:55.77
#2385: jonathangm's GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow in 02:03.22
#2389: dex88's Genesis Sonic Turbo in 20:12.30
#2403: teammy's Genesis Mortal Kombat II in 11:39.82
#2404: mat89's NES Donkey Kong 3 in 01:04.29
#2405: wwmarx's GG Sonic the Hedgehog in 18:21.47
#2409: Fladdermus's NES Rush'n Attack "1 player" in 10:50.36
#2411: reiki's SNES Sanrio World Smash Ball! in 25:14.65
#2420: klmz's FDS Super Mario Bros. "-3 stage ending" in 02:46.28
#2435: GlitchMan's NES Back to the Future in 18:38.57
#2437: ZENEO9's SNES Super Street Fighter II in 00:40.07
#2446: FractalFusion's DS Tetris DS in 01:40.49
#2447: xxstimpzxx's NES Alfred Chicken in 14:56.94
#2490: sergio89's NES Circus Charlie in 03:23.95
#2492: ZENEO9's SNES Congo's Caper in 25:22.08
#2496: axelito's SNES Super Bomberman 4 in 23:22.52
#2525: sergio89's NES Donkey Kong 3 in 01:04.78
#2526: kchrules's SNES Mortal Kombat in 14:03.40
#2540: Bestiajerules & Goldman's Genesis Streets of Rage 2 in 25:57.63
#2544: True's NES Somari in 24:14.09
#2548: wwmarx's SNES Super Bomberman 4 in 18:49.75
#2558: Bestiajerules's Genesis Streets of Rage 3 in 46:01.03
#2559: Felipe's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 26:12.75
#2561: gabrielwoj's SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in 12:22.17
#2569: Weirwindle's NES Super Mario Forever in 02:35.19
#2666: GGG's NES Circus Charlie in 03:23.67
#2672: Lucky_Bacon's DS WarioWare: Touched! in 54:00.02
#2677: FractalFusion's NES The Chessmaster in 00:07.12
#2678: Tuplanolla's NES Road Fighter in 04:36.62
#2681: CeSaR74's NES Treasure Master in 28:31.35
#2709: hikaru's SNES Super Buster Bros. "Hiku" in 15:35.65
#2730: Nomade's SNES Aero Fighters "Perice" in 16:37.97
#2732: NitroGenesis's NES Digger: The Legend of the Lost City in 03:57.63
#2742: tormed's NES Contra "Peashooter only 1cc" in 16:45.98
#2745: Felipe's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Without SpinDash with Sonic Alone" in 22:20.55
#2746: phantom321's NES Action 52: The Cheetahmen "Cheetahmen" in 05:15.18
#2752: Hanzo's SMS Alex Kidd in Miracle World "Demonsttation" in 22:02.98
#2774: adelikat's NES Battle Chess "Fastest Checkmate ever" in 00:16.61
#2782: omegaredzero's Genesis Sunset Riders "pacifist" in 13:11.52
#2783: turbofa's GBA Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure "only crystals" in 39:56.20
#2813: arukAdo's GBC Castlevania: The Adventure in 15:13.82
#2844: GlitchMan's NES The Terminator in 06:52.77
#2846: y479021776's NES Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 "speedrun" in 36:55.80
#2848: marioprincess's NES Front Line "speedrun" in 02:45.93
#2849: marioprincess's NES Front Line "speedrun" in 02:42.10
#2859: Mc_GeeK's NES Probotector "1 Player Own run Time" in 13:54.18
#2861: nfq's GBA Golden Sun: The Lost Age "No retreat glitch" in 6:30:44.40
#2863: aglasscage, finalfighter, pirohiko & Shinryuu's NES Mega Man 2 in 23:51.04
#2891: LSK's GBC Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: 2nd Edition in 04:18.43
#2897: benbenrx8's NES Mendel Palace "100%" in 31:56.26
#2901: dwangoAC's DS Metroid Prime Pinball in 06:49.45
#2907: criticaluser's GBA Advance Wars "Glitched" in 14:42.58
#2910: Thevlackdemonn2294's SGB Pokémon: Blue Version "save glitch" in 02:50.65
#2920: Master_of_Pigs's Genesis Sonic 3D Blast "Bad Ending" in 28:38.27
#2926: Soig's NES Super C in 13:16.10
#2929: TimmyAkmed's NES Astérix in 06:14.23
#2932: Soig's Genesis Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation "#2 plane" in 20:29.02
#2985: X2poet's Arcade Metal Slug X in 18:24.47
#2989: GGG's Genesis Pac-Mania in 02:57.88
#3014: Hoandjzj's PSX G-Darius "Super Hard mode" in 21:46.03
#3032: jlun2's NES Home Alone 2: Lost in New York in 08:03.65
#3042: TASeditor's GB Skate or Die: Bad 'n Rad in 16:07.97
#3048: turbofa's PSX Crash Bandicoot (USA) "100%" in 1:15:10.67
#3055: sirstarmagic's NES Super Mario Bros. in 06:59.29
#3087: p4wn3r's NES Battle Chess "U17im473 p4wn4g3" in 02:11.57
#3158: y479021776's NES Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise in 29:11.68
#3171: Aqfaq's Genesis Bible Adventures "Baby Moses" in 02:02.07
#3173: NitroGenesis's Genesis Bible Adventures "Baby Moses" in 02:01.40
#3177: AB1's SNES Super Earth Defense Force in 22:55.28
#3180: Pictian's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. "SMB1 warps" in 07:32.38
#3190: JKRtas's NES Contra "Principal weapon" in 13:35.56
#3191: Master_of_Pigs's Genesis Sonic 3D Blast "Bad Ending" in 24:42.63
#3224: y479021776's NES Road Fighter in 04:34.65
#3225: y479021776's NES Road Fighter in 04:34.33
#3272: Master_of_Pigs's GBC Wario Land 3 in 1:18:15.38
#3285: Ferret_Warlord's GBA My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow in 28:14.47
#3313: adelikat's NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 16:26.23
#3323: khv-user's NES Jurassic Park in 25:03.52
#3365: McBobX's SNES Mega Man X2 "no upgrades" in 33:50.90
#3366: McBobX's PSX Rockman Complete Works: Rockman 6 in 30:37.07
#3367: McBobX's PSX Mega Man X6 in 44:04.78
#3368: McBobX's SNES Mega Man X3 in 39:29.48
#3369: McBobX's NES Adventure Island in 39:30.15
#3376: NitroGenesis's NES The Lost World: Jurassic Park in 00:55.99
#3377: Spikestuff's GBA Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure in 38:12.78
#3383: SuperMario12's DS WarioWare: Touched! in 29:50.84
#3384: jlun2's NES The Lost World: Jurassic Park in 00:55.41
#3401: YoungJ1997lol's NES Mario's Time Machine! in 07:53.97
#3416: TheKDX7's GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "warpless" in 18:15.42
#3417: TheKDX7's GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "challenge mode " in 28:28.57
#3422: XTREMAL93's NES Code Name: Viper in 11:03.74
#3432: fiskerN's NES Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 "Dale" in 19:41.97
#3438: mlw7's Windows Lost Silver in 03:17.35
#3446: McBobX's NES The Goonies II in 16:37.48
#3452: Apricot's NES Rockman Exile in 27:21.71
#3461: fiskerN's NES Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 "1player, Dale" in 17:18.47
#3466: McBobX's SNES Mega Man X2 "no upgrades" in 33:21.67
#3481: Felipe's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "PERFECT BONUS" in 34:34.15
#3497: Bobmario511's GB The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "All Instruments" in 13:49.33
#3502: Spikestuff's GBC The Emperor's New Groove in 10:07.60
#3528: Deign's SNES Clue in 00:26.82
#3566: gab950912's NES Super Mario Bros. in 05:45.87
#3605: Anonymous6327's PSX Crash Bandicoot (USA) "100%" in 1:13:36.47
#3612: kristmortal95's SNES Donkey Kong Country "All Levels" in 46:29.25
#3647: McBobX's NES The Goonies II in 16:31.25
#3666: Cooljay's SNES Lethal Weapon in 23:46.18
#3668: WinEpic's DS New Super Mario Bros. "No Cannons" in 57:00.46
#3688: got4n's GBC Rayman 2 "53%" in 43:45.35
#3707: Marx's NES Battletoads "Glitched" in 01:01.42
#3710: TheZlomuS & DyLaX's NES Battletoads "Glitched" in 00:58.07
#3714: AlejaKaiser's GBA Digimon Battle Spirit "Enemy don't get any red orb" in 15:11.58
#3716: McBobX's GBA Mega Man Zero 3 "100%" in 1:02:11.23
#3717: McBobX's GBA Mega Man Zero 3 in 55:25.22
#3734: NitroGenesis's A2600 Spider-Man in 00:30.35
#3740: adelikat's A2600 Spider-Man in 00:20.13
#3766: MTA's N64 Resident Evil 2 "Leon A" in 1:12:13.63
#3779: link_7777's SNES Super Star Wars in 22:00.41
#3787: McBobX's GBA Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance "all furniture" in 24:10.45
#3805: got4n's GBC Rayman 2 in 29:14.02
#3820: Soig's Wii New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 24:39.02
#3840: p3r's NES Captain Planet and the Planeteers in 23:47.05
#3874: Remzi's Arcade Penguin Brothers in 17:02.68
#3876: Thevlackdemonn2294's Windows Crazy Bound in 05:29.83
#3877: McBobX's GBA King of Fighters EX 2: Howling Blood in 08:16.54
#3880: McBobX's GBC Mega Man Xtreme "100%" in 29:46.56
#3887: DonamerDragon's SNES Super Mario Kart "Time Trial" in 01:15.53
#3933: Espyo's Windows VB6 "fastest Hello World" in 00:09.61
#3942: Diego_Montoya's PSX Tekken 2 "no damage, hard mode" in 03:38.50
#3961: NhatNM's NES Circus Charlie in 03:23.08
#3970: kchrules's NES Mega Man "Buster only, no damage" in 27:23.03
#3989: Masterjun's GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" in 01:10.70
#4002: inakilbss's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:13.27
#4008: bloodyspare's NES Life Force "Superplay" in 26:18.22
#4010: emi3d's NES Contra "1 player" in 09:36.18
#4022: phoenix1291's DS Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll in 07:37.63
#4023: y479021776's NES Bump 'n' Jump in 19:30.89
#4031: Ji-chan's Windows I Wanna Be the Guy "Impossible" in 20:12.94
#4035: got4n & NilsTFK's GC Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc in 2:08:13.30
#4039: SonicBoom737's Genesis Vector in Sonic 1 in 12:20.87
#4040: turgish's GBA Super Mario Advance "Peach only" in 16:01.87
#4041: McBobX's Genesis Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog in 14:09.43
#4055: turgish's GBA Super Mario Advance "princess only" in 11:37.87
#4060: nico30620's SNES Lucky Luke in 26:49.86
#4061: nico30620's SMS The Ninja in 06:29.30
#4074: Palidian's NES Time Diver Eon Man in 15:06.27
#4080: Rushnerd's SNES Claymates in 39:01.01
#4084: TheZZAZZGlitch's GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "game end glitch" in 1:30:08.36
#4085: Rushnerd's NES Xexyz in 28:50.02
#4092: got4n & negative_seven's GBA Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 "E-reader levels any%" in 36:55.73
#4119: letcreate123's SNES Mario Is Sick "100%" in 03:22.85
#4125: ouendan's GB X (Japan) "100%" in 1:09:00.02
#4126: TheZZAZZGlitch's GBC Pokémon: Gold Version "game end glitch" in 59:36.02
#4133: Gemini-Man's GBC The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX "no deaths" in 13:27.60
#4135: letcreate123's DS Tetris DS "Push Mode Level 5" in 00:19.79
#4138: kengenken's SNES Master Hand's Doomsday (SMW1 Hack) in 1:29:07.18
#4139: heldtogetherwithtape's GG Mega Man in 14:31.19
#4149: gbreeze's GBA Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World in 10:02.39
#4152: Anonymous7424's NES Silver Surfer in 33:02.09
#4157: saomoore94's SNES Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 "Flawless Run" in 08:21.54
#4158: saomoore94's SNES Final Fight Guy "Punching Tricks" in 41:10.61
#4163: saomoore94's SNES Mortal Kombat "Flawless Run" in 10:38.95
#4165: saomoore94's N64 Mortal Kombat 4 "Flawless Run" in 08:59.23
#4193: nico30620's SMS The Ninja in 05:41.34
#4197: KusogeMan's SNES Justice League Task Force in 09:08.70
#4209: STV_Brozer's PSX WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game in 09:54.08
#4231: lu9's GBC Stuart Little: The Journey Home "password" in 01:55.26
#4252: Masterjun's SNES Super Mario World "11 exits" in 08:07.53
#4256: YushiroGowa's SNES Kirby Super Star "100%, Spring Breeze" in 07:35.17
#4267: Dimon12321's N64 Doom 64 in 41:22.45
#4274: mbm's Windows Betasuppe in 01:49.08
#4282: lu9's GBC Stuart Little: The Journey Home in 07:31.82
#4283: ComboMaster7's DS Ultmate Mortal Kombat "100% finish" in 13:24.06
#4285: Dimon12321's Genesis Duke Nukem 3D in 24:12.95
#4292: Kaizoboy's Windows Doge's Adventure in 00:47.52
#4294: Kaizoboy's SNES Kaizo Mario World "100%" in 19:48.24
#4301: martandelus's Genesis Steel Empire in 35:32.51
#4305: Dimon12321's Genesis Worms "playaround" in 14:19.05
#4314: ScienenceFX's GBA Super Mario Advance 2 : Super Mario World "96 Exit" in 1:41:48.53
#4317: dekutony's GBC Pokémon Adventure in 05:01.59
#4337: Dimon12321's Genesis Double Dragon in 04:35.91
#4344: SierraNTS's SNES Mega Man X2 "100%" in 32:02.07
#4378: Jigwally's GBC The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland in 03:04.50
#4381: kusoman's NES Super Mario Bros. "glitchless" in 06:00.99
#4384: Ambiance_69's NES New Super Mario Bros 5 "warpless" in 18:40.24
#4389: HyperZoot's SNES The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots! in 18:11.84
#4396: P0rtalFTW's NES Super Mario Bros. "Quests A and B" in 11:28.75
#4405: MegYesDKNo's SNES Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest "51%" in 1:41:17.01
#4414: dekutony's GBC Pokémon: Platinum Edition in 03:19.87
#4447: MarioUniverseZone's NES Super Jeopardy! in 16:55.00
#4450: TheAxeMan's NES Final Fantasy "Console Verification" in 1:11:28.35
#4457: gamerretro2's GBA The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in 14:24.86
#4458: gamerretro2's Genesis Disney's Pinocchio in 11:42.55
#4459: zoboner's Genesis Arrow Flash "100%" in 30:40.50
#4466: zoboner's Genesis Arrow Flash in 26:11.66
#4467: LaryDLobster's NES Super Mario Bros. in 05:50.22
#4477: BrunoRaji's Arcade Shadow Dancer in 09:49.18
#4512: MarbleousDave's NES Super Mario Bros. 3Mix "100%" in 2:23:36.48
#4531: puppy610's SNES Super Mario World "playaround" in 15:38.02
#4534: puppy610's SNES Super Mario World "No Orb/Cloud" in 11:26.07
#4545: dekutony's Genesis Pocket Monster II in 04:02.90
#4558: Jigwally's NES Spot: The Video Game in 01:14.04
#4566: Fortranm's NES Donkey Kong: Original Edition "all accessories" in 01:35.24
#4573: The_Trust's GC Tom and Jerry: War of the Whiskers "Hard difficulty" in 03:22.62
#4579: Hoandjzj's DS Another Code: Two Memories in 56:06.27
#4604: ToniLawtan's NES 1943: The Battle of Midway "all levels, no cheat" in 1:16:31.74
#4605: ToniLawtan's NES Zunou Senkan Galg "first loop" in 16:17.74
#4607: ToniLawtan's NES The 3-D Battles of WorldRunner "no bonus, no warp" in 22:47.05
#4615: NESAtlas's Genesis RoadBlasters in 20:32.99
#4618: Baddap1's NES Bowser's Jumping Challenge in 07:54.25
#4619: Baddap1's NES Super Mario Unlimited in 13:03.46
#4632: NitroGenesis's NES Citizen Kane in 06:04.05
#4672: MarioUniverseZone's NES Super Mario Unlimited "warps" in 11:57.68
#4683: Gfx's GC Resident Evil 2 "Leon A" in 48:21.55
#4688: Gfx's GC Resident Evil 2 "Claire B" in 56:43.17
#4698: TASeditor & Masterjun's FDS The Legend of Zelda "2nd quest, game end glitch" in 03:34.70
#4705: Gfx's GC Resident Evil – Code: Veronica X in 1:53:25.82
#4736: CReTiNo's Genesis Bram Stoker's Dracula in 12:58.74
#4740: EyeGlitch's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. 3 "warpless run" in 57:10.28
#4765: StarOfDoom's SNES Super Mario World "Low%" in 16:24.03
#4766: julius_x's SNES Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals in 2:59:57.28
#4769: Rockman_The_EXE's PSX Mega Man X6 "any%" in 34:44.32
#4779: xy2_'s DS New Zelda in 02:41.05
#4785: CogneatoSwitch's NES Nobunaga's Ambition "17 Fiefs" in 23:24.39
#4793: dekutony's GBA The Fairly OddParents!: Enter the Cleft in 37:02.48
#4806: Beefster's SMS Golvellius in 40:31.00
#4827: NEVERDOORS's N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "No Doors" in 32:01.85
#4852: julius_x's SNES Yuu Yuu Hakusho "Story Mode" in 34:53.05
#4871: Geferulf's PSX Street Fighter: The Movie "Playaround" in 27:56.69
#4899: Geferulf's Arcade Street Fighter III: New Generation "Playaround" in 09:39.38
#4908: gamerretro2's SMS Alex Kidd: High-Tech World in 07:50.64
#4955: wcgbg's NES Pac-Man (Namco) in 5:08:39.15
#4964: Geferulf's Genesis Road Rash 3 in 1:53:43.79
#4974: shevek's MSX Thexder in 12:37.74
#4983: GRDM's DS Mario Party in 1:14:52.55
#4996: dwangoAC's A2600 FlapPing "Poorlords" in 00:16.65
#5001: MarbleousDave's GB Snoopy's Magic Show in 45:15.11
#5021: vince1919's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. 2 in 07:34.42
#5027: Samsara's N64 Fighters Destiny in 01:44.43
#5053: Plumato's GC Tony Hawk's Underground 2 "Classic All Goals (Normal)" in 17:22.08
#5060: McBobX & Samsara's NES Puss 'n Boots: Pero's Great Adventure in 06:58.63
#5083: Spikestuff & Fog's NES Mini Putt in 02:33.46
#5085: dwangoAC, ais523 & ChrisS67's DOS NetHack "spend ~900 turns preparing for fastest gametime, t" in 01:27.48
#5091: Meerkov's NES Bible Buffet in 03:35.31
#5145: keylie & KadMony's SNES Final Fantasy VI in 31:47.69
#5163: V's Arcade Shinobi in 09:27.38
#5218: FatRatKnight's NES Overlord in 03:57.34
#5228: Unknown394's Wii Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii in 1:34:32.42
#5255: jmosx36's SNES Top Gear 3000 in 2:05:09.40
#5260: LazerLemon's NES Galaga: Demons of Death "High Score" in 00:57.56
#5267: DrD2k9's NES Battle Chess "All Battle Animations" in 18:21.19
#5287: Arcree's Genesis Astérix and the Great Rescue in 30:13.17
#5326: I like bleach 64's PSX Ridge Racer "any%" in 03:57.59
#5343: DrD2k9's NES Circus Caper "Left Wall Exit Glitch" in 07:06.06
#5413: Meerkov's NES Jaws in 03:32.52
#5424: RandomGameTASes's DS Mario VS Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayham! in 02:54.91
#5435: CDRomatron's GBA Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced "credits%" in 00:36.15
#5453: ThunderAxe31's GBC 2003 Crash II Advance in 15:10.92
#5459: DJ Incendration's NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! "Mike Tyson Fastest KO" in 04:07.96
#5469: Valentin_Svet's SNES The Chessmaster "Checkmate ,Variant Standart, KI Standart" in 02:36.08
#5475: Jhynjhiruu's NES Late for Work in 01:40.43
#5477: jmosx36's SNES Super Off Road "fast max upgrades" in 13:57.04
#5478: McHazard's Arcade Arm Wrestling in 08:06.47
#5480: ruadath's SNES SOS in 04:44.90
#5493: Capt_RiskyBoots's GBA Klonoa: Empire of Dreams in 46:46.09
#5494: DwainiumB's SNES SOS in 04:43.17
#5498: NT2K17's NES Track & Field in 08:12.74
#5526: thegoldfish's GBA Snake (cgaleriu) "maximum score" in 03:36.57
#5535: lu9's GBA Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World "Luigi Low% (Small Only)" in 15:48.01
#5541: Cheesestringxx's SMS Rocky in 03:02.99
#5546: maTO's Genesis Syd of Valis in 08:32.18
#5547: EVHoficial's SNES Mega Man X "100%" in 48:27.69
#5559: lu9's GBA Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World "Luigi Low% (Small Only)" in 15:26.89
#5580: lu9's GBC LEGO Island 2 in 17:13.53
#5586: TajTheGenie's NES Sesame Street ABC "100%" in 05:14.53
#5590: Timestoppa & j1h7e7's SNES Super Mario World "96 Exit Fewest A or B Presses" in 5:11:40.64
#5593: Jhynjhiruu's Windows Normal Super Mario Bros. ""Any/100%"" in 02:18.78
#5595: DrD2k9's C64 Double Dragon "OCEAN Port" in 12:53.11
#5631: ace7153's NES Super Mario Bros. in 06:05.37
#5635: Bluely's GBC Toki Tori in 46:37.69
#5640: ruadath's NES Bokosuka Wars in 04:22.25
#5645: SpectrumDisasterTM's GBA Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! "105%" in 2:13:34.30
#5648: Lu64's GBA Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga "glitchless" in 3:15:53.55
#5663: icy's SMS Sonic Chaos in 11:25.55
#5675: TASandTAF's DS Brain Age in 03:21.58
#5698: WaveFire_yt's NES Wally Bear and the NO! Gang "100%" in 06:36.01
#5713: Evan0512's NES Mario's Time Machine! "Password to ending" in 01:29.15
#5714: FranciTheGamer's SNES Korosu Mario World in 22:04.12
#5723: KinsleU's SNES Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World "All Four" in 34:14.47
#5757: Evan0512's DS Brain Age in 02:47.70
#5758: EZGames69's NES Mario's Time Machine! in 07:33.62
#5780: Drakodan's Genesis Barney's Hide & Seek Game in 05:00.27
#5793: KusogeMan's GBA Digimon Battle Spirit in 14:16.07
#5804: thatchbro's DS Mario Party DS "Boss Bash" in 10:07.68
#5813: billygod's PSX Resident Evil 3: Nemesis "knife only" in 1:18:58.37
#5819: DBXV's GBA Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury in 2:14:52.03
#5832: ruadath's WSWAN Clock Tower for WonderSwan in 04:02.59
#5861: PLAYERONE's SegaCD Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix in 33:22.24
#5875: jmosx36's SNES Disney's Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald "Donald" in 33:02.35
#5895: ThunderAxe31's NES Super Mario Bros. "standless%" in 05:13.95
#5901: ThunderAxe31, WarHippy, xy2_, MUGG & ruadath's GBC Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure in 13:15.73
#5912: warmCabin's NES Super Mario Bros. in 09:01.18
#5941: donnaken15's Genesis Mario 3: Around the World "100%" in 10:32.63
#5949: Jigwally's GBA Cabbage Patch Kids: The Patch Puppy Rescue in 06:20.09
#5980: Vilsol's NES Bonk's Adventure in 20:14.32
#6006: Technickle's SNES Top Gear 2 "USA%" in 11:35.47
#6019: BrunoRaji's Arcade Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S. (Japan) in 01:30.68
#6052: poco_cpp's NES Dr. Mario in 00:22.96
#6057: NhatNM's SNES Prince of Persia in 31:31.48
#6066: TheGreatestRoman's N64 Disney's Tarzan in 26:15.28
#6067: gamerretro2's SMS Alex Kidd: High-Tech World in 06:42.80
#6068: EZGames69's GB Mickey's Dangerous Chase in 11:43.46
#6084: Taechuk & Sharkey91's DS Yoshi's Island DS in 1:27:43.91
#6105: Vince7778's Linux VVVVVV "no telejumping, least checkpoints" in 15:35.17
#6110: TommyeAsY's PSX Hogs of War in 1:05:34.73
#6120: DungeonFacts's DOS Crystal Caves: Volume 2 - Sluggin' It Out in 23:40.57
#6152: chatterbox's SNES EarthBound in 54:07.83
#6157: DuduGamerEXT's SNES Gradius III "E. Laser Only, No Missle & Shield" in 27:26.47
#6167: GameBreaker64's A2600 Jungle Hunt in 02:29.96
#6168: DuduGamerEXT's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. 3 "Glitchfest, 100%" in 1:17:11.57
#6172: EZGames69's SMS The Lion King in 06:35.69
#6206: kierio04's NES Super Mario Bros. "pacifist, no coins" in 05:11.67
#6207: Wobmiar's GC Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles in 1:40:46.55
#6226: Pepper-Color's NES Street Fighter IV in 08:13.59
#6236: alex_ik's NES Contra in 08:48.36
#6239: DBXV's GBA Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury in 2:03:42.76
#6244: Pepper-Color's Arcade '88 Games in 13:00.33
#6259: DMTASpeedruns's NES Super Clip Bros in 01:02.56
#6260: Pepper-Color's Arcade Mystic Warriors: Wrath of the Ninjas "Yuri" in 24:13.28
#6265: juef's NES Nebs 'n Debs in 10:25.39
#6268: Pepper-Color's Arcade Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa in 18:23.02
#6281: MarbleousDave's NES Hello Kitty World "all balloons" in 31:29.90
#6283: doomjoshuaboy's SNES Tetris & Dr. Mario "tetris, fastest 999999" in 27:39.30
#6299: EZGames69's PCE Pac-Land in 23:09.63
#6306: ookamisuketoudara's DS Tetris Party Deluxe "Sprint" in 00:49.43
#6312: WMJ's N64 Shadow Man in 30:15.82
#6325: EZGames69's SNES Steamed Hams but It's a Super Mario World ROM Hack in 01:37.57
#6340: Darkdevil's GBC 10-Pin Bowling "worst possible score" in 03:21.73
#6364: DMTASpeedruns's FDS Super Mario Bros. 2 "warpless" in 21:23.54
#6371: pillow's FDS Super Mario Bros. "-3 stage ending, human theory" in 02:50.69
#6386: EchoedMelodies's A2600 Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park in 02:28.27
#6394: DMTASpeedruns's FDS Super Mario Bros. 2 (J) "warpless" in 21:16.02
#6417: Juarez's Genesis Sunset Riders "highscore" in 20:46.12
#6423: TheRandomMaster's SegaCD Sonic CD Plus Plus "any%" in 15:51.46
#6443: Lizstar's Arcade Bongo "maximum score" in 23:43.39
#6444: Jont's Linux Undertale "True Pacifist ending" in 1:21:55.37
#6449: Lizstar's DOS Skunny: Back to the Forest in 11:41.77
#6465: SpeedyTheHedgehog's NES Super Mario Bros. 2 "Luigi only" in 08:50.26
#6487: KAGE-008's NES Felix the Cat "glitch exit" in 04:33.80
#6503: Juarez's Genesis Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles in 06:44.25
#6512: Juarez's Genesis Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles "2 players" in 06:10.18
#6514: Soig's NES Contra Force in 10:27.72
#6515: Soig's SNES Contra III: The Alien Wars in 12:56.02
#6519: Bluely's NES Spot: The Video Game in 00:25.77
#6527: Hexadigital's GBA Tetris Worlds "Marathon Mode" in 08:43.66
#6540: sushiw097's NES Super Mario Bros. "glitchless" in 05:07.36
#6558: Ninja-kun's Arcade Samurai Shodown in 17:28.33
#6562: Glink_TeamPocket's SNES SOS "Bad Ending" in 04:44.13
#6563: Glink_TeamPocket's SNES SOS in 04:40.75
#6601: Pancake001's SNES New Super Mario Land "1P Only" in 11:55.72
#6621: SonicFan53's SMS Sonic the Hedgehog "Individual Level" in 00:48.41
#6631: Fraplatek's NES Tengen Tetris "30 lines" in 00:53.63
#6632: Fraplatek's NES Tengen Tetris "30 lines" in 00:28.92
#6702: Spikestuff's PSX One On One in 04:14.70
#6715: Technickle's SNES Ms. Pac-Man in 20:25.43
#6717: MarbleousDave's NES Mermaids of Atlantis: The Riddle of the Magic Bubble "Stacked" in 00:28.60
#6724: KietTezend's PSX Ganbare Goemon: Ooedo Daikaiten in 1:12:17.88
#6747: dave_dfwm's NES Rambo in 16:54.13
#6759: Meerkov's PSX Arthur! Ready to Race in 19:44.55
#6777: sveniroth's PCE Neutopia in 40:15.43
#6781: sveniroth's PCE Neutopia "no fire wand" in 39:50.91
#6808: DarkShamilKhan's Genesis Vector in Sonic 1 in 12:07.79
#6817: LucianoTheWindowsFan's SNES Hebereke's Popoon "100%" in 41:38.60
#6824: ScHlAuChi's Genesis Ultracore in 35:13.36
#6840: KietTezend's PSX Lucifer Ring in 21:12.14
#6841: GTFoxN6Y0899's Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "Game Change Glitch%" in 01:36.89
#6845: KietTezend's PSX Lucifer Ring in 20:17.72
#6901: arukAdo & EZGames69's Saturn Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in 10:11.80
#6902: artbreeder's PSX Qix Neo "Original mode" in 07:26.58
#6930: dragoonanime's PSX Digimon World "100 Prosperity" in 2:52:34.93
#6931: PGCX864's Genesis Felix the Cat in 07:31.03
#6936: dagit's SMS Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar in 1:08:34.86
#6939: Double_Pickaxe_YT's NES VS. Super Mario Bros. "glitchless" in 11:34.82
#6956: crazyjesse's NES Bio Hazard in 15:18.27
#6957: crazyjesse's NES Donkey Kong Country 4 in 13:35.34
#6988: XTREMAL93's NES Earthworm Jim 2 (Shin-Shin) in 09:43.92
#7001: ItsPietroFelix's Genesis Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau "Easy Mode" in 06:34.76
#7008: Natetheman223's GC Catwoman in 52:30.40
#7011: DaJaWi & Meerkov's GBA Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone "game end glitch" in 02:59.00
#7017: Winslinator's INTV USCF Chess in 01:21.31
#7042: XTREMAL93's NES Earthworm Jim 2 (Shin-Shin) in 09:40.53
#7073: greysondn's SNES Mario Paint "Color-A-Dinosaur%" in 33:53.63
#7074: ThunderAxe31's GB Game Boy Camera "Ball, maximum score" in 2:22:19.12
#7075: Googlefan247's SNES Tic-Tac-Toe in 00:10.38
#7080: McBobX's GBA Mega Man Zero 4 "no upgrades" in 38:57.06
#7102: J.Y's NES Mitsume ga Tooru in 16:01.25
#7106: RN22's Genesis Minnesota Fats: Pool Legend "100%, story mode only" in 09:30.42
#7136: naruko's NES Final Fantasy II "game end glitch" in 06:16.81
#7137: darkjason89's SNES Mega Man X: Hard Type "Password Glitched" in 21:25.57
#7171: MrTASer's NES Track & Field "max score" in 08:36.88
#7178: Technickle's SNES Stone Protectors in 18:28.54
#7198: DancemaniaLover's NES Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Ralph Belmont only" in 28:20.90
#7221: DancemaniaLover's NES Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse "Ralph Belmont only" in 28:10.07
#7249: ookamisuketoudara's GBC Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy's Candy Quest in 33:38.89
#7251: PTL's Wii Super Paper Mario in 3:43:30.45
#7252: Repressed's SNES Super Mario World "0 exit" in 01:48.77
#7258: supersonik's GB James Bond 007 in 39:26.43
#7269: woshixiaofangkuai233's GBA Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 in 11:39.31
#7270: woshixiaofangkuai233's FDS Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:19.26
#7281: Rm's Linux A Virtuous Run in 01:04.28
#7285: Mikolaj's DS Brain Age "Training" in 00:27.56
#7289: Rm's A2600 Pepsi Invaders "first round" in 00:36.11
#7290: ItsPietroFelix's Genesis Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau in 09:32.65
#7303: Brice's Genesis Flashback: The Quest for Identity in 21:54.06
#7305: aliilho2's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 05:34.95
#7308: MrTASer's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. "Any%" in 06:14.12
#7326: MrTASer's NES Ultimate Frogger Champion in 00:47.95
#7327: Sam_Underscore's GBA Original Memory Game "20 Cards" in 00:39.31
#7333: Sam_Underscore's GBA Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge in 07:44.41
#7336: Sam_Underscore's GBA Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone "game end glitch" in 03:50.50
#7350: M1D's GBA Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend "Time Challenge" in 27:33.53
#7366: TrueSnokido's GBA Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend in 22:39.07
#7445: Overcomplicated With Dominic's NES Dig Dug "Playaround" in 04:45.28
#7448: Mosaic2008's NES Solitaire in 01:05.19
#7463: Thegame22's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 04:58.72
#7511: BlueMania_X's Saturn Astra Superstars "playaround" in 08:33.73
#7525: memeboi470's Genesis Mortal Kombat "Johnny Cage" in 11:45.02
#7526: BlueMania X's NES SMB The Mystery of Luigi "Glitchless" in 02:03.63
#7534: Cephla's NES Frog in 01:14.11
#7536: MrTASer's NES Chase in 01:18.47
#7549: MrTASer's NES Rooms in 03:14.20
#7584: signupredir26 & TehEnglishSpartan's NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link in 26:54.06
#7591: Cephla's A2600 Blinky in 01:35.84
#7614: Cephla's NES Mine Mayhem in 01:52.71
#7618: NemoRuby's GG Mega Man "zipless" in 14:53.35
#7624: m_riss's NES Tetris "Fastest Crash" in 1:10:26.37
#7626: sinphy's NES Pac-Man Championship Edition in 05:42.27
#7627: sinphy's NES Pac-Man Championship Edition "Extra" in 03:40.70
#7656: reirrab's DS Space Invaders Extreme 2 in 09:45.18
#7671: enderpal7's GBC Postie in 00:58.58
#7680: Cephla's NES KUBO in 00:40.40
#7703: memeboi470's SNES Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures in 22:48.11
#7708: kunzd's Windows The Hive in 22:50.31
#7735: eladogGames's SNES Super Mario All-Stars: Super Mario Bros. "%warps" in 05:53.65
#7736: eladogGames's GBC Aladdin, Disney's "%any" in 18:14.40
#7748: AlbertTheGamer2006's NES Super Mario Bros Medley (SMB1 Hack) "Any%" in 03:03.23
#7749: AlbertTheGamer2006's NES SMB1-240 (SMB1 Hack) "Any%" in 04:30.84
#7764: sobble_p's Flash Hedgehog Launch "no mouse limits" in 00:10.22
#7779: AlbertTheGamer2006's NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "100%" in 22:47.63
#7797: AlbertTheGamer2006's NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "Any%" in 20:15.22
#7802: AlbertTheGamer2006's NES Super Mario Bros. Extended "Any% D-4" in 13:28.29
#7837: eladogGames's GBC Aladdin, Disney's "%any" in 17:16.06
#7844: MamaLuigiMomsLotsaSpaghetti's GBA Power Rangers: Ninja Storm "any%" in 25:56.08
#7847: Sonic123TTSLives's Genesis Sonic The Hackable "any%" in 08:53.87
#7853: Sonic123TTSLives's Genesis The Real Sonic 2 in 01:29.62
#7872: Sonic123TTSLives's Genesis Sonic's Epic Quest in 02:25.85
#7885: eladogGames's N64 Super Smash Bros. "yoshi%" in 11:09.88
#7903: Crushie's NES Donkey Kong Classics "Game A" in 01:23.28
#7904: Crushie's NES Donkey Kong Classics "full (2 games)" in 03:34.30
#7972: jquann1998's SNES Super Mario World "Yellow Switch only, warps" in 13:57.19
#7990: Cetlan's SNES Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest "MinimumBananas%" in 1:11:37.87
#8045: Eduardo_EVF's GB DuckTales 2 in 14:37.94
#8052: signupredir26's NES Zelda II: The Adventure of Link in 21:06.48
#8055: eladogGames's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps" in 12:35.16
#8085: FistaGames's NES Friday The 13th: Return To Camp Blood in 04:50.44
#8086: FistaGames's NES Halloween: October 31st in 04:17.31
#8087: FistaGames's NES A Nightmare On Elm Street: Son Of A Hundred Maniacs in 06:56.23
#8088: FistaGames's NES Candyman: Be My Victim in 08:21.16
#8089: FistaGames's NES Carpet Shark in 06:44.72
#8090: FistaGames's NES Plummet Challenge Game in 04:57.16
#8106: GTFoxN6Y0899's Arcade Office Yeo In Cheon Ha ""Maximum Score"" in 14:59.83
#8118: jquann1998's SNES Super Mario World "no cape, warps" in 13:26.39
#8127: eladogGames's GBA SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab "%any" in 45:40.26
#8131: Eduardo_EVF's GB DuckTales 2 in 10:54.06
#8132: Tegron's Linux Project Kat - Paper Lily Prologue "Dead End K2 - Cold Kat Feet" in 01:54.40
#8142: Eduardo_EVF's Genesis Show do Milhão "One Million BRL's" in 04:52.04
#8143: Eduardo_EVF's Genesis Show do Milhão Volume 2 "One Million of Reais" in 05:03.57
#8163: Eduardo_EVF's NES Super Mario World (Bootleg) "Any%" in 01:55.54
#8254: m_riss's NES Tetris "Fastest Crash%" in 32:46.76
#8272: Eduardo_EVF's GB DuckTales in 08:49.76
#8290: OisinFan62's GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "warpless" in 19:33.81
#8321: FistaGames's NES A Nightmare On Elm Street: Son Of A Hundred Maniacs in 06:51.44
#8322: FistaGames's NES Candyman: Be My Victim in 07:54.93
#8333: FistaGames's NES Friday The 13th: Return To Camp Blood in 04:35.65
#8338: eladogGames's GBC Capybara Quest "any%" in 07:31.05
#8343: notpsx's GC Resident Evil 4 "Assignment Ada" in 06:58.20
#8356: KenYue_96's WSWAN Tetris "40 lines" in 00:25.78
#8405: lolr4v82's N64 Super Mario 64 "16 stars" in 20:36.15
#8413: LoganTheTASer's SNES Barbie Super Model in 03:34.80
#8425: 89o's Flash Deep Sleep in 01:58.47
#8475: Jack-Retro's Arcade Marble Madness II in 08:06.13
#8573: Ahym's Flash Stick RPG Complete "100%" in 04:10.11
#8590: CyanTheGamerhog01's NES Super C "No Power-Ups" in 14:21.17
#8603: Technoturnovers's Flash Pico's School in 00:58.55
#8615: Technoturnovers's Flash This Is the Only Level in 01:56.83
#8624: Technoturnovers's X1 Super Mario Bros. Special in 57:37.32
#8630: Technoturnovers's ZXS Jetpac "16 rockets" in 12:58.57
#8648: Technoturnovers's Arcade Time Pilot "maximum difficulty" in 03:11.07
#8657: Technoturnovers's Arcade Gorf in 05:59.16
#8659: Technoturnovers's Arcade Defender "maximum difficulty" in 03:01.99
#8683: inconsistent's GBC Augury Red Code in 02:03.38
#8704: TateTF20230623's Genesis Lose Tails or Else "100%" in 03:14.52
#8751: TheBlazingmo's DS Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing "All Cups" in 38:21.45
#8801: umcinco's SNES Super Mario World "warps" in 16:03.48
#8808: TheBlazingmo's Saturn Sonic R in 06:54.33
#8899: scratchtas's Windows Touhou 11 Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism "Lunatic Perfect Scoring" in 25:53.10
#8910: supermanofky's SNES The Death and Return of Superman in 39:05.12
#8940: MamaLuigiMomsLotsaSpaghetti's GBA Power Rangers: Dino Thunder in 37:37.22
#8941: LoganTheTASer's ZXS Circus (Digital Fantasia) in 04:18.93
#8946: eladogGames's Arcade Mortal Kombat in 07:08.47
#8961: eladogGames's Genesis Segapede in 00:16.69
#8999: miolakesanto's NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "Game Crash" in 03:46.16
#9019: pedro's Genesis Sonic 2 Extended in 16:29.87
#9022: ruru-ta's Flash The Big Adventure of Owata's Life "Genjitsu path" in 04:31.06
#9059: rqkaiju2's PSX Pop'n Music "NoMiss, Hard, 9Key" in 07:13.00
#9135: RodrigoTeixeira07's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, no L+R" in 05:18.71
#9141: Owlineee's SNES Lamborghini: American Challenge in 05:51.34
#9197: Geferulf's GC True Crime: Streets of LA in 40:21.43
#9216: XpNvH's NES Fruit Shinobi "bomb%" in 00:56.04
#9249: SalamenceShiro's DS Wheel of Fortune in 04:42.72
#9277: Adorabull's GBA My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow in 24:33.69
#9319: TheBlazingmo's N64 Super Mario 64: Sonic Edition+ v2 "16 Stars" in 14:31.90
#9363: bbqkaizo2024NH's Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog: Isle of Magnetic Artifacts "Super Challenge, Sonic" in 02:51.47
#9367: LukeManiac's NES Toad's Treasure Quest "100%" in 09:46.20
#9381: KusogeMan's GC Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO "survival HIGH SCORE" in 27:39.28
#9431: Shot313's GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe "warps" in 05:33.12
#9444: Fortranm's GB Pocket Monsters: Green Version "warp glitch" in 04:22.88
#9450: starleaf's NES Super Mario Bros. "glitchless" in 06:06.46
#9518: Yoshikiller109 & Evllnk2565's NES Mega Man "glitchless" in 22:08.16
#9521: TheOnlyOne's SNES Super Punch-Out!! in 27:45.92
#9527: TasGrau's Genesis Show do Milhão "1 MILHÃO DE REAIS" in 05:20.78
#9536: TheOnlyOne's Arcade Arm Wrestling in 11:43.25